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I'm playing Sherlock Holmes: Crimes & Punishments.


It's actually a really pleasant game. It's nice to have a game that has a slow pace. It's not particularly difficult. Well, you can draw wrong conclusions and accuse the wrong person but unfortunately there doesn't really appear to be any consequence to it. Or sort of... follow-up. It'd be pretty nice to have gotten that.


But yeah, it's a really nice game still. Definitely enjoying it.

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Listen to my home-made recordings (some original songs, some not): http://www.youtube.c...low=grid&view=0

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Me currently in Dankest Souls 3:


Unable to summon phantom

Unable to summon phantom

Unable to summon phantom

Unable to summon phantom

Unable to summon phantom



Also noticed I only have 11 sun medals by now. Kinda gets tiresome.

Well if you don't get summoned, join sunbros, find a friend, put down red sign and use password. Kill that friend 19 times. ... That's tiresome. :biggrin: edit: only phantosm killing hosts get stuff and the host doesn't have to be in ember mode.

Edited by Majek

1.13 killed off Ja2.

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I'm playing Sherlock Holmes: Crimes & Punishments.


It's actually a really pleasant game. It's nice to have a game that has a slow pace. It's not particularly difficult. Well, you can draw wrong conclusions and accuse the wrong person but unfortunately there doesn't really appear to be any consequence to it. Or sort of... follow-up. It'd be pretty nice to have gotten that.


But yeah, it's a really nice game still. Definitely enjoying it.

This is one of my biggest gripes about western mystery/detective games.  It was my biggest gripe about The ABC Murders, there was no real consequence to making incorrect conclusions.  It seems most (not all) western developers are afraid to include failure states or abrupt/bad endings in these types of story-driven mystery games.  It's one area where I think Japanese developers are superior, letting you fail in these types of games.  Spike Chunsoft, in particular, is well known (and beloved) for punishing you for poor choices and failed debates and will absolutely have the game end right then and there (or down the line) in a very bad way for you.  I'm a big boy, let me fail.  If I screw up I should be punished.  I can handle it.

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🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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Yes and no


It gets a lot busier but you don't share the main game space with other people



To those who are playing/have played the Division, does it really get better?  I was turned off the game because of the beginning.  It was so empty and nothing was going on other than the mission you're given.


I'm having trouble convincing myself to give it another go because of how boring the first part is.


Are you still in the tutorial area?  It should only take about an hour to get out of there.  I enjoyed it quite a bit once I took back city hall and started exploring the whole New York area.



Hmm. Yeah, I'm likely still in the tutorial area.  Maybe I'll push through and see if I enjoy it once I get to the main part of the game.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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Finished This War of Mine and moved on to next small indie game... Defense Grid 2. I really enjoyed the first one and the 2nd doesn't seem bad at all for the price I bought it. Pretty basic tower defense game though. Been downloading Shadows of Mordor for most of the day, so if I got the time I'll finally start playing that.
Also definately picking up Stellaris, but I might wait for a patch or two before actually starting it. They've had some pretty ****ed up bugs while streaming the gameplay so I'm gonna wait for "all clear" signal.

Hate the living, love the dead.

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I'm playing Sherlock Holmes: Crimes & Punishments.


It's actually a really pleasant game. It's nice to have a game that has a slow pace. It's not particularly difficult. Well, you can draw wrong conclusions and accuse the wrong person but unfortunately there doesn't really appear to be any consequence to it. Or sort of... follow-up. It'd be pretty nice to have gotten that.


But yeah, it's a really nice game still. Definitely enjoying it.

I actually like that you don't get a game over for accusing the wrong person. You have to face that you didn't get it right.


As for me, I am playing DOTA 2 and Volume. Volume wasn't exactly what I expected, but I still enjoy it. I've beaten 60+ levels from 100 available ones, so far.

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Finished This War of Mine and moved on to next small indie game... Defense Grid 2. I really enjoyed the first one and the 2nd doesn't seem bad at all for the price I bought it. Pretty basic tower defense game though. Been downloading Shadows of Mordor for most of the day, so if I got the time I'll finally start playing that.

Also definately picking up Stellaris, but I might wait for a patch or two before actually starting it. They've had some pretty ****ed up bugs while streaming the gameplay so I'm gonna wait for "all clear" signal.

Defense Grid 2 is okay, but it's nowhere near as good as the first one.  I spent many, many hours playing Defense Grid, but I played through Defense Grid 2 once, and haven't really touched it since (it was so easy I gold-starred every level the first time.)

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Ok, played the first scenario of Hard West.  It's a pretty interesting system, to say the least.  The story is pretty good.

It's a fun game.  It doesn't have the depth of X-COM, but the setting, atmosphere, and raspy voiced narrator are all great.  The system where wounds are debilitating in the short term but can be beneficial overall in the long run is also pretty interesting.

🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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I know I heard disappointment around the game, but I am excited to say that the maiden voyage of my new PC will be Pillars of the Eternity.


All I'd ever been able to do with any of the borrowed laptops I had access to was get through character creation and then a horrid unplayable slideshow that had to be shut off immediately past that. I'm actually going in quite blind, which is new for me with games I'm excited about. I didn't see much point following it since I couldn't play it.

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"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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I know I heard disappointment around the game, but I am excited to say that the maiden voyage of my new PC will be Pillars of the Eternity.


All I'd ever been able to do with any of the borrowed laptops I had access to was get through character creation and then a horrid unplayable slideshow that had to be shut off immediately past that. I'm actually going in quite blind, which is new for me with games I'm excited about. I didn't see much point following it since I couldn't play it.


Ignore the naysayers, it's a great game and a great new world that Obsidian has hand crafted.  

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I know I heard disappointment around the game, but I am excited to say that the maiden voyage of my new PC will be Pillars of the Eternity.

The first 5-10 hours can feel a little boring but once you get to The City of Defiance Bay things get pretty interesting. I have invested some 47 hours into it and haven't beaten it yet but I can say that there is a lot of fun to be had. Gotta get back to it and finish it someday. But yeah, it definitely ain't a disappointment. Fallout 4 was a disappointment, I mean when I reached Diamond City, the dialogue between the piper and the mayor was so stupid and childish that I simply said "oh! to hell with this, there are better open-world/RPG games out there...".

Edited by Katphood

There used to be a signature here, a really cool one...and now it's gone.  

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I'm playing Sherlock Holmes: Crimes & Punishments.


It's actually a really pleasant game. It's nice to have a game that has a slow pace. It's not particularly difficult. Well, you can draw wrong conclusions and accuse the wrong person but unfortunately there doesn't really appear to be any consequence to it. Or sort of... follow-up. It'd be pretty nice to have gotten that.


But yeah, it's a really nice game still. Definitely enjoying it.

I actually like that you don't get a game over for accusing the wrong person. You have to face that you didn't get it right.


As for me, I am playing DOTA 2 and Volume. Volume wasn't exactly what I expected, but I still enjoy it. I've beaten 60+ levels from 100 available ones, so far.



I'm completely fine with that also, I like that the game continues on. But I wish there was some sort of recognition from the game. :)

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Listen to my home-made recordings (some original songs, some not): http://www.youtube.c...low=grid&view=0

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I know I heard disappointment around the game, but I am excited to say that the maiden voyage of my new PC will be Pillars of the Eternity.


Ignore those who say it is bad, it is a great game! Not without flaws, sure, but a great game.


And after your first playthrough(or before, if you don't mind spoilers), take a look at the character builds and strategies forum. You will be surprised at the diversity enabled by the system obsidian crafted.


The advantages of the so hated balance, I say.

Edited by DreamWayfarer
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You never reached Defiance Bay dude, you're still stuck in Mordheim as far as I know. :p


Man, if only I could import my Mordheim warband to Pillars of Eternity.

The Molochean Hand wouldn't know what hit them. Though Marburg would probably find the blunt approach a bit over the top - but you can't please every NPC.

Edited by melkathi
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Unobtrusively informing you about my new ebook (which you should feel free to read and shower with praise).

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The Molochean Hand wouldn't know what hit them.

Wasn't that in Arcanum? I slaughtered a lot of those guys but in the end I made peace with them. I am such a pacifist during my playthroughs.

There used to be a signature here, a really cool one...and now it's gone.  

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Played more GTA Online. Is amusing to get abuse as I have a female characterm as it is so low level. Rather stunning how easy it is to cheat though.


Also will give Star Ruler a go again to absolve myself of the shame of giving up on it earlier due to not grokking it.

How active is it? I have logged on a few times and left after about 10 minutes


What abuse do you receive, do you mind going into detail ?


Kinda active. The abuse is barely worth calling it so, low level racism, sexist stuff, etc. It is good to rate their paltry abuse, escalates their aggression and I win that way a bit as the troll becomes the trolled.


Nothing will reach the zenith of me being called a Catholic Jew ****. :lol:

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Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Initial impressions are very positive. Death Godlike Cipher that I think will be two-handing weapons.


I did not expect to see anything like that in the very first town. Geeze.

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"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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POE isn't a bad game, but I don't have any overwhelming desire to play it's either. I guess it's too slow moving. I do play it once in a while though.


Finally finished Vampire: Bloodlines. Of course I had to exploit one boss and cheat the two final bosses, and I got all mixed up with different patches, but whatever. Good game overall, hate the boss fights though.

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"Moral indignation is a standard strategy for endowing the idiot with dignity." Marshall McLuhan

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