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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/14/19 in all areas

  1. couldn't help but think o' that scene from blues brothers. what the heck, might as well add rawhide. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  2. I didn't mean it will be an FPS. More that it will be a drastic turn and just merely use iconic things from the previous games but in a completely new/diferent genre.
    1 point
  3. I sure as hell hope it won't play anything like Original Sin games.
    1 point
  4. The price is okay, I make about 19500sek a month, but the location is bad unless you like noisy and messy neighbourhoods, the vast majority there are unemployed immigrant families, and yeah, there are 300 people in line. 3 rooms mean three rooms to do whatever you want with, there is no furnishing, but the plan calls two bedrooms, one livingroom, there is also a bathroom and a closet. This particular company follows a point system, every day you are in a queue you get one point, and the one with the most points get the apartment if they want it. Parents when I was young put their kids up in that queue when they were teenagers, so you don't have a real chance to get one there unless noone is interested. I have 2765 points, that particular apartment you needed 2400 or so points to even get to view the apartment, so that's the median of points the people there has.
    1 point
  5. such an interesting concept! and the music is nice too
    1 point
  6. It doesn't. Plague of Insects and Venombloom are not keyworded as poison for the purpose of PL.
    1 point
  7. I would mostly be curious about performance of the game. I've seen videos of 1080ti's at Ultra/1440 going 75fps and also 2080ti's at Ultra/4k going 50ish average. Probably varies some depending on other rig stats and impact of recording software, ofc. Not that I need Ultra settings with any game (Ultra is just for screenshots, as they say), especially with BL's graphic style. But considering BL2 was fairly undemanding even on my ancient old rig, I wonder what they've done/added to make it so demanding now. Also, I heard DX12 can cause crashing issues for some. I think I'll be glad to wait the 6 months or year or whatever it is so I'll get a patched game with all or most dlc already out. Edit: andddd....75GB install? Come on people/devs, do we really need so much that AAA games have to become this ginormous? In a couple years people will say FFXV's install size is tiny.
    1 point
  8. listened to entire master o' puppets album before, and wore same socks during, every every football game we played our senior year in high school... for luck. would be hypocritical o' us to mock. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  9. You can get Endless Space 1 on Humble Bundle for free, just need to sign up for newsletter, but could abandon it soon. ES1 seems to be too simple and slow to be really fun, but everyone has own taste. The 2nd has stronger story line, so that makes it more interesting.
    1 point
  10. carol danver's backstory is a bit o' a mess, but the advantage o' such is the movie folks coulda' taken whatever they wanted from the chaos. missed opportunity. we didn't hate the ww film. however, am gonna admit patty jenkins did something impressive (if oblique) with a protagonist we didn't particular like. i believe in love, and i will prove the depth o' my conviction... by disintegrating you? ww is iconic. am understanding why, given the expectations people had for ww, jenkins didn't wanna humanize what were less a character and more a symbol. ww, as a character, is kinda meh in the movie, but chris pine (an actor we don't particular like btw) was unexpected good. is a ww movie, but is pine's character who grows and is pine's character who gets the heroic sacrifice scene. nevertheless, at no time does pine upstage or diminish ww. patty jenkins and chris pine did a fantastic job with kinda crap material, and while pine ain't the protagonist o' the movie, his is the character which advances the story if not the plot. can't even imagine how risky it were to make pine the emotional driver o' a ww film, of the ww film. never have pine's performance detract from ww were improbable to say the least. 'course the problem for jenkins is now she is stuck with ww as a symbol as 'posed to a character. rey, unlike ww, weren't iconic. didn't even have the comic book baggage o' carol danvers who kinda started as damsel in distress (her powers were functional the result o' proximity to the original captain marvel... grafted onto her along with a portion o' his personality) and evolved in weird and even disturbing ways. rey were a clean slate and writers/directors/actors (actress) coulda' done whatever they wanted. bears repeating, but there has been more than a couple ubermensch male protagonists, so is hardly shocking when a female version appears in 201_. ww handled lack o' character development in the protagonist by creating a surrogate, and challenged seeming unaware audiences by making the surrogate male. again, kudos to jenkins and pine. star wars is doing something similar, albeit a bit less seamless, by using adam driver for same function. and captain marvel? the captain marvel folks didn't bother with the surrogate and was successful even so. regardless, am hopeful is not a trend. women protagonists in these big budget movies deserve to get meaningful parts which has 'em develop as characters and persons. can be a role model and can be aspirational while at the same time having their growth advance story. growth should advance story. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  11. As once William Shakespeare said "What is in a name?" so I don't care what if Obsidian create POE3, Tyranny 2 or TOW2. I only care if they can still create the worlds and stories which are so immersive that we spent multiple of hours.
    1 point
  12. Also new Yakuza 7 trailer *cheers*
    1 point
  13. Well, somebody did it.
    1 point
  14. Considering the cosmic mess in which Eora finds itself, and that possibility of fast traveling has been introduced (Valian's experiments with adra): I would like for the series to move into top down 3d engine (I mean preferably still isometric as it's less fiddly, ala. Starcraft2, I don't know how practical it would be), and explore multiple places - Rauatai and Yehuza come to mind as potential must see (first due to the storms and its connection to the Wheel, and Yehuza because how heavily it was teased in Deadfire, plus they must have been seperated for a while. Aside from those two... Aedyr would be nice, or the Living Lands. After having a taste of White that Wends in BoW, I am less interested in it, then I was before (not because I didn't like it! I just want to see other cultures now!). Naturally, tackling multiple cutures at once, does create a certain danger, but it might lead to: 1) more focus on story, and less of showing how cool the lore is (which while cool, makes for a better Political Sociology class, then an adventure/story) 2) with all the Microsoft backing, PoE3 might aim to reach ambition and budget Divinities (or Baldur's Gate3!). Though to be honest, at this point, I am game for anything they want to throw at me, as long as it is an RPG. Preferably top down or isometric.
    1 point
  15. You may as well ask why people play games in the most challenging mode possible. The reward isn't meant to be the real incentive behind completing the Ultimate, it's just an extra to those who have fun trying to crack such near-impossible achievements, a way of further recognizing them beyond the general personal reward of "having done this". As to whether you find it rewarding or not, it's really up to whether you enjoy playing games in this fashion; but if you're not, then you're not the target audience for this challenge. But again, fun is the main objective here, not whatever "compensation" is ultimately offered.
    1 point
  16. People do the damnedest things for minimum rewards, and have done so since time immemorial. So there is nothing in this that is beyond comprehension, it's precisely what people do. I am also one of those who don't even think of doing this, simply because it is not interesting enough for me, but I can understand why such a challenge has been presented. I think it's nice. And yes, I do think that whoever takes on the challenge could probably think of something better to do with their life, but who am I to judge on that.
    1 point
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