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Politics Thread: Edge of Seventeen


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yes, I was going to direct all you all to agiel's military thread so you can quit raining on my rain-on-trump-parade parade, but it's gone, so I couldn't


How I have existed fills me with horror. For I have failed in everything - spelling, arithmetic, riding, tennis, golf; dancing, singing, acting; wife, mistress, whore, friend. Even cooking. And I do not excuse myself with the usual escape of 'not trying'. I tried with all my heart.

In my dreams, I am not crippled. In my dreams, I dance.

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Ukraine Announces Plans To Quit CIS, Terminate Parts Of Russia Friendship Treaty

Perfectly understandable, why would you want to part of  a   union of countries that include the list below. Much better to align with Western countries like the EU


Full members of the CIS include Russia and eight former Soviet republics -- Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan.

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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The world is becoming more and more like a reality tv show. A chicken passes the Syrian/Israeli border and you have 'WW3!!!' headlines all over the news.



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- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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first link: Isn't that the kruger-dunning effect?


second link: No idea if that is the first time they've tried doing an official peace treaty, but if they manage to get one down, it'd be a step in the right direction. Don't see the DMZ or military along the border going away anytime soon since it'll be a long proccess.

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first link: Isn't that the kruger-dunning effect?

Nope, its the Dunning-Kruger effect. :p


“The Dunning-Kruger effect holds that individuals with little knowledge about a topic will be, paradoxically, the most confident that they know a lot about the topic."



That's definetly what I was thinking of but got the name switched around.

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Okay, for something halfway between politics, literature and weird things..


Author John Ringo responds to the SJW assault led Sci-Fi convention ban



Over the last year, conventions and geek-fandom have become an increasingly dangerous place for anyone who identifies as even moderately on the right. The troubles began with New York Comic Con, when YouTube reviewer Richard C. Meyer, with the channel Diversity & Comics, was targeted for harassment by comic book professionals who conspired in a secret Facebook group to harass him and “goad him into throwing a punch,” one said.  The goal would be to get him banned from conventions for his violence, intentionally inciting an incident.


The problems have only become worse in 2018. East Coast Comic Con announced they would not allow Kevin Sorbo at their event because of his ties to Sean Hannity. Worldcon banned me under dubious circumstances because of my political writings. And ConCarolinas was set to have John Ringo, one of the biggest authors in the industry, at their convention.


Who Is John Ringo And Why Does He Matter?

John Ringo is no stranger to fighting SJWs. As a wildly successful author with more than two decades in the business, he recalls the year 2000 as being a particularly difficult time at his first convention, shortly after the 2000 election where George Bush narrowly defeated Al Gore in the Electoral College.

“What struck me from the beginning was how the conservatives (many) at the con had to hide in the shadows, furtively whispering the secret passwords and passing microdot notes like they were in East Germany,” Ringo told DANGEROUS. “By the same token, the leftists were free to vent any old idiocy, any lie, any distortion or falsehood without anyone speaking up and telling them they were full of ****. As soon as I broke the hymen and revealed myself as a conservative it was game on and no holds barred. At that con I very nearly got into a fistfight with a magazine publisher at a room party. It has been one **** storm after another ever since.”


According to Ringo, the convention then pushed its conservative members out of its planning committee, attendance dropped over years, and it’s now defunct. “Get woke, go broke,” he says of any organization who bows to SJW pressure.


ConCarolinas initially didn’t respond to the nasty trolling and threats of boycotts, but after deliberating over the weekend, they sent Ringo an email disinviting him from the convention because, as the convention chair said on Twitter, “the con could not guarantee Ringo wouldn’t be walking into a hostile environment. John wanted to have fun. A reasonable request. The con could not guarantee that he wouldn’t be subject to people being ugly to him.”


Ringo recalls the interchange with the convention to be a bit more serious, stating he was asked not to attend because, “we were going to have to hire full time security guards and maybe off-duty police during peak hours.”

If the crowd is prone to be as violent as he suggests, and it has gotten increasingly worse over these last few years, why won’t the conventions do something to protect their conservative guests?  


What Can We Do To Fix The Problem?

Ringo doesn’t believe there’s an answer to the problem of the SJW outrage brigade in the near future. “What is not definitely conservative is eventually taken over by the left, gutted, skinned and used as a cloak while they dance around demanding respect,” Ringo said.

“Who wants to sit through a lecture on intersectionality and wokeness when they came to learn how to write? Some masochists, maybe, but most thinking people want to learn the craft, not Socialist Doctrine. So more and more will fold. People will say it’s because ‘people just aren’t reading anymore’ or whatever. But the reality is, socialism kills everything it touches.”


It seems to have been the case in the publishing industry, as fewer and fewer publishing houses appear to be able to compete each year. Independent books are subsequently taking more of the market share. Writers like Ringo, contrarily, are doing well because he doesn’t water down his books with political correctness, giving a very authentic voice to his series Black Tide Rising and others. His third book in the Monster Hunter universe, co-authored with right-leaning Larry Correia, is titled Monster Hunter Memoirs: Saints, is available for pre-order on July 3rd.  


As the conventions continue to push themselves into irrelevancy by bowing to the SJW pressure, Ringo urges readers to fight back.

“Keep up with what any con you’re planning on attending is doing. If they cave to the SJW mobs, don’t go,” Ringo said.


“Tell them you’re not going and why. Cancel your membership if you bought one and ask for your money back. Money talks. Show the publishers that it’s a bad idea to ‘get woke’ financially. People say ‘I don’t read/watch TV on the basis of politics. Your enemies, my enemies too, do so. And they attack, attack, attack every single damned day. Wonder why there’s never anything good on TV or in the bookstores? Because we let the Left take over all of that (nearly all) and it went to ****. And it’s only going to get worse. We have to fight back. And unfortunately, we have to fight back every damned day. Because it’s like being a cop or a security guard or a sentry. The bad guys can choose their time. We have to be eternally vigilant,” Ringo said. 


We have to fight back, and the best way we can do so is to support authors like John Ringo, and as he says, not give money to people who hate us.  It’s the only way the culture is going to change. It’s reaching a tipping point where anyone who speaks out on the right is blacklisted, berated, defamed, or worse. It’s on us to make the change so that artists don’t have to face this kind of abuse in the future. 

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"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Oh yeah, let's build safe spaces for conservatives. Poor Ringo sure could use one.


Socialist Doctrine something something lefists something something fighting back. The poor right, the eternal victims of leftist conspiracies in the western world that is mostly ruled by conservative governments. Sure, in reality the deep state rules. Whatevs.


Man, who needs to toughen up now? ;)


On a more serious note I don't take people who go "leftist something something socialist something marxist" any more serious than I do the loony bin brigade at twatter. They're both fringe nutjobs.

Edited by majestic
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No mind to think. No will to break. No voice to cry suffering.

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I liked his assertion that there are no good books on the shelves. Heard some glass shattering from here

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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There's a hell of a difference between asking for a 'safe space' and asking that one not be expelled, censored, banned, etc.


If we were talking about a religious shopkeeper who refused to serve **** the freedom brigade would be here to defend his right to not serve potential customers at his own leisure, but of course that freedom isn't extended to everyone else - especially not if the opportunity arises to paint themselves as victims. So of course now it's censorship.


If some convention doesn't want Kevin Sorbo or poor, discriminated against Ringo (who, according to this article, is wildly successful in the face of extreme hardship) then that is their prerogative. As Guard Dog would say, they're free to found their own ConservaCon. *shrug*


Well, not that a quick googling in this case wouldn't reveal most of this story as the typical (alt-)right hysteria. Sorbo isn't banned at all from attending any convention, East Coast Comic Con just passed on an offer from some agent to have Sorbo appear that he apparently didn't even know about. Jon Del Arroz believes himself banned from Worldcon for his political views while it was because he announced to break their code of conduct on Twatter by filming private events and Ringo got uninvited doesn't appear at ConCarolinas due to threats the Con takes seriously and they can't provide enough security (well it's a really tiny convention).


I think I remember a certain "lefist" called Anita Sarkeesian who had to cancel an appearance at the Utah State for safety reasons, so that really isn't a one way street.


So yeah, one ace case of the pot calling the kettle black coming up. Poor convservatives, just give in. The safe space awaits. Have some trigger warnings on the house. :w00t: The guys are awfully salty for not being allowed to attend "irrelevant" conventions. So sad...

Edited by majestic
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No mind to think. No will to break. No voice to cry suffering.

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Yeah, in the words of his own people, Mr Ringo seems to be a "sensitive snowflake". Can't even go into a con without a persecution complex and getting into fist fights. There's a saying for this. "If you ran into an ***hole in the morning, you ran into an ***hole. If you run into ***holes all day, you're the ***hole."

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