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I'm no Doctor Who fan. I think I watched a few episodes a long time ago. It should be my cup of tea but it isn't.


As for female doctor. *shrug* I enjoy female starring vehciles like Wonder Woman is fine. I just don't get the need for SJW Nazis to push this sort of thing.  In stead of a female DSoctor Who why not created an unique character that happens to be fermale instead of turning a man into a woman much like the push for Bond to be blasck or female (though Irba is a good actor  but why not make a new spy thriller  starring Irba?). L0L


'Twould be a vaild complaint if the Doctor were a man in the first place. Not that the last couple of Doctor Who (*cough* Clara *cough*) seasons didn't have issues, but the Doctor who is a time travelling alien able to change appearances and escape death whenever the showrunners need to regenerating into a woman (which even has in-canon prededence, so whatever) sure as hell isn't one of them.


The rest of your points I can get behind. Although I can see Idris Elba being a better Bond than Craig could ever be. At least he isn't blonde.

No mind to think. No will to break. No voice to cry suffering.

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 A travelling alien that just *happens* to choose a white (british) male each and every main incarnation but then randomly in 2017 chooses to be a white female? Yeha,  SJW Nazism has NOTHING to do with it. L0L


Has the actual form of said 'alien' been shown? Again, seems weird that said alien constantly chooses white (british) male but in 2017  it decides it is 'time' for a white woman  body? K.


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Said form of Time Lords has always been bipedal humanoid. The main difference being two hearts which generally isn't a highly visible feature. Across the decades the show has run, Time Lords have invariably spoken with a British accent and the majority have been white. But, there have been female and male Time Lords shown in varying positions of power/influence.


I'm not bothered by the fact that a woman has been cast in the role. As long as it's written interestingly and with decent character. If it's done pretty much as a "Look how shiny and modern and feminist we are!" instead, that will be a letdown. Most of the Doctor Who stories should work without regards of if the Doctor is male or female, if it starts turning into a hanging point for it...

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Idris Elba as Bond is pretty much the best casting I can think of. There aren't any candidates that I can think of that are better. Which is really what I hope they do when they cast roles, they take the best person for the job regardless of gender or race or hair color.

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Nah, Elba is "too street".


You want Colin Salmon, who would have made a fine doctor as well. Or just get Craig back and hope that ten million odd quid stop him from slitting his wrists.


Said form of Time Lords has always been bipedal humanoid. The main difference being two hearts which generally isn't a highly visible feature. Across the decades the show has run, Time Lords have invariably spoken with a British accent and the majority have been white. But, there have been female and male Time Lords shown in varying positions of power/influence.


I'm not bothered by the fact that a woman has been cast in the role. As long as it's written interestingly and with decent character. If it's done pretty much as a "Look how shiny and modern and feminist we are!" instead, that will be a letdown. Most of the Doctor Who stories should work without regards of if the Doctor is male or female, if it starts turning into a hanging point for it...


Yeah, I don't have any problem with casting a woman, so long as it isn't a "come on guys, it's %currentyear%" pick done for the sake of it. Should allow some change ups as well, like actual male companions. I can't even remember the last long term (so not Capt Jack) male companion who wasn't an adjunct (so not Rory, who I liked, but was basically Amy's third arm). Thurlough or whatever his name was, maybe, and I'm not sure he'd actually count given his backstory so unless I've missed one (likely) it would be Adric about 30 years ago.


So does this prove that Moffat is a hack?


Moffat is gone after the Christmas Special, presumably she was picked by BBC Marketing Chris Chibnall. Moffat is a good writer and has written most of the really memorable episodes of new who, I hope he comes back to do one offs. Much as with Sherlock his shtick really did run itself into the ground horribly when called upon to run the show long term. I do have to admit to some amusement to some of the criticism of him though, the last companion to actually snuff it properly was Adric and woolly deus ex machina endings were Russel T Davis's speciality except for Midnight. Children of Earth would count as well, were it not Torchwood.

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 A travelling alien that just *happens* to choose a white (british) male each and every main incarnation but then randomly in 2017 chooses to be a white female? Yeha,  SJW Nazism has NOTHING to do with it. L0L


Has the actual form of said 'alien' been shown? Again, seems weird that said alien constantly chooses white (british) male but in 2017  it decides it is 'time' for a white woman  body? K.


The Doctor can literally go to any place at any time in the entire universe and yet most episodes still play in London or some other English city. Gee...

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No mind to think. No will to break. No voice to cry suffering.

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Volo is right about his point though. Changing races/gender/whatever of long established characters is done less in the service of their stories than it is to shove a finger in the eye of  all the people who might not like it. As well a a shout out to all the ones who will.I think they call that "challenging conventions" which is just fancy way to say it. There is no controvery in creating strong female charachters like Xena, Danerys Targaryen, etc. There is controversy in taking a long established character and making them female. It is political. Of course it is.


That is not to say Whittaker is not up to the task and can't make the role her own. Or that Idris Elba could not have us all believing he really is James Bond. Their acting chops are not in question. But casting them isn't about putting the best actor in the role. if about shoving "it" in everyone's faces and stirring up controversy. Seems stupid to me but I guess that's why I'm not in show biz. I suspect the folks who were watching will still watch and the ones who were not won't start now. After all if you don't like it... change the doggone channel.


But there will be a dust up over it I'm sure so the decision will serve it's purpose.  

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"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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 A travelling alien that just *happens* to choose a white (british) male each and every main incarnation but then randomly in 2017 chooses to be a white female? Yeha,  SJW Nazism has NOTHING to do with it. L0L


Has the actual form of said 'alien' been shown? Again, seems weird that said alien constantly chooses white (british) male but in 2017  it decides it is 'time' for a white woman  body? K.


The Doctor can literally go to any place at any time in the entire universe and yet most episodes still play in London or some other English city. Gee...



Maybe that's why I can't get into it anymore. In the old days he went all over the universe. Now all the aliens come to him.

"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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Moffat is gone after the Christmas Special, presumably she was picked by BBC Marketing Chris Chibnall. Moffat is a good writer and has written most of the really memorable episodes of new who, I hope he comes back to do one offs. Much as with Sherlock his shtick really did run itself into the ground horribly when called upon to run the show long term. I do have to admit to some amusement to some of the criticism of him though, the last companion to actually snuff it properly was Adric and woolly deus ex machina endings were Russel T Davis's speciality except for Midnight. Children of Earth would count as well, were it not Torchwood.


Moffat just loved his wibbly wobbly timey wimey balls a bit too much while Davis generally had more technobabble in his episodes.


I don't think it helped that Moffat took over after Tennant. As much as I liked Matt Smith's tenure he had some big shoes to fill.

No mind to think. No will to break. No voice to cry suffering.

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I'm still torn apart between not watching Doctor Who anymore if they keep changing everything and sticking to it till the (hopefully not) bitter end. Can we at least have an additional male companion, please? And make him cute. We women like eye candy, too. (Just kidding)

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This picture feels oddly relevant



Edited by Orogun01
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I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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Nah, Elba is "too street".



I have no idea what that means.





I do have to agree with Horowitz as I don't think Elba (fab actor that he is) is a good fit for Bond either based on prior roles, but his way of phrasing it was hilariously tone deaf. I'd pick Salmon because his prior roles fit Bond better, and to be honest I'd pick him over all the white actors I'd seen suggested. Though it does rather seem we're going to get Craig again anyway.

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The first 4 minutes of the new Game of Thrones episode were glorious, but then it just kinda limped along for the next 50 minutes.


As long as one wolf still lives the sheep are never safe.

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"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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Arya is boring and too fanservicy. Also, I think a lot of people are missing the poijt of both those scenes as they see it as Arya being ';cool'. There is nothing 'cool' about mass murder and then smiling about it. The meeting withj the 'nice'  soldiers is to supposed to illustrate that. Arya is turning (or already is) a monster. Not a hero. That said, both her scenes were good because they were entertaining and had narrative purpose. As long as oyu don't think too deeply into that first scene which has way too many parts for her to have done it so perfectly.


Hound, Jon, and Sansa's scenes were fantastic.  Cersei and co were solid as well.


The poop scenes were unnecessary. I tune in for **** and ass not  **** and barfstew. L0L


And, Dany is just pure garbage again.  I can't beleive I actually enjoyed that character before.

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The major issue with Elba I believe is his age. Even though I'd be fine with him only doing one or two movies, Eon probably wants to sign someone for far more than that. They are getting 5 with Craig and even he seems like he's about to crack.

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Arya is boring and too fanservicy. Also, I think a lot of people are missing the poijt of both those scenes as they see it as Arya being ';cool'. There is nothing 'cool' about mass murder and then smiling about it. The meeting withj the 'nice'  soldiers is to supposed to illustrate that. Arya is turning (or already is) a monster. Not a hero. That said, both her scenes were good because they were entertaining and had narrative purpose. As long as oyu don't think too deeply into that first scene which has way too many parts for her to have done it so perfectly.


Are you applying 21st century morals to a War of the Roses era medieval fantasy TV show? What are you, a libtard? :biggrin:

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No mind to think. No will to break. No voice to cry suffering.

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Why's Euron Greyjoy less fantasy and more Motorhead?


Oh, wow. I already forgot that Euron was in this episode and I watched it an hour ago. That was... terrible.


Not as terrible as the continuous close ups of Dany. I think I've seen enough of her "I'm looking tough but it really just looks like an O-face" look for a lifetime.

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No mind to think. No will to break. No voice to cry suffering.

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Arya is boring and too fanservicy. Also, I think a lot of people are missing the poijt of both those scenes as they see it as Arya being ';cool'. There is nothing 'cool' about mass murder and then smiling about it. The meeting withj the 'nice'  soldiers is to supposed to illustrate that. Arya is turning (or already is) a monster. Not a hero. That said, both her scenes were good because they were entertaining and had narrative purpose. As long as oyu don't think too deeply into that first scene which has way too many parts for her to have done it so perfectly.


Are you applying 21st century morals to a War of the Roses era medieval fantasy TV show? What are you, a libtard? :biggrin:



It does work a lot better in the books* though (r00fles!) as the Freyicide is well and truly foreshadowed with all the talk about guest right, the king of the twins game and the rat king story. Violating guest right makes you degenerate scum in that world and the books make it explicitly clear that bad stuff happens as a consequence.


There's also the small matter of Lady Stoneheart and Lord Manderly both offing Freys regularly in the books as well. Just another example of the TV show lacking nuance, albeit understandably.


*well, it hasn't properly happened in the books yet it's obvious that it will.

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