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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/19/25 in all areas

  1. Hello Developer, I had the only one major issue with Avowed's Journal UI. It hurts my eye trying to read Avowed's Journal with White Background and Black Text. Almost impossible to read and hurting my eye greatly. Can we have a simple patch with the opposite White Text with Black Background for user with TV monitor especially. I try adjusting all possible TV settings,. Brightness/Contrast/Gamma to no valid solution. I cannot enjoy the game without reading the journal properly. Upvote if anyone is facing similar issues. Thanks. rgs Ariobeth.
    3 points
  2. Tbh even Deadfire suffers from that already. Lots of NPCs feel like information vending machines instead of actual people. I think this is one of the issues I had with the game back in the days as well-- something about it feels so grinded down, systemic, like they are now using the same formula for everything, which ends up with you having a less buggy game, but also a game that lacks actual character. If that makes some sense.
    2 points
  3. I've only just finished the tutorial zone and arrived at the first town. Early observations: 1) The third-person camera feels like a bit of an afterthought in that it exposes the janky player character animations. Jumping looks weird, and the dodging animation ...well, there isn't really a dodging animation and you just magically slide around. But it remains my preference because I don't buy into the belief that first-person cameras are more immersive. At least, not while my viewport is limited to a narrow 16:9 window. 2) I like that so far I don't seem to be expected to loot random bodies and containers, but the flipside of this is that I hate that breaking random crates and pots is rewarded. I'm going to refuse to keep doing it, and the opportunity cost based on what I've seen so far doesn't seem to be particularly large. 3) I welcome the return of stealth kills, though it's weird that they relate it to some mystical godlike power instead of something more mundane. However it's ridiculous that performing one automatically cancels stealth, and you have to always remember to manually re-crouch after each kill.
    2 points
  4. So Avowed. First impressions are mixed. Gameplay is indeed pretty good, and I like exploration so far. Writing has me increasingly worried. Conversation trees seem to be well below Obsidian's standard - there is a rather blatant "NPC has same response recorded for all of the choices offered to you", and character's just don't feel right so far. They speak casually, which is at odds with Avowed still being just of a lore whore as PoEs were. I also find NPCs to speak more to the player than a character. Multiple NPCs keep talking to the Envoy of Aedyr things they probably should keep to themselves. In first instance I thought it might be characterisation, but it keeps happening, so it seems like it's more of an exposition dump for the player, rather than a believable in-world interaction. Edit. So pwetty though
    2 points
  5. I thought they said Deadfire kept selling and by now has sold a good amount of copies. Personally I like poe2 a lot more than poe1. However, if they ever do a poe3, I really hope it will have some slight pirate or at least spanish colonial feeling again.
    2 points
  6. Also what is fashionable and what isn't is in constant flux - that's why chasing trends with a multiyear production cycle is dangerous in itself. I remember when it was difficult to come by a game that offered any challenge to the player. Console manufacturers were aiming at "casual audience" (aka. newcomers) and titles were designed to not dare to challenge your progress. Than stuff like Demon/Dark Souls and Super Meat Boy came out, and it turns out there was a sizable audience hungry for such titles, and the taste for it spread. I remember about 10 years ago, when IO was saying how tricky audience testing was for Hitman2016 - as players were so used to be lead by the hand, that most didn't know how to engage with systemic sandbox. I think a recent success of Elden Ring, Baldur's Gate3 and now KC:D2 show that general audience is more open to a more player driven experiences. Now of course, those are three rather good games, so it is no easy way to success. But I think those three studios prove a value of specialized, slowly developing studios. Very much different mindset than AAA's pick the marketable thing to do, buy/make/hire a studio with no experience to make it, and fire everyone when it underperforms.
    2 points
  7. Just making another thread to put some pressure on the devs to fix this... Played fine for 1h then got the alabama UE fatal error. Now can't even continue my game, even after restarting everything. The crash immediatly pops when trying to enter my game
    1 point
  8. Please make pillars of eternity 3 please ::/(( -anilerdmsrk
    1 point
  9. Hello AuraEvey, I have passed this on to Admin. Please send issues as well to support@obsidian.net. This way I can ensure it gets to the right support team in addition to the request for community help here. F
    1 point
  10. They fixed it! It will be in the next patch! I paste their email Our development team was able to find a fix for this bug and it should be addressed in the next patch. Please don't hesitate to contact us again in the future. Thanks, and have a great day!
    1 point
  11. Oh yeah, definitely a lack of skill games way back. By the way, I don't consider KCD as such. Warhorse claimed they attracted totally non-gamers with the first game already. And those adapted far better to the unusual design decisions than the gamers: E.g. the saving system, eating, drinking, sleeping, fighting... It's all about conditioning. I mean, back in the day, we used to play games without markers, auto-maps and with actual puzzles when we were kids. And had no problem whatsoever with that. Every game was kinda like that. But since a large part of it is simply conditioning: There's market opportunity for (almost) anything. With so many games in that space playing increasingly alike, perhaps moreso than ever. It needs to be packaged properly, naturally... Plus, if you're not fully committing to something, you risk making completely bland product that may try hard to please everyone, but doesn't really wow anybody. Eventually, you're going to alienate a few people anyhow no matter what you're doing. For all the talk about how much of a hardcore sim KCD would be, at the core it's actually quite a cinematic Hollywood type of affair full of drama and even genuine laughs -- the survival/sim elements are fairly light. Think Mafia, Vavra's first gig as a writer / director. There's quite a lot of that in there still. I was actually underwhelmed initially when I went into the first game kinda blind back then. I expected something way different. Only when I'd finished the long prologue and the game opened up, did I start to really warm up to it.
    1 point
  12. progression is simpler than poe1/deadfire, but honestly BG3/5e has extremely simple progression--like literally almost no choices to be made for many classes--and yet there's no shortage of builds. (there are also more classes, but time will tell if we ever get more via DLC) i think there's build variety potential and we could use a forum space.
    1 point
  13. The point is there was story posted on this thread around Musk getting this deal and it was concerning because of his proximity to Trump and it could easily be seen as conflict as interest The story wasnt true and fake news stories should be a concern to everyone
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. The PoE games are weird for me in that on paper I should love them but something I can't describe turns me off. Still, I fully support Microsoft giving Josh Sawyer a massive budget to make PoE3 on the scale of BG3 with free reign to make the most unhinged game he could dream of.
    1 point
  16. Most of the breakables that have something in them show a visual effect through them, so it's easy to spot. You can ignore the rest, it's just some money. It kinda works, because the PC is completely new to the area, and most people don't like the Aedyrs. I felt the plot started working better about halfway through the 1st map, when you started having actual choices about stuff.
    1 point
  17. Maybe it's me not being a native speaker, but I don't understand what all that is supposed to mean.
    1 point
  18. I say "Bad" could be approached from the "Bland and Boring" angle. Very subjective, but if any combination of classes/sub-classes can be made viable mechanically, that's a way to gauge something undesirable. For me that's the Fighter/Pally variants. Stay front, whack stuff, heal. Meh. (very subjective, as I sad)
    1 point
  19. The intro cutscene put me in the mind of Lord British saying "I must send thee, Avatar, through the pillars to the Serpent Isle!"
    1 point
  20. I wish i could play Avowed, because i don't have an xbox or a gaming pc, but i am playing grounded for the first time. It's so good! I got it on switch, and it's like 500p or something but it looks surprisingly alright and plays at like 30 fps so it's not a bad experience. It's the perfect portable game. I don't know what i was expecting and why it took me so long to play, but it feels like good obsidian and has the potential to be my favourite survival game ever. I hope microsoft continues their marriage with nintendo on the switch 2, because if it's on the level ps4 pro or something it will be able to handle most obsidian games semi decently.
    1 point
  21. Hey all! Just joined here and i wanted to take a moment to appreciate how hyped i am that we're getting two big budget releases this year, both of which continue two of Obsidian's original IPs with a good chance of pushing them to larger audiences than ever before. Avowed is already looking fantastic and as a fan of the Outer Worlds i have nothing but confidence in the sequel, but i am perhaps even more hyped for what this might mean for Obsidian's future. There was a lot of negativity about Avowed pre release (for the most bs reasons that i won't even get into) and the internet seems to have turned on the Outer Worlds as well lately, which had me a little worried, but with the release of Avowed and mainstream perception of it changing and becoming increasingly positive, i'm cautiously optimistic that there's basically no way for these games not to succeed. Quality titles like this don't reach the mainstream that often anymore and all it takes is more people playing them for them to become fans, and i think that's exactly what's going to happen. Already we are seeing more and more people going back to pillars and going back to outer worlds, i myself finally started Grounded for the first time (and it's fantastic!) and i realize now that this is only going to escalate, which can only mean good things for the future. It's a good time to be a fan is all.
    1 point
  22. Hey, I am a long time Pillars of Eternity fan and a backer of the first game on kickstarter. I was super hyped when Avowed was revealed all those years ago but I now find myself in the position of not wanting to play the game due to the forced companions. On a mechanical level, I just hate having AI on my side in action focused games like this. I find it immersion breaking and distracting. I love going into encounters and thinking about how I will approach them, but that is just not possible in this game as the AI will do its own thing and I feel like I am not in control of the action. I really want to just get out and explore The Living Lands but I have found myself just switching the game off after a few minutes do to this limitation. In a roleplaying sense, it really doesn't work either. You arrive in the Living Lands and some random Aumaua tells you they are coming with you and you have zero agency to say no. You're the Imperial Envoy, you are supposed to be the one in charge here, yet you have no option to execute that authority. As a player, it is supposed to be you who is deciding how your character will behave and decide things, but again we do not have that option. I am not able to play my character the way I would like to and the way you have given me the freedom to do so in your previous games. I never make posts like this generally as I understand games are not made to cater to my specific tastes, but this design choice is stopping me from playing a game I have been looking forward to for years. I don't mind how much it may increase difficulty or any loss of flavour from missing dialogue, I would just love to have this option so I can explore the world you have created here. Cheers.
    1 point
  23. Here's an upcoming movie I'm looking forward to watching: The concept is a bit reminiscent of Moon (2009), except on an interstellar scale. So maybe Moon: TNG.
    1 point
  24. Just a few things I have noticed after the new patch, I'm on XSX 30fps quality. - Not a bug/game issue but as this game is all about freedom of choice the change to selling materials is strange to me. While I have had no problem I realise other players play different and that's ok, if they are having issues with a system then it needs to be addressed. My issue is I would sometimes sell the lower quality materials if I wanted more money so now my choice is taken away. I feel that a warning when trying to sell them would have been enough or even a selection in options and have it on auto protect. Hopefully any changes in the future will not just remove something but give options. - Enemies that lose aggro from a companion and run to fight you will run backward facing companions, very weird. - Player voice for abilities/spells/climbing etc is very loud compared to normal dialogue and I find myself having to lower the voice volume. Not great as I now need subtitles for conversations which I never needed in other games. Thnx for all the hard work.
    1 point
  25. Ok, I finally managed to get the hat from Serafen. Went into the Beast of Winter dlc and right in the first dialog is an option to make a joke, which everyone finds really funny. So I reloaded my last save, put him into my team, told the joke and... that was enough to finally trigger the hat-giving dialog. Jeez. Could have done that a long time ago... That said, man, the power creep has increased a lot. Did a bit of the Forgotten Sanctum dlc and then the first fight of Seeker, Slayer, Survivor... those enemies are mad. I can barely penetrate their armor and the fights are taking forever in turn based. Turns out it is not very much fun to do the same attacks for 15 minutes just to wear down 3 or 4 mobs while trying not to die. And then you repeat that 5 more times to clear the map. This is in stark contrast with every other mob encounter which I obliterate and turn everyone into mist and gore explosions. Started upgrading my gear more aggressively now.. legendary weapons and such, but it eats all my money. Started doing bounties again to sell equipment, to make money, so I can keep upgrading. Still didn't buy a different ship, but don't really need to anyways.
    1 point
  26. It seems that more often than not when I quit the game, everything seems fine, and I don’t get the "Alabama" error message (although I have gotten that a couple of times), but when I try to play again, minutes or even hours later, the game won't launch and I see that error message. Luckily, there's an easy work-around for this: you find the game in task manager and find the avowed folder which will show 2 files stil running (forever apparently) and you can end the task there and then it will launch fine. Also, is there a "known issues" list yet somewhere in this forum that I haven't found?
    1 point
  27. The error is still happening after the 1.2.2 update today. If it helps, the two processes that keep running after game exit and prevent you from re-launching the game unless those tasks are ended are Avowed-WinGDK-Shipping.exe and Avowed.exe.
    1 point
  28. Of course he was. Trump never made it a secret that he wanted to go after his enemies. The only ones shocked about this are the "he is just joking!"-crowd.
    1 point
  29. After playing for a few days, here's my wish-list for small (I hope) updates. Option to make radial menu a Hold rather than a Toggle Plenty of precedent for this in other games, feels more natural (imo) Back action could be handled with center click for M+KB, normal back button (B, Circle) for gamepads Extend radius of discovery on the map Currently fog of war requires you to be within ~10 ft of something to reveal it on the map. You can walk down a street between buildings and the buildings won't show up on the map. You can walk to the edge of a cliff and the hash marks denoting the impassible boundary won't show up on the map. I shouldn't have to crisscross the map in a 5 ft search grid to reveal it Suggest making the distance 3x-4x larger. Perhaps the same distance used to unlock fast travel points? Currently you discover them and then look at the map and they're still deep in fog of war! Companions should not thank you for reviving them when you die I'm guessing combat "ends" and they get up Maybe they could actually say something about you dying! Disable changing armor/clothing/trinkets in combat Encourages degenerate play. For example swapping in the White Key Cameo trinket every time you revive a companion. At least on higher difficulties? Allow situational abilities like Firestarter to be bound to the action bar Feels weird that you can't Also, bug: companion abilities that are bound to multiple quick slots don't restore properly after leaving camp. Allow quick-load key to work during dialogue. I can hit escape and then Load Game, so might as well let me hit F8. Thanks! Loving the game.
    1 point
  30. When I click play on Steam, GamingRepair.Program runs for a minute or two and then othing happens. Avowed is using 245mb ram on task manager but it doesn't launch. I tried closing GamingRepair on task manager, tried dx11-12, drivers are up to date, restarted steam, restarted pc, verified files, tried to launch via the .exe within game folders Say whatever you want but I shouldn't spend hours trying to launch a 70$ title.
    1 point
  31. It would be a great idea and it just has to be similar to PoE2 around design, narrative choice and mechanics But I remember an article about this and Im sure Obsidian said its not in the pipeline because they not focusing on Isometric games but it could be possible one day
    1 point
  32. Hey everyone! Patch 1.2.2 is here, bringing a variety of fixes and improvements based on your feedback. From crash and quest fixes to gameplay tweaks and UI updates, we’ve addressed several community-requested issues to make your experience even better. As always, if you run into any other issues or have feedback, be sure to reach out—we appreciate your support! Community-Requested Fixes Making Crafting and Upgrade System more Approachable Updates to Equipment Tier difference feedback and penalties/bonuses: Changed Tier penalty system from a hard tier to tier system and made it dynamic based on players equipment and the tier (and sub-tier) of the enemy. Tier difference rules now only apply when there is a +/- 4 level gap. Tier II enemies will now play a small reaction animation when struck by lower-tier weapons, instead of not reacting at all. Reduced damage reduction when player weapons are closer in tier to an enemy. Significantly decreased how often companions comment about player needing better armor and/or weapons. Upgrade materials can no longer be sold to merchants to inadvertently make upgrading difficult. We have a longer-term fix involving buying back from merchants in the works. Missing NPCs In specific situations, some NPCs weren’t where they should be. Saving the game, and re-loading will put them back where they should be. We will have a fix soon that fixes the situation completely and doesn’t require a save and load. Quest & Exploration Fixes The brambles in the Delemgan Glade will now vanish when the Adragan Heart is acquired, preventing players from getting stuck inside. Grysca (the apothecary) now correctly speaks with the player to advance An Untimely End, even if they previously encountered a bug with Thalla the Ogre spawning twice. Added a system to respawn key characters when loading a save if they were previously missing and blocking quest progression (including Ambassador Hylgard and The Watcher Runyd). Companion & NPC Improvements Reviving companions in combat now restores them to 75% of their maximum health instead of 50%. Starting health of companions has been increased to help with their viability in combat. Merchants & Economy Merchants at the Dawnshore docks now offer 'Fine' gear in addition to 'Common' gear. Crashes & Major Issues Removed chance to crash when casting Corrosive Siphon on destructible objects. Optimized resource handling of VFX while the game is paused via radial menus to prevent rare leaks and crashes. Quest & Area Design Fixed invisible collision blocking the player in Strangleroot. Prevented players from charging into unintended areas in Strangleroot, avoiding quest progression issues. Enemies now navigate the bridges of the lava tubes more consistently. First Contact with the Enemy quest now progresses correctly if all badges are collected before speaking to Nauki. Players can now complete Steel Resolve after the main quest in Emerald Stair if they had completed enough objectives beforehand. Kowha now responds correctly if the player returns to them after starting One Last Drink. Dialog with Giatta upon leaving Naku Tedek now triggers consistently when loading saves before the conversation. Updated Mapping the Living Lands quest conditions to allow starting from future regions before talking to the quest giver in Dawnshore. Updated A Lady Never Tells quest flow so it correctly completes in the quest log when starting via the courtesan, getting the shipment, then speaking to Giuliana. Governor Ignasi’s option to turn in the spy can now only be triggered once instead of being repeatable. Conversations with leaders in the final area no longer end prematurely when choosing the Let me reconsider option. Made an additional ending option for the leadership conclave available to players who initially backed out but wish to reconsider. Adjusted environment art near the Trantons bounty in Emerald Stair to prevent bounty loot from becoming unobtainable. Previously missing voice-over lines in ambient content now play correctly. Systems & Gameplay Improvements Seeds of Vengeance summons now scale correctly with health and damage. One-handed weapon Parry enchantments now function as intended. Party buffs from the player now correctly target companions only, instead of summoned creatures. Kai no longer gets stuck if using Unbending Defense while mid-air with Leap of Daring. Improved frame rate when rendering damage numbers on multiple enemies at once. Improved item randomization when restocking shops. Blast ability for wands now plays the correct visual and sound effects. Improved logic for animations on companions at the end of combat. Improved transitions on the top of Mt. Forja. Fixed interaction inconsistencies with objects and NPCs obscured by other characters. Controllers no longer rumble when loading a save before the final boss fight. Fixed issues with pond coin interactions. Added error codes for save game failures. Improved where characters are looking during certain conversations. Audio Improvements Cutscene in Naku Kebel now properly plays sound effects. Eating food from the radial menu now provides audio feedback. Increased volume of Woedica’s voiceover audio. Player voice now plays more consistently for abilities with vocal components. Improved transitions between music intensity levels when exploring. Music during the end slides now plays at the intended volume. Visual & Art Fixes Updated Banner Dwarf’s outfit LODs to reduce clipping during animation. Captain Ngunu’s neck is now properly merged with his head. Steel Garrote Soldiers have re-grown their missing hands. Improved shadow quality on Xbox Series X Performance Mode. User Interface (UI) & Controls Cloud transfer prompt is now properly centered on ultrawide displays. Xbox cloud transfer dialog buttons no longer shake rapidly when hovering over the bottom part of the button. Initial splash screens now properly support Chinese characters. Interaction prompts pop up more reliably. Opening a radial menu after leaving and returning to the game no longer triggers the pause menu. Removed unintended English characters in the One Last Drink quest journal for non-English languages. Cloud save UI now defaults to selecting the recommended option.
    1 point
  33. Thanks for the answers. I thought about the 'passive' setting, the problem is the amount of micro-management that is then required ; it would be fine with a party of three, but six people feels overwhelming. I guess I could try to set only my frontliners to passive, and keep the range characters to the 'defensive' setting, that could balance things out
    1 point
  34. Blood: The Last Vampire (2000) & Vampire Wars (1990). Right, here's my vampire anime tier list so far: A (I love this!). Vampire Princess Miyu B. Vampire Hunter D C (I like this!). N/A D. Vampire in the Garden, Darkness of the Sea and Shadow of the Moon E (This is fine). Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (1993), Mermaid Forest F. Blood: The Last Vampire, The Laughing Target, Mermaid's Scar G (Meh). JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2000) H. N/A I (I dislike this). Castlevania, Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge J. N/A K (I hate this). Vampire Wars ... Z (This is the worst thing I've ever seen in my whole life). Hellsing Ultimate Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.
    1 point
  35. That's two million in two weeks. Even Ubisoft would have been pretty happy with that on some of their more recent underperformers. Doubly so if they had the comparably modest budget of KCD II... Embracer aren't minors either, after all. As said, to me this only confirms what's been happening for the past+ decade. The model of ever infusing more simple action into RPGs and simplifying RPG elements down has been pushed to its limits -- the Bioware/Bethesda school, basically. By now these games are competing with all the action/adventure type of games that have been including RPG-lite elements since The Witcher 3 hit it big. That doesn't mean similar projects are destined to underperform. That only means you need an absolutely stellar game and/or a wholly unique take on the form to still stand out from the crowd. Bluntly put, Veilguard would have had it even harder had it neither had a Bioware nor a Dragon Age logo attached. Meanwhile, studios such as FromSoft, Larian or Warhorse first thrived in their own niches. The games they started making were considered too risky for any of the industry players. "We're an industry about instant gratification", they would have told FromSoftware. "Well there's dungeons, kinda. But where are the dragons?" That's what they would have asked Warhorse. "Turn-based tactical combat? Table-top simulations? In the 2000s? Go make this more like Diablo", they'd actually told Larian since their early days. "All of you guys don't fit in, sorry." Then all of these grew, both in studio size and target audiences. In parts because there's far more people playing video games now than ever, which also means a broader range in taste. And then they all could offer experiences that, on their levels of production, see no direct competition whatsoever. (Well, Soulslikes are a thing, mind you. But From are still considered the "Originals". And what better promotion is it to have an entire genre tag named after your own product? Jackpot, baby!)
    1 point
  36. This worked for me! I went back to before I killed Thalla & the thugs for the second time (after their sudden respawn) - I looped around back whilst invisible & spoke to the Apothecarist whilst invisible. I think avoiding the combat trigger enables you to speak to him. Once you enable combat that seems to trigger the bugged state where he can’t be spoken to
    1 point
  37. Unable to complete this quest. When meeting Marius at the bar for the first time, his interactions with other bar patrons is stuck in an endless loop, preventing the quest from progressing.
    1 point
  38. Lmao. Well they couldn't go 8 or 16k just yet.
    1 point
  39. Thank you Boeroer, I literally just found them a few minutes after reading your post, hah! (After re-starting a different build, lol). I've been playing a few builds from your YT video with @Aestus and having a blast. I was hoping to try them all in my party but it seems the companions are limited in class selection, even on re-spec. I guess I'm limited to hiring generic adventurers? Or maybe some companions will have the right class options along the way. E.g. I just got Mirke, and as a Monk might be able to play as The Mortar Monk?
    1 point
  40. Ok, you guys are did it, i ll try priest/barbarian. Here we go 50th run...
    1 point
  41. https://streamable.com/swzeiw Some combat footage with only the fight sounds. Looks great, especially for a first person RPG.
    1 point
  42. Hi all, Avowed won't launch for me. The launch art pops up for a bit and then just goes away without the game launching. No error code or anything. My specs are below but should run this game pretty easily: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 14700F NVIDIA(R) GeForce RTX(TM) 4070 SUPER 12GB GDDR6X 32 GB RAM I updated my Nvidia drivers and have tried reinstalling the file to no effect. I've also tried "-dx11" and "-dx12" in launch options on steam. Any other ideas?
    0 points
  43. I am on 24H2 Windows 11 and am having the same issue.
    0 points
  44. I have the lastest version of windows, and the game won't get passed the shader caching issue. I have tried -dx11 , it gets to character creation then fatal errors, because it needs dx12 to play. Some people are claiming that they can load up the game on their hand held's, play on linux in dx11, then transfer the save over to their pc and continue playing in dx11, which I don't think they can be, if the minimum requirement is dx12. I will redownload the game and this time install on my main ssd, but I can't seem to find any save files at all anywhere..tried through %appdate%local etc but all I find is alabama/ saved folder where there is no saves. I will report back on if it's working on the main drive, I don't expect it will, because this needs patching so we can get passed the graphics caching on intel latest gen processors with rtx40 cards.
    0 points
  45. I finally figured out a fix that worked for me if anyone is still monitoring this: I don’t know why but launching the game through the Nvidia App (not the GeForce Experience, the newer app) got the game to launch after the splash screen. It now will open through steam like normal.
    0 points
  46. I'm getting the error seen here when I go to launch the game. I've tried everything support has asked so far and no luck.
    0 points
  47. Having the same issue but on the xbox store i do have the premium upgrade I've tried every workaround that i know, like repairing the game and the xbox store, uninstalling and reinstalling but nothing will work, it just pops the launch art for a few seconds and goes away and nothing happens
    0 points
  48. Won't let me even install so, consider yourself lucky? I'm certain, as with just about all initial launches, there is ...stuff to fix. Did anyone beta?
    0 points
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