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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/26/21 in all areas

  1. Yes, the amount of just pure voter suppression going on around the US right now is just a sad indictment of our supposed "democratic" political system.
    3 points
  2. 3 points
  3. It is time to take up the mantle of oby.
    3 points
  4. That one, he didn't make up. They are generally credited with reviving the genre of CRPG's at a time where it was more dead than a Norwegian Blue. Every 2 out of 3 games released were some kind of RTS spin off of Blizzards Dune 2 and Warcraft III (the two games that made Blizzard what they are today I think). Long gone was the glory of CRPG's and the memories of SSI's Gold Box Games (Champions of Krynn, Curse of The Azure Bonds etc.), Origins Ultima IV and V etc. Then suddenly out of the blue came this company that was started by two doctors to make medical applications and proposed yet another RTS "Infinity Wars" (to compete with the 2567 or so other RTS games in circulation at the time) to Interplay. Some clever guy (they had those at Interplay at the time) told the doctors that the RTS market was a few parsecs beyond the point of saturation, but hey, tweak your RTS a bit, add some D&D rule sets, add the option to simulate turn based combat in we can talk. BG and BG2 ended up selling millions of copies and suddenly CRPG's were hot. Interplay also launched Fallout in the same era, as well as Icewind Dale. But tl;dr; the CRPG market was stone dead at the time and everybody talked about it as something that would never come back.
    3 points
  5. Shadow Tactics expandalone coming from Mimimi.
    3 points
  6. Not really news per se, just an interesting video about Bioware and its current situation (and what companies most of the ex-Bioware employees now work for, including a rumoued Kotor remake)
    3 points
  7. I tamed a pair of boars. The one closer is Letitia, the other is Rumsfeld: I made sure they had plenty of food and left them alone for a while... I came back later to find:
    3 points
  8. If only the Hard Bass Collective were part of the Separatists.
    2 points
  9. That reminds me of something...
    2 points
  10. I'm just a subscriber (I don't want to see him in court!)
    2 points
  11. There's an ad now by one of these stupid semi-anonymous PACs telling us we should be thanking our benevolent overlords elected officials for 'saving the integrity of the vote'. But, the Gov, Lt Gov and Secretary of State said there was no voter fraud. So why are we changing laws to "prevent the rampant voter fraud"? Well apparently its not because there *was* voter fraud, but because people *feel* there was fraud, so the laws need to be changed so that these people with the *feels* can return to confidence in the election process. Despite the fact that the only reason the *feel* there was fraud was that people lied to them and told them there was voter fraud. Which the Gove, Lt. Gov and Secretary of State said there wasn't. Its quite possibly the dumbest political theater I've seen. Its a solution searching for a problem, as one pundit here put it.
    2 points
  12. The is actually a parameter for the number of images in the Ability Gamedata file. I think they use the same for Duplicate for instance but with a different number. So it's most likely doable.
    2 points
  13. It was a joke. Culture is culture. People will do abhorrent/stupid stuff with no problem if their culture permits/glorifies it. See bullfighting in Spain and Portugal, blackface in the Netherlands, gun fetishism in the US.
    2 points
  14. "Yes but some of these ass twerking ladies are really hot....like Cardi B and Nicki Minaj " what is this? I considered you a staunch Verwoerdist
    2 points
  15. I'm sure Sarex will be surprised to find out that Serbia is part of the EU now. For that matter, the EU itself would be surprised to find that Serbia is part of it.
    2 points
  16. The EU briefed on the basis that they doses were intended for the UK, there's no doubt of that as it can be read in literally every story about the '29 million dose cache', not just an Italian Scum equivalent. Even the use of the word 'cache' is clearly designed to be emotive and set a specific narrative- it was clandestinely and deliberately hidden- since it was used instead of a neutral word. There was zero evidence that that was true, all they had was speculation and a desire to make anyone apart from them the villain of the piece. Let's be frank here. Fundamentally, the EU could have ordered AZ vaccine earlier than the UK did and avoided all of this, but they didn't. That's the core issue, everything else is window dressing- or faecal matter thrown at a fan. Not ordering early was a deliberate, calculated position made 100% voluntarily by the EU and in retrospect, but also to many at the time, utterly stupid*. They only ordered AZ doses after Sanofi had failed, and well after the UK had ordered theirs. If Sanofi had succeeded and AZ failed would the EU let the UK queue jump to cover up their failure? Not on your fricking nelly; they'd be snickering into their sleeves about the rosbifs backing the wrong horse and how terribly terribly tragic it was that the UK wasn't in the EU any more so missed out. The EU deliberately gambled with their strategy and lost; now the toys are coming out of the cot and they're resolved to fix things by threatening to just grab as much of the stake as they can back unilaterally. How did they gamble? They tried to cheap out by not ordering enough doses under the belief they could leverage better deals, and they backed the wrong horses for something like 350 million doses worth; and having done that they've whined like nothing else in existence in the hope that they'd be allowed to queue jump over the UK that ordered 100 mln doses, early. They're now threatening to steal doses on the basis of 'fairness'. Fairness that would never in a million years have been in evidence if the roles were reversed. To quote the great philosopher Scott Steiner again: "no simpy". 100% a crisis manufactured in the EU, by the EU. To be fair, partly by bad luck, but then they were also the only bloc that managed to back two losing horses for the large majority of the vaccines they ordered because they were European. Ironically the only successful Euro vaccine is one most people think is actually American... *even if Sanofi and CureVac succeeded (on time for CureVac, since at least it recently passed Phase 2 unlike Sanofi) they'd still only ordered enough doses for 1 per citizen. And if you're altering reality to make them succeed then that reality might have the BionTech vaccine not work in which case they're down 100 mln doses again. OTOH we've ended up with 4 doses per citizen here, despite having no covid, because we ordered early from multiple vendors. The EU could have done that but they cheaped out, so now they'll just steal other countries' vaccines while still claiming the moral high ground.
    2 points
  17. Could pay attention in team calls, but watching Star Wars Kinect videos is much better
    1 point
  18. Episode 21 of Sailor Moon, the one with the anime studios, where the girls call her out on being a hypocrite after saying anime is for kids and then totally going to check out the studio anyway. Eh... also one of the more hilarious scenes from the DiC dub: She sure wears these overalls a lot. Like for three seasons. Sounds like a plan.
    1 point
  19. Write essays about JoJo and feud with a guy like Unicorn of War who thinks the anime isn't as good because Giorno Giovanna wears a pink suit instead of blue.
    1 point
  20. Don't pick on Rei, that's like literally *the* most memorable outfit anyone has in this entire show. I don't remember what season it is, but there's a frame of her mean-mugging probably Usagi while holding a bag and wearing them that's emblazoned in my brain.
    1 point
  21. I'll let her know that she made someone jealous of her ability to give fictional pedophiles derogatory nicknames. @BartimaeusYou know what, the Sailor Moon Says dub is less creepy than the new dub. And it is still pretty damn creepy.
    1 point
  22. Supply side economics, Reaganomics and the Laffer curve are not based on empirical evidence. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kansas_experiment https://www.dissentmagazine.org/online_articles/the-black-comedy-of-arthur-laffer
    1 point
  23. Credit for Pedosus in this thread should be given to KP's fiancee, I think. I'm actually a little jealous because that rolls much easier off the virtual tongue than Creepasus.
    1 point
  24. Rideble jumping spider would be excellent addition to the game.
    1 point
  25. Love the game so far keep up the awesome work here are some ideas to make it even better well for me anyway. Add a dyeing option- for armor/weapons and structures maybe useing flowers and mixing Add metals- like copper/iron and zinc maybe you find some quarters or something in anthills to hammer Add Forge- for refining metals for armor/tools/structures and copper for wiring up the batter for power Add quick waypoints More Traps- like sap trap to stop bug from moving for a time Add boat building Add power to bases- maybe a toy you can take batters from. carry it like you do grass but only one at a time cuz the weight Add bugs- (Butterflies/Moths) for gliders (lighting bugs) for helmet light (Pill bugs) for armor (Grasshoppers) for jump shoes Auto equip armor on death loot pickup Game mode option- to have it rain where you take damage if you get hit by water meters if not under shelter Water purifier or way to purify More food like soaps Story- expand your adventure by going in the house. it would be awesome to see it from a tiny perspective and the crazy things you could find and collect with new threats. PS: Sorry if some of these ideas are already in the making and for any bad spelling.
    1 point
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