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Everything posted by draego

  1. The question we have been waiting for. So Josh, are you bad at your job? https://jesawyer.tumblr.com/post/165266327406/hey-josh-do-you-think-you-wearing-too-many-hats
  2. No there are cross class talents that are spells. so a fighter can select spells. Not whole levels of spells just one at a time but still spells https://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Talent#Cross-class_talents_.5BWM1.5D
  3. If you have time for both, start with Skyrim, because it may be hard to play open world RPGs after W3.Otherwise I recommend playing Witcher 2 (which is relatively short) straight into Witcher 3 + DLCs (esp. Hearts of Stone). Also there are books. Personally I have really enjoyed them. P.S. W3 has better story. Skyrim more possibilities/freedom. Mechanic wise both can be broken, although Skyrim even more so (enchanting+alchemy+smithing endless optimization is an evil too hard to resist). I haven't played skyrim although i may try skywind once it finished in 5 years or so but ye elder scrolls games seem to be setup to be breakable. Even though i wouldnt recommend it when i played oblivion, for the last quarter of the game i spent nearly invisible with enchantments and just killed every enemy even the end boss while they still wondered what was happening. It was the only reason i finished since i was tired of that game. I am actually ashamed i beat that game because i dont like or recommend it.
  4. The modding i see over there makes me jealous. Cant we just contribute another 85 million (skyrim budget) or so and get scripting/editing tool in POE for custom modding.
  5. Ye the ranged ranger is a beast. Definitely a mistake by obsidian to not include pet damage in rangers overall damage numbers. It seems to give people a false since of true damage compared to other classes especially the rogue who is in direct competition for single target dps.
  6. Ye i find the wolf to be sturdy enough. You just need to pick your spots. Let the pet hit soft targets, flanking, or hold back several ticks while your frontline companions engage. Or just go full ranger melee and flank with both pet and ranger fun stuff if you like lots of micromanagement. The melee version comes around once you get stunning shots which works in melee.
  7. I wish they would have extended this naming convention to all npcs. I tried that once hoping i can add portraits for other npcs using the naming convention and it didnt seem to work.
  8. Here is a follow up from Josh's post on somethingawful forums for the crazies who think console have doomed Pillars. this was posted in a Pillars 2 forums already
  9. Not sure if this was posted. From Josh on somethingawful forums I didnt realize wizards would have more than 3.
  10. It's not petty, it's borderline retarded. Obsidian has outsourced the console port to a different company. Sawyer has stated multiple times that he doesn't have anything do with the ported version, nor does he take it into consideration when designing PoE2. The game is made for PC/Mac/Linux that's it. It's up to Paradox to figure it out, if they even are going to port 2nd game as well. I agree this is pretty dumb reason up there with the some saying they wont by the game if it doesn't have a walk toggle (which i get is not everyone who wants a walk toggle). Sawyer even says in a recent interview that he didnt like all the choices that were made by the team doing the port which isnt obsidian because they cut some stuff from the UI.
  11. Number of engagements is kinda overrated. It was more useful during the vanilla times, owing to changes to enemy targeting patterns. If the enemy targeting pattern is default, it doesn't matter if the frontline can engage the enemy as the enemy will still be targeting the said character. If the enemy specifically target your backline, the enemy will break and eat engagement attacks to reach your backline. Either case will stil happen with even if your frontline has increased number of engagement slots. What is the default number of engagements of non-fighters without any talents? And is there a way to increase the number without getting +engagements gear? Also, isn't Shatterstar an excellent weapon at that stage of the game anyways? I am thinking of getting rid of my Whispers of Yewood in favor of it. I am pretty sure everyone has one engagement slot to start. So to increase yes equipment and Hold the Line talent increase it and fighters defender. Shatterstar hands down if you want to do more damage. the .5 crit, the higher interrupt, and the better two types of damage (crush, pierce) which is better than swords (slash/pierce). I guess if you cant hit anything and just looking to tank the whispers of yenwood could be argued as better not sure i buy that but looks like its more for a tank or priest of Magran like durance who needs to use swords with his ability. Also what is nice with Whispers is that the +2 con stacks with other + con equipment because weapons with +attributes all stack with other equipment +attributes. So if you are looking to stack constitution could be interesting. I have seen (Boeroer of course) someone use dual whispers of yenwood for +4 con on top of other +4 con equipment for +8 con which is kinda fun.
  12. I am still confused as to what Holy Radiance does exactly. I thought it was a heal? If so, wouldn't you want to cast in the middle of the fight - not at the beginning? I believe if you look at the list of talents right above that statement by Boeroer you will see Inspiring Radiance which gives everyone in your party in range of holy radiance +10 accuracy so that is why you would start with Holy Radiance otherwise you wouldnt. Ah, ok; so the heal aspect is then wasted? Yes basically but there are plenty of healing spells both from priest and other classes, scrolls, abilities, and potions
  13. I am still confused as to what Holy Radiance does exactly. I thought it was a heal? If so, wouldn't you want to cast in the middle of the fight - not at the beginning? I believe if you look at the list of talents right above that statement by Boeroer you will see Inspiring Radiance which gives everyone in your party in range of holy radiance +10 accuracy so that is why you would start with Holy Radiance otherwise you wouldnt.
  14. Josh's take - https://soundcloud.com/usgamernet/axe-of-the-blood-god-120-pillars-of-eternity-ii-deadfire-with-obsidians-josh-sawyer#t=47:21
  15. Ye rogue is the only class i have never had in my party for Pillars on any playthrough. Well i did complete Devil of Caroc questline so maybe 10 minutes. I guess i was getting back at all those old games for 'forcing' my to have a rogue.
  16. Ye i am confident with Josh and team this is not going to make Pillars: Pirates of the Caribbean. Josh seems to like to inject historical settings and so you will see more realistic depictions of factions like mentioned above with various 'Trading' companies where said trading company has veneer of legitimacy from home country but can be nasty and engage in piracy and seems like there will be actual pirates that happen to be there but not the focus of the story like said one note movies.
  17. Gilded Enmity - Coats the paladin in a blessing of gold when they declare a sworn enemy. The paladin receives bonus Armor Rating until thye have been struck enough times for the gold to break. Interesting... what exactly the Armor Rating is. Also the tooltip writes "enough times", so it doesn't matter how high was the actual damage of incoming blows. Well it sound like mage abilities that dwindle on hit or crit. It maybe something like those effects.
  18. that gold plating ability - https://twitter.com/jesawyer/status/903046030635057152
  19. Here is a quote from Josh on the https://forums.somethingawful.com. There were some post in this thread about how many spells you get. So the number of spells is capped a 2 per encounter so the picture of the spells with numbers below were the actual number of spells you get per level. Just FYI
  20. I think it depends on what you mean by better looking armors. There is already a thread here about armors somewhere. If you mean you want more flashier armors like in other fantasy games that are totally crazy looking then i dont agree. I hope the try to keep their armors grounded to some extent. I mean some flash like in POE1 is fun. And i like Durances robes that looked messed up.
  21. Quote from Josh on Youtube: Glad to see there are no random events in the classic crpg since.
  22. Ye i think it seems like it could be fun but the extreme version of this was DOS for me where you can jack everything which was dumb. I felt like it ruined the economy and forced you into stealing even if you didnt want to roleplay a character like that so you could buy stuff. It seemed like the devs had to make everything really expensive in DOS to account for players that wanted to steal everything. Then if a player didnt want to steal stuff you were stuck not being able to make money to buy things. So as long as its doesnt seem necessary it could be fun.
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