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Everything posted by draego

  1. Ye on multiple playthroughs there are some quests that could have had more choices and hopefully POE2 there will be more even in small stuff like this. Gilded Vale had a few quest that could have done better. The Smith's Shipment comes to mind where you basically help the smith or dont (but the dont has no benefit it just skipping the quest). You cant steal the goods or give them to Curnd for reward (this one basically felt like they just didnt finish it). Also A Mother's Plea, you can help (there were choices for ways of helping at least) or dont (again no benefit to not helping). What if you could steal the potion for yourself and gain an exclusive potion for the game. or maybe the choice is to help someone else or turn her in to the authorities for going to questionable source for help. same with Late for Dinner you help or dont (and again no benefit to skipping). Maybe you could have stolen something for the bandits from the inn. Im not saying i want to be bad all the time but there were few options to hurt gilded vale with alot of these early side quest. Basically you help gilded vale or you skip the quest. Now the Lord of a Barren Land gave you some options but ye more options for different kinds of characters and they all dont have to be evil per se just different like Against the grain which had a few options both ways and neither was evil just different perspective. I do find i role play more on multiple playthroughs though. So when i rolled a wizard - scientist looking for escape from death. with A Mother's Plea, I 'stole' the potion and didnt finish the quest because maybe it could be useful to discover what it did. For a berath priest build basically a judge dredd, in the quest Buried Secrets when found out the lord didnt want people digging in the temple i left because of my since of duty to the law (would be nice to turn him in before you go digging around). Stuff like that to make the role play more consistent. Had to squash my completionist feelings but made my choices more rewarding for playthrough.
  2. This would be quite an ending for POE1 and start to POE2. I guess someone will try this.
  3. I wonder if Troubadour will be the go to multiclass because of the passive nature of chants. I bet all abilities interrupt chants like invocations do so it not to OP for the game.
  4. I knew it worked like that in the original idea of the mutliclass system, I just thought that everything about that system was scrapped now. Ye spells and abilities scale giving single class an advantage with power.
  5. Thanks for the link. So at least we are not hard-forced into alternating between classes. Yes, I also have noticed that Josh has included [Weapon & Shield Style] which is a talent, not an ability. There is one thing that worries me in that post though: 1 spell slot equals 1 ability slot? If so, that's not good, not good at all. In PoE1, on each odd level, fighter could select 1 ability, while priest and druid were learning 3-9 spells. Not to mention that if a lvl 3 battlemage/warden/cleric would have to choose between taking knockdown vs a rank 2 spell... guess what he would choose. Provided that fighter abilities use resources from a common pool, while spells are limited to spell-usages per rank (conform to spell-progression table by power level). Well... . So looks like there is no getting lots of spells on level up. All spells and abilities are treated the same. So super focuses builds i suppose. I am interested how they balance wizards having grimoires that can let them cast more than their selected spells. I wonder if other casters will get some stuff like that. I personally like this because i dont like casters that much they always seem to be op but this will be interesting.
  6. As it is presented at the moment I think that, unless you really want a high level ability that a multiclass character can't get, multiclassing seems the better option. Of course rebalancing old abilities may well change that. I think lots of the abilities will also scale with power level so single classes may have that also. Their abilities are just better even if they are the same as multiclass. Like sneak attack, prob carnage, animals, and spells (maybe not all but we know some do) scale so multiclasses will always have weaker versions So dragon trashed might be something like (Power Level)*X damage and minor avatar might give +(Power Level) to attributes rather than flat numbers? Yeah that would cut down the power level of multiclasses significantly, I was thinking it was now just a cap on the level of abilities you can take but from the description of the Lifegiver subclass it seems it still affects the strength of your spells/abilities. I know they gave the example of the wizards missile spell getting more missile on greater power levels. stuff like that dont know how it works for all spells
  7. As it is presented at the moment I think that, unless you really want a high level ability that a multiclass character can't get, multiclassing seems the better option. Of course rebalancing old abilities may well change that. I think lots of the abilities will also scale with power level so single classes may have that also. Their abilities are just better even if they are the same as multiclass. Like sneak attack, prob carnage, animals, and spells (maybe not all but we know some do) scale so multiclasses will always have weaker versions. the question becomes how much weaker. is it worth going single for stronger abilities. But yes also they need to make the final abilities good so as to make it painful to choose versatility of multiclass.
  8. Sounds like a build I've been mulling over for a while, which I call Berath's Reaper. Basically a Priest of Berath wielding Tidefall, wearing the Maegfolc Skull and having the RP motivation of hunting down vessels and spirits to return them to the Wheel. I like the fact you're thinking about how the revelations of Pillar's ending will affect your character's class in Deadfire. Cool concept. The Wizard I was planning was going to be your typical power hungry archmage early on in their career. Not an evil character per se, but they'd do evil things to further their own power. Their reasons for visiting the Dyrwood would be similar to yours: a search for knowledge about extending their life, either with animancy or magic. Violent visits to a pair of archmages in the region would also fit them. Ye the wizard concept was basically he isnt evil. but for science and for his obsession with overcoming death he would bend the normal rules to meat his aims kinda like what Caedman Azo turned into. I dont like pure evil stuff even my ranger he is not 'evil' really. there is a reason for his hatred and resentment from those who harmed him in the slave trade which he equates with the apparatus of those ruling dyrwood and the citizens that support it. That is why i am torn on what to do with white march 1 content fior the ranger. i dont know if i want to finish it. meaning start the forge. To me most of the content for white march especially part 1 revolves around helping stalwart and my ranger well he doesnt want to help these people. he hates them. why are there no other choices but to help those people. why cant you side with the orges and hurt them. or divert the ore to some other faction or anything else. Somehow keep for yourself. It really annoys me and i think its a little bit of missed story progression. i guess in white march 2 stuff you can have more choices but still alot of the content is for helping them there too. the vithrak incident, the Iron Flail Fort (help stalwart). until the final stuff in white march 2. this is what disappointed me about all that content
  9. I have a few characters in different states of a run that i plan to import not sure if i will get to them all. 1. Melee ranger going right now in POE1 and will import to POE2 as stalker no multi class pretty straight forward - concept basically orlan slave from deadfire that was stolen from the dyrewood tribes trying to find his way home and learn about his people. i thought it would be interesting to be pretty ****ty to the people of dyrwood in general and then when i found my tribes homes turn into a saint well saintish (to the tribes at least) the dispositions will be wacky for the end. 2. Berath priest/Pallid Knight concept that will lose faith in the end because you know stuff happens at the end (I dont think dyrewood will fair well in this the ending ). I think this one will change to druid because that seems like the godless faith to me or maybe paladin for similar mechanics so the character is still driven but has no faith. not sure yet maybe multclass druid/paladin for the oddness 3. Tank Barbarian - this has been really interesting (I never used barb or rogues. first barb was Maneha and that was eye opening for dps build which is not this build). I like martial classes (except monks sorry Boeroer no monks dont know why) way more than caster classes even though i did the above priest (more of melee priest so was ok). I think i may muticlass class this character also not sure what to yet maybe corpse eater/{Troubadour or Skald} or straight corpse eater . Using the build concept from Boeroer & Jojobobo build. not following exactly just got the concept from them. 4. wizard - dual weapon wizard - Not doing this one any more maybe just play it in POE2 my attempt to not play wizard as wizard - basically dr frankenstein from penny dreadful show - lost mother at young age couldn't do anything about it turned to science to try to overcome death - you can guess what he is doing in dyrewood what with all animancy there. this was my pro animancy build.
  10. That's curious... could we get a source and reasoning on that? https://www.twitch.tv/videos/158677319?t=46m36s
  11. I believe they stated the accuracy will be the same for all classes to start. I think health and defense will start different.
  12. https://twitter.com/jesawyer/status/911030926326370304. The caesar's legion look is in. cool stuff
  13. https://jesawyer.tumblr.com/post/165555197431/does-the-new-multiclassing-system-still-allow. This is a link posted in in another thread. It looks like you can pick from either talent tree you want when you level up. So if you want most talents from one class you can do that. So its not as ridged as AD&D. It also looks like they have simplified the talent abilities. If i am reading this post right you can pick what POE 1 calls talents/abilities on any level up you want. So i can pick multiple spells on back to back levels or maybe multiple abilities on back to back levels. not sure but that is how this post reads I wonder if we'll still get some common, non class specific talents in deadfire then. Sword and Shield style fighter only now? It looks like it. In the post above the character picks weapon and shield style which in POE 1 is not class specific. but ye we cant know for sure
  14. I hate to remotely agree with anything your write but ye it bugs me a little bit. There is a reason though Josh doesn't answer post though. its not just for kicks. not saying i agree. I mean he says that then answers on other forum/outlets but it is what it is i guess. Maybe he feel obligated because he has to pay for something awful forums and the other sites are social media not forums. So basically we are his little rat laboratory.
  15. I forgot i play rangers alot so if you look at the pet they have 5 int so..........
  16. I agree with this line of thinking because it ultimately up to how you roleplay and not others. So whatever lore you need for the build its all good. I think if they would have started with all 0 and let you build up it maybe psychologically different. not sure. I guess nostalgia is a strong pull.
  17. Ye i dont like min maxing either and the most i have done is go down to 8 but normally i dont go past 9. it just feel dirty. This game is good for that though. Attributes are not as important as other games like this. Usually when i check out builds on the the board here for ideas i may use one and just dont min/max and for the most part it plays pretty much the same because abilities and gear mean alot in this game.
  18. As they say on Twitter, life comes at you fast. I wonder if this refers to normal publishing where they would provide the capital for a game not just distribute it like with Pillars. If that is normal publishing I mean they are not taking on all the risk here for Pillars so maybe it more attractive.
  19. You have a point. Even in PoE1 wizards' way of learning spells was different from priest/dru.Instead of learning 3-9 spells immediately on each odd level, they were able to learn 2 on each odd, and 1 on each even level. The upside was that they could pay-learn up to 9-14 spells per rank and end up knowing up to 80-100 spells at max level. While if we combine the above link with this progression progression, it looks like wizard can learn 'permanently' up to 20 wizard spells, plus have access to those in his current grimoire. Now the question is: are the grimoires thick enough Here is a followup. https://jesawyer.tumblr.com/post/165588054981/hi-josh-amazing-update-i-was-thinking-are Wizards will definitely have less spells than in POE1. I wonder if that is true for all casters. Basically casters need to be more focused now with less spells to choose from. I forgot about the new grimoire thing. Wizards cant choose the grimoire spells. You have to finds multiple books and switch them out during battle to cast different spells. I actually like this, I have always hated wizard classes in general because they tended to veer into god classes. POE wasnt so bad and i did enjoy a dual wield wizard i ran basically buffing myself. but ye take them down a peg is always seems good to me.
  20. Ye i would like if Obsidian didnt create a manual and created the wiki themselves in place of manual. this gets the wiki up and running and sets it up to be added to later.
  21. I don't think we were supposed to notice... Multi-class Berath / Beckoner i suppose and the ability to rename your multiclass (which doesnt exist but there is always hope) boom necromancer - well at least in my head. There could be a wizard spell circle that could fit the theme but we would have to see the specific spells for each circle and the new spells if any.
  22. Well this is new.... http://versusevil.com/news/versus-evil-and-obsidian-entertainment-announce-pillars-of-eternity-ii-deadfire-publishing-partnership/
  23. Well abilities aren't exactly forced, i mean when you get them yes but what you take no. You can be a figher/rogue and take 90% fighter abilities. So there is still some flexibility. And you get more overall abilities than a single class. The other defenses in POE are defined by Attributes so there is no progression issue there because they all progress the same. This change would only significantly affect health and maybe starting deflection in POE 2 which would be averaged since i think accuracy is the same for everyone now.
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