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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/20/19 in all areas

  1. No personal experience but there are plenty of free or paid data recovery tools you can use, though you'll probably need to be able to hook up the drive to a functioning computer, probably a desktop of some sort. Could be as simple as a corrupt boot record with the drive and data otherwise 100% intact. No guarantees it'll work though, and if it doesn't, the next step would be professional data recovery services, but do note that they may charge hundreds, or in some case potentially thousands of dollars for the job depending on how bad the failure was. Often this will be the only realistic option if the disk is physically damaged.
    2 points
  2. Everything works, optimization is not necessary. I think that's a good thing to keep in mind, if you're new to the rules. I know that this a question that separates people on the basis of their temperament, and that's fine. For instance, my PnP role-playing group has a GM and three players. In the past twenty years (although it obviously took a lot less time than that), I have learned that it is extremely important for one of our players to calculate everything and figure out the optimum stats and approach for whichever character he happens to be playing. To me, it's not important, although I do not go out of my way to create bad characters. But since the point of the game is to have fun, I don't want to nitpick and spend extra amounts of time figuring out combinations that might, in the long run, improve my survival chances by, say, 3.75 per cent and produce, say, an average of 8.63 per cent more melee damage. But I know that there are people for whom this is important, and, as I said, that's fine.
    2 points
  3. "Erwin Rommel just got the assignment of his life, leading the invasion of Poland in operation Polandfeldzug. Unfortunately his world is turned upside down when a plot to overthrow the German government led by Oberstleutnant Claus von Stauffenberg results in the death of the entire German high command. Undeterred, Rommel returns to Berlin to prevent civil war only to find that the Führer, along with the rest of the high command, is not dead, only… changed into anime characters. Instead of leading a simple invasion of Poland, Rommel is stuck trying to prevent the world from descending into utter chaos as the Anime-Führer runs Germany into the ground at every turn, blundering at everything from military strategy to diplomacy. Make friends (mostly enemies) at the most pivotal moments in history, from the Battle of Stalingrad to the Invasion of Normandy. With five potential Waifus, you’re guaranteed to have fun on multiple playthroughs as you try to prevent the inevitable shenanigans that ensue." Uhh... Thanks? Japan.
    2 points
  4. Figured I should go ahead and post it here too: one of our users, @Decadency, completed the Ultimate: Well done to him!
    2 points
  5. In the continuation of my 3d Printing project... After about 70 hours total time printing, I have the four main pieces of the chest piece looking fairly decent. With a lot more time printing, I also have one thigh piece in 4 different parts to put together, a couple of forearm bracers, and a few assorted greeblies. Still debating whether to wait until I've got more pieces put together before starting to paint them in fibreglass resin and sanding or to do it in itty bitty pieces here and there....
    1 point
  6. That reminds me of an article... https://rpgcodex.net/content.php?id=10511 I know a lot of you turn your noses up at RPG codex. But I think his guy makes a lot of interesting points here. Especially about writers, back in the 'old days' writers of Sci Fi and fantasy were physicists, mathematicians, archeologists or whatever. Now they are... Creative writing graduates. I dunno how true that actually is but eh, i sort of get it. Also the people who made BG/BG2 probably played DND all the time and loved old school fantasy/sci fi literature. People writing/creating now probably grew up on playing games.
    1 point
  7. Well.. yeah. I guess it was when they joined with Enix. They used to make a lot of interesting games back then. Of course Final Fantasy was the flagship but they did other stuff like Vagrant Story, SaGa Frontier 2, Front Mission, Parasite Eve, Chrono Trigger etc. Now it seems like it's only Final Fantasy (Which have been terrible since X) and... ???????
    1 point
  8. Helped a friend move yesterday, the only problem was it was crazy hot here yesterday (around 150C by my estimate). Today Im taking it easy and trying to talk my neighbor into some garage drinking.
    1 point
  9. I don't favor indiscriminate mass release as I think each case should be reviewed in-depth prior to any release Also, there actually are a small number of people incarcerated in federal prisons for simple possession. It's only a misdemeanor on the first offense and even that can still get you up to a year and since I don't think the federal goverments operates jails I can only assume where they go various links and whatnot https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/21/844 https://www.ussc.gov/ https://www.bjs.gov/ https://www.drugwarfacts.org/ https://www.prisonpolicy.org/ Note: last 2 have an agenda to refrom drug and/or prison policy but they do dash the notion that prisons are overflowing with people put there for possession and do generally state how many are there for that reason Bonus link https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/fact-checker/wp/2018/04/16/john-boehners-claim-that-we-have-literally-filled-up-our-jails-with-people-for-minor-marijuana-possession/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.2f801a3843df
    1 point
  10. I did re-specing like 8-10 times. 19 athletics - no idea. Failed it too.
    1 point
  11. 8 hours? Arcane Cleanse - I spammed phantoms so wizards wasted their Dampeners. For Concelhaut I used Storm of Holy Fire and withdraw myself. And Sigilmaster was the hardest: Withdraw Vela, Use Arkemyr's Brilliant Departure, Use Arkemyr's Hex on a sigil master to make her open the sigil, use Storm of Holy Fire on a Sigil and withdraw myself at once. Use Arkemyr's Brilliant Departure when I'm in stealth so it will cast at once after invis. And after sigils were dead - just spam Storm of Holy Fire on the Sigilmaster cause she has no spells with that range and she can't move
    1 point
  12. Watched Aziz Ansari new stand-up on Netflix. A very good piece, some very clever writing.
    1 point
  13. Nevermind, we'll always have The Hexer to go back to if Netflix's Witcher is rubbish.
    1 point
  14. I've become really against this criticism of fighter classes as "autoattack" in older RPG's. In a six-player party, there's absolutely nothing wrong with essentially have a blocker character or two. This sentiment is what has pushed a lot of modern RPG's to essentially make every class a fighter-mage, by adding all kinds of actives to the frontline fighters and then of course we now have balance the wizards because we buffed the fighters. It's killed actual strategy like positioning, and turned combat in these games into use every single active skill on all your characters over and over again. It's essentially what happened in Deadfire, imo. And it hasn't made combat better. I'd much prefer to have a pair of auto-attack characters than fighters who I have to click the same two or three active skills on every fight. It's essentially the same thing, except the former involves less tedium. Fighter classes also involved serious strategic thinking about leveling. Go all in for tankiness with sword and shield style? All-in on two-handed damage or two weapon? Or a mix of ranged and melee? It's actually one of the few classes (the other is thief) with some serious decision making and planning required on level up. Lastly, if you were never using active consumables on fighters in the later stages of BG1 or BG2 -- games with super strong fighter potions, necklace of missiles, you weren't playing the game at a high level.
    1 point
  15. I got it on PS3 as well recently, good and interesting game. What the hell happened to Squaresoft? When you saw that logo back in the playstation 1 era it was a sign of high quality.
    1 point
  16. Content? I mean, if you create a set of custom characters, you will miss out on an awful lot of written content.
    1 point
  17. Hey guys! I want to share with you something:
    1 point
  18. I think there's a lot of romanticizing going on around here. Yes, getting your first +1 dagger was a mind-blowing milestone, but I don't see how being a 6hp mage with 1 Magic Missile per day or being restricted to autoattack as a fighter type was fun or engaging in any way. I'm all for feeling underpowered in a world where danger lurks behind every shadow, but most of BG1 felt like playing chess with pawns only. No tactical depth to speak of. Bar's pretty low set for Larian, if it's BG1 gameplay people want to compare to.
    1 point
  19. I want to create a rogue who goes for full offense, moves and attacks as fast as possible and does lots of damage. I want to thank a lot of people who gave me some advice for this, especially Boeroer and MaxQuest. ================================== The fast assassin ================================= diffuculty: hard version 3.06 ( I tried to optimize a lot, so it should work for PotD too) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- solo: not intended, should be part of a full party --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class: rogue --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- race: pale elf (elf for dex and per, pale because he is a cold killer) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- background: a raider from the deadfire --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- stats: mig: 11 con: 10 dex: 20 per: 19 int: 08 res: 10 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- skills: max stealth, spend the remaining points however you like, maybe survival bonusses --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- abilities and talents: v1: crippling strike lv2: backstab lv3: reckless assault lv4: two weapon style lv5: deep wounds lv6: weapon focus ruffian lv7: dirty fighting lv8: outlanders frenzy lv9: withering strike (most damage), blinding strike (best debuff) or escape lv 10: vicious fighting lv11: deathblows lv12: spirit of decay lv13: sap lv14: fast runner lv15: shadow step, feign death or something else you did not take at lv 9 lv16: vulnerable attack --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- items: weapon: resolution+purgatory, bittercut+vent pick as alternative for slash resistent foes boots: boots of speed or viettros formal footware (dex+4) if you have other sources of movement speed head: maegfolc skull (mig+4) armor: something light so you attack fast, maybe Gwisk Glas (robe with second chance) neck: liliths shawl (per+3) belt: ??? rings: ring of thorns (dex+3), ring of deflection, ring of protection hand: gloves of swift action -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I want a rogue who attacks as fast as possible and who does lots of damage this way. about stats: Dex is the only thing that reduces the duration of everything (attack, recovery, reload). Even if you cut the recovery completely (what I intend to do), dex will still increase your attack speed. By maxing out dex, this chas attacks as fast as possible in this game (when he uses fast weapons, but I use sabres for max damage). Why also max per? rogues have a high base acc. What does a char with high acc need? EVEN MORE ACC! Unless your acc is 100 points higher than the enemy defense, more acc means more damage. If you can remove misses and grazes and rogues can covert hit to crit, you will crit a lot. This is especially good with anihilating weapons (+50%crit damage). High per means also high interrupt. crit gives also +25 interrupt. When you attack fast with high per, the enemy has less chances to interrupt you while you will interrupt the enemy a lot. Of course this is only true for the enemy you attack. Beware of attacks by other enemies, you cannot take many hits and your defense is low. Why so little might? For most classes, might is the main boost to damage. Rogues have several other factors that will increase their damage (sneak/death attack, backstab, reckless assault, deep wounds (this profits from might)). Just to be sure, assuming they use the same weapon rogues get as much damage bonus from might as any other class and more might is always good. Its just that gave dex and per a higher priority for this char because I wanted fast attacks with lots of crits. Why so little int? This rogue has no AoE attacks, so it influences only the duration of debuffs. If you kill the enemy before the debuff runs out, it lasts long enough. He is part of a party, so other party members can and should CC enemies too. Con and res should not be dropped too much, because you need to be alive in order to deal damage. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- abilities and talents: I tried to focus on things that increase your damage and acc. Vulnerable attack comes late because it slows you down and this build is about speed. But at the end of the game you might have zero recovery even with vulnerable attack. Then you should turn it on to do more damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- weapons: I choose those sabres for max damage and for the style ( I am a pirate ;-). Good alternatives are any weapons that cause prone or stunn on crit (you crit a lot) or that are anihilating. For example We Toki (axe with prone on crit, all axes are anihilating) or Godanshuntyr (hammer, stunn on crit, +1 mig, high interrupt, 2 damage types). You could also go for 2h weapons (change weapon style talent and skip vulnerable attack). You can do it the save way and use tall grass (long range weapon with prone on crit). Or you take Hours of st. Rumbalt as the ultimate weapon (annihilating, prone on crit, 2 damage types, you gett it with acc enchantment). With a 2h weapon, the damage per hit will be higher. But it is much harder to get zero recovery. If you manage to get zero (or at least very low) recovery with St. Rumbalt, your damage will be much larger than with dual sabres because all the damage modifiers (remember, rogues have a lot of them) are based on base damage. However, speed was my main factor for this build, so I stick with dual wielding. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am not an expert for equipment, so I chose the one that gives the highest stat bonusses. Your armor should not be too heavy, because the goal is zero recovery. In the best case you reach zero recovery without the use of spells or potions even when vulnerable attack is on. Durganise your weapons and armor, which any char should do anyway. Add a corrosive lash to your weapon. I chose corrosive because of bittercut as alternative weapon. If you do not use sabres, you can chose whatever element you like. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- how to play: Enter stealth before combat. Your first two normal attacks will be a backstab them. Attack enemies who are engaged by your tank or who stand alone. You will likely die if you get surrounded. Fast movement helps you because if you spend less time walking, you have more time to do damage. Your party should help you. If they CC the enemy, the enemy cannot kill you and you have no problem to use death attacks, which should kill enemies really fast before CC runs out. Use your full attack skills (crippling, blinding, withering strike) anyway, they have a damage bonus and there is no recovery between them (when dual wielding, a full attack uses both weapons). Every time I play I give each char a ranged weapon as secondary weapon. It can be better to do less damage from a save position than to make no damage because you are dead. Sometimes enemies stand in large AoE damage or your tank(s) manages to block the enemies path completely. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have any comments, please post them I am happy for every advice I can get.
    1 point
  20. If this doesn't convince people that the Hague is a tool of the west, then I don't know what will. Don't get me wrong he fully deserves to go there for the **** he has done. https://www.serbianmonitor.com/en/breaking-news-ramush-haradinaj-resigns-as-kosovo-pm-indicted-by-the-special-court/
    0 points
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