Leaving in the morning for an all-day round trip in the car with maybe a couple hours of being not in the car, outside, moving furniture and stuff:
---Hubby: You might want to take more than that light sweatjacket (he says while wearing two layered jackets himself)
---Me: (dressed in t-shirt and thin, light pants) Oh? Is it supposed to be extra cold or something? Eh, I'll be fine.
*hubby blasts the van's heater, as usual, the entire trip while I keep the window cracked open so I can breathe*
...I never even wore my light sweatjacket.
...I'm picturing hubby at some point wearing an entire puffy ski jacket/pants/boots outfit around the house before too long.
...Edit: if you're wondering, if I'm driving, hubby is always a little too cold/might use a leg/lap blanket because I don't blast the heater like that, heh