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Posted (edited)

Really enjoying this game a ton, actually it looks like what Ive been waiting for, for like 10 years since Neverwinter Nights. Im surprised not to hear an outcry to make this game online, like the legandary NWN, and I´m shocked to read some people wouldn´t think it suited for online play. Its perfect for online, no less!


This game could become way better, than any of those stupidly easy wow clones, we have been seing for the last many years.

If you opened up the possibility, for private servers like nwn had, we could finally have a true online RPG again, and not yet another wow clone where youre hand fed everything.


Please devs, make this game online, and give me and my friends the neverwinter we have been missing for years back :)

Edited by XPerNX
  • Like 3

Maybe in a sequel where it actually supports modding easily and allows for fan made adventures and such, or most of the other NWN features for that matter.  In it's current form Online Multiplayer is unnecessary. 

  • Like 1

I agree, but the modding was what made neverwinter such a great game, far superior to the single player game, that like this, was great in it self.


First, it would take a tremendous amount of work to take a complex game designed for a single player experience, and turn it into a multiplayer experience. It's not some feature that can just be rolled out quickly. You have to consider there would not only be all the code to enable multiplayer itself, but all the changes to gameplay and balance to adapt it to work well.


Second, one of the advantages of single player games is that they are immune to what I call over-balancing. As it is, we have people writing threads about how this class needs a buff or that class needs a nerf. Just take one look at all the qq that still goes on on the WoW forums, and how the devs found it necessary to do things like give all healers the exact same healing spells with just different names and visual effects, to placate the angry mobs. Let there remain some great single player games that are immune to this. Look at how generally positive and drama free this community is. I'd like it to stay that way.


Those are my 2c on my actual justifications for keeping the game single player. Thanks but no thanks for this game. The same studio can make another game in the future that's multiplayer if they want.

  • Like 5

Waste of programming hours to implement something so frivolous. Beside Divinity: Original Sin (which was designed with MP in mind), when has multiplayer been interesting in an isometric CRPG?

  • Like 2
Posted (edited)

Yeah, I'm guessing the studio is probably not big enough or set up to handle multiplayer in a way that wouldn't effectively put development on the single player game on hold. I'm thinking even a half-assed job of multiplayer would probably set them back at least as long as an entire expansion would; and, from the survey showing that the majority of the player base wouldn't even be excited about a co-op mode, let alone something more MMO-ish, I'm also betting that a single player expansion would be much more popular than the half-assed job of multiplayer that could conceivably be possible in the same timeframe.

Edited by Nobear

I think a lot of you are thinking multiplayer games in a very narrow minded frame. Im NOT asking them to make another MMO like all the others. Im asking them to make something similar to what Neverwinter nights did. Which is basicly the option for a toolset. In NWN there was no need for server support or balancing, that could all be left to gamer DM who would balance and build servers as they saw fit. Yes it would take some time away from singleplayer coding, but if the result is to make a game so much greater than single player could ever be have at it.

You want great stories? how about giving the whole worlds RPG nerds the possibility to build their own worlds. It HAS been done before, and worked very well, some of the fan created NWN 1 worlds  were amazing.


Mmos are overrated except WOW! maybe multiple player at best.

I don't normally date planetouched girls, but when I do the Tiefling is already in the sack 


stay rolling my friends!  :fdevil: 

  On 6/29/2015 at 11:53 PM, XPerNX said:

I think a lot of you are thinking multiplayer games in a very narrow minded frame. Im NOT asking them to make another MMO like all the others. Im asking them to make something similar to what Neverwinter nights did. Which is basicly the option for a toolset. In NWN there was no need for server support or balancing, that could all be left to gamer DM who would balance and build servers as they saw fit. Yes it would take some time away from singleplayer coding, but if the result is to make a game so much greater than single player could ever be have at it.

You want great stories? how about giving the whole worlds RPG nerds the possibility to build their own worlds. It HAS been done before, and worked very well, some of the fan created NWN 1 worlds  were amazing.


I could see a toolset like you describe being less time-consuming and more likely to be an improvement than what I was thinking. It would still be time-consuming, of course, so a decision to go that route would have major implications and would ideally take into account, among other things, a survey across the player base of just how popular this idea would be compared to more single-player content produced by the devs themselves.

Posted (edited)

PoE is not built to be a NWN like game with a robust user toolset, multiplayer (co-op or otherwise), and the ability to make new modules. Many of the design decisions directly goes against the grain of such features, and in my opinion it would be easier to start over if such a game had to be made.


Also, the premise of the PoE Kickstarter was for a single player IE like game, which is exactly what PoE is, so I am satisfied with what it is.


If you want something akin to the NWN I would suggest you looked into "Sword Coast Legends", which has co-op and an optional GM role.

Edited by Night Stalker
  • Like 2

Single Player games and Multiplayer games are completely different things. You can't design a game that does both well at the same time, design decisions made to support multiplayer will hurt single player, and visa versa.


NWN is the perfect example. No one ever called NWN "the spiritual successor to Baldur's Gate" because the single player gameplay is vastly inferior. That is at least partially down to decisions made to support multiplayer, from the lack of a party, to the structure of the OC, to the paired down graphics.


Do we need a new Build-Your-Own-Online-RPG Toolkit to replace NWN? Sure we do, but PoE aint it.

  • Like 4

Everyone knows Science Fiction is really cool. You know what PoE really needs? Spaceships! There isn't any game that wouldn't be improved by a space combat minigame. Adding one to PoE would send sales skyrocketing, and ensure the game was remembered for all time!!!!!

  On 6/29/2015 at 11:53 PM, XPerNX said:

I think a lot of you are thinking multiplayer games in a very narrow minded frame.

No, I think we are fully aware of what you're talking about, and we don't want it.


  On 6/29/2015 at 11:53 PM, XPerNX said:

Im NOT asking them to make another MMO like all the others. Im asking them to make something similar to what Neverwinter nights did.

We know, and we don't want it.


Also, it's completely unrealistic to expect a toolset for a game such as this. Even with full access to the files (which I support; PoE is currently less than friendly to work with) what do you expect to be done? This isn't some 3D world-set any mook in a basement can use a toolkit to slap together what passes for a map in. Did you ever try to make a custom IE map that fitted into the game? No? What a surprise.


  On 6/29/2015 at 11:53 PM, XPerNX said:

Which is basicly the option for a toolset. In NWN there was no need for server support or balancing, that could all be left to gamer DM who would balance and build servers as they saw fit. Yes it would take some time away from singleplayer coding, but if the result is to make a game so much greater than single player could ever be have at it.

And no-one has been talking about server support, you're basically addressing a windmill.


  On 6/29/2015 at 11:53 PM, XPerNX said:

You want great stories? how about giving the whole worlds RPG nerds the possibility to build their own worlds. It HAS been done before, and worked very well, some of the fan created NWN 1 worlds  were amazing.

Giving whole world's RPG nerds the possibility to build their own worlds have been met with less than stellar success in the past, but furthermore, the trade-offs simply aren't worth it in any way. It's not a 3D map system, implementing multiplayer takes a ton of resources, and there is very little actual interest in multiplayer, even less in a bare-bones model. And if you're thinking persistent worlds, you're absolutely mad, and are practically talking about making a completely different game, on the side of the game, just to support multiplayer.


The best you can hope for is some kind of co-op, but even then, I would question the use of it and lament the resources poured into something that'd no doubt ultimately be quite useless.

  • Like 4



If another developer wants to make a game in the spirit of NWN, I wish them all the best and I might even back the project despite having no interest in it myself. But Obsidian promised a solid single player experience and that's what I want to see - not a toolset thinly disguised as a game like NWN.


Please devs, keep this game offline.

  • Like 5

Look at Sword Coast Legends bud.  I am definitely trying it when it comes out.

Have gun will travel.

Posted (edited)
  On 6/30/2015 at 3:54 AM, Nobear said:


  On 6/29/2015 at 11:53 PM, XPerNX said:

I think a lot of you are thinking multiplayer games in a very narrow minded frame. Im NOT asking them to make another MMO like all the others. Im asking them to make something similar to what Neverwinter nights did. Which is basicly the option for a toolset. In NWN there was no need for server support or balancing, that could all be left to gamer DM who would balance and build servers as they saw fit. Yes it would take some time away from singleplayer coding, but if the result is to make a game so much greater than single player could ever be have at it.

You want great stories? how about giving the whole worlds RPG nerds the possibility to build their own worlds. It HAS been done before, and worked very well, some of the fan created NWN 1 worlds  were amazing.


I could see a toolset like you describe being less time-consuming and more likely to be an improvement than what I was thinking. It would still be time-consuming, of course, so a decision to go that route would have major implications and would ideally take into account, among other things, a survey across the player base of just how popular this idea would be compared to more single-player content produced by the devs themselves.



I agree. It would not be something I would expect them to make in a rush, but a wish for the furture.

  On 6/30/2015 at 6:50 AM, Fardragon said:

Single Player games and Multiplayer games are completely different things. You can't design a game that does both well at the same time, design decisions made to support multiplayer will hurt single player, and visa versa.


NWN is the perfect example. No one ever called NWN "the spiritual successor to Baldur's Gate" because the single player gameplay is vastly inferior. That is at least partially down to decisions made to support multiplayer, from the lack of a party, to the structure of the OC, to the paired down graphics.


Do we need a new Build-Your-Own-Online-RPG Toolkit to replace NWN? Sure we do, but PoE aint it.


We just seem to disagree. I also think NWN wa a better singleplayer game than baldurs. I dont see why POE wouldnt be the next toolkit


  On 6/30/2015 at 6:56 AM, Luckmann said:


  On 6/29/2015 at 11:53 PM, XPerNX said:

I think a lot of you are thinking multiplayer games in a very narrow minded frame.

No, I think we are fully aware of what you're talking about, and we don't want it.


  On 6/29/2015 at 11:53 PM, XPerNX said:

Im NOT asking them to make another MMO like all the others. Im asking them to make something similar to what Neverwinter nights did.

We know, and we don't want it.


Also, it's completely unrealistic to expect a toolset for a game such as this. Even with full access to the files (which I support; PoE is currently less than friendly to work with) what do you expect to be done? This isn't some 3D world-set any mook in a basement can use a toolkit to slap together what passes for a map in. Did you ever try to make a custom IE map that fitted into the game? No? What a surprise.


  On 6/29/2015 at 11:53 PM, XPerNX said:

Which is basicly the option for a toolset. In NWN there was no need for server support or balancing, that could all be left to gamer DM who would balance and build servers as they saw fit. Yes it would take some time away from singleplayer coding, but if the result is to make a game so much greater than single player could ever be have at it.

And no-one has been talking about server support, you're basically addressing a windmill.


  On 6/29/2015 at 11:53 PM, XPerNX said:

You want great stories? how about giving the whole worlds RPG nerds the possibility to build their own worlds. It HAS been done before, and worked very well, some of the fan created NWN 1 worlds  were amazing.

Giving whole world's RPG nerds the possibility to build their own worlds have been met with less than stellar success in the past, but furthermore, the trade-offs simply aren't worth it in any way. It's not a 3D map system, implementing multiplayer takes a ton of resources, and there is very little actual interest in multiplayer, even less in a bare-bones model. And if you're thinking persistent worlds, you're absolutely mad, and are practically talking about making a completely different game, on the side of the game, just to support multiplayer.


The best you can hope for is some kind of co-op, but even then, I would question the use of it and lament the resources poured into something that'd no doubt ultimately be quite useless.



When you say "we" you really should say "I"... last time I looked 40% wanted a multiplayer option, thats kind of a lot.

Also you clearly do not now what Im talking about, but I dont think we will come to an understanding. When the votes are up, press "no" and well see what the company thinks is the best way to make money. By the way check out some of 10 year old NWN persistent worlds, some of em are still around, theyre made by "some mook in a basement" and are "absolutely mad"

  On 6/30/2015 at 12:15 PM, Rosveen said:

If another developer wants to make a game in the spirit of NWN, I wish them all the best and I might even back the project despite having no interest in it myself. But Obsidian promised a solid single player experience and that's what I want to see - not a toolset thinly disguised as a game like NWN.


Please devs, keep this game offline.

And Obsidian delivered a solid single player game. At some point they will have to decide, if its going to be a single player game that will die a soon as the updates stop, or if they will make an online community that lives on. A toolset is a great way, to prolong the life of a game.


I love the singleplayer game btw. I dont want to take away from it, I want to add to it, the option of modding doesnt have to be online.

Edited by XPerNX

As a few have suggested above a game is being developed with your desire in mind, Sword Coast Legends, with a full online DM setting that looks interesting (though I'm hoping the single player content will be good as I never find groups to enjoy a proper campaign with, and for all it's restrictions I don't have the self-conscious in RPing when other people are involved (trading in one kind of freedom for another I guess). Some companions look interesting, and it seems exactly what you are looking for, so you might as well take a look rather than pushing to much for PoE to be adapted for NWN multiplayer (there are things I would have preferred to be in PoE and sone things I'm not to hot about in the setting but I don't think it's likely to change and I wouldn't want the developers to change things because they felt they had ti or were pressured by some segment of the fan/customer base to do so, it isn't entirely the game I was hoping for but that's my fault for not looking deeper into things about the game, but I'm still enjoying it for what it is and think it's a really good game and don't regret buying it). After all, even if future PoE had multi-player it would unlikely be as extensive as you would wish, but such development and resources would have vary effects on single-player so neither group of fans would be completely happy with the outcome.


Anyway here is a link to the Sword Coast Legends webpage:



  • Like 1

Glad you enjoy it, but I'd pay Obsidian to have them not include MP.


Legends of the Sword Coast should be just right for you.

  • Like 3
Posted (edited)
  On 6/30/2015 at 7:42 PM, XPerNX said:

When you say "we" you really should say "I"... last time I looked 40% wanted a multiplayer option, thats kind of a lot.

Also you clearly do not now what Im talking about, but I dont think we will come to an understanding. When the votes are up, press "no" and well see what the company thinks is the best way to make money. By the way check out some of 10 year old NWN persistent worlds, some of em are still around, theyre made by "some mook in a basement" and are "absolutely mad"

Last time I looked, my initial post in this thread had 7 likes, and 40%? That's extremely generous. In reality, polls aren't just a bad way to gauge interest or desire, let alone merit, but the one you are referring to baked "Yes" and "Possibly" into the same option. While I voted "No" in that poll, I could just as well have voted "Yes/Possibly" by virtue of not minding co-op multiplayer, but just not finding it financially viable or excusable as part of the base game.


Which is a mile-wide difference to what you're asking for. What you're suggesting wouldn't just be ridiculous, unnecessary and financially insane, but functionally impossible with the way PoE works. You'd have to make a completely new game to make anything resembling NWN work. It's not about making a toolset. You're asking for a separate game.


And while I have no interest in such a game, I fully support it's creation. I know a lot of people would want a game like that.

Edited by Luckmann



I don't really see Leg Ends of the Sword Coast as a NWN successor. It looks more like a Diabolo clone with a DM mode to me. But I'm pretty sure the OP is just trolling. I mean, how could anyone fail to understand that you make the toolkit first, then use it to make the game, you can't make a toolkit OUT OF a game?! Or suggest NWN is anything like as good a single player game as Baldur's Gate (at least without specifically citing MotB)?



I think the rumoured Pathfinder game (after the card game has generated interest and revenue) is more likely to aim to be a "spiritual successor to NWN", although what I would really like to see is a D20 toolkit flexable enough to use for any setting (e.g. my personal favourite, Space Opera).

Everyone knows Science Fiction is really cool. You know what PoE really needs? Spaceships! There isn't any game that wouldn't be improved by a space combat minigame. Adding one to PoE would send sales skyrocketing, and ensure the game was remembered for all time!!!!!


I think you are wanting Pillars to be a spiritual successor to NWN instead of to the IE games.  Most people here wanted and even backed the game on the premise that it was built as a spiritual successor to those IE, myself included.  There is the debate over whether it succeeded at being a successor to the IE games or not, but regardless that is what it tried to be, and those games were pretty much single-player experiences (though MP was included it was tacked on and didn't really work well, and isn't what was asked for in the original post). 


Now, if there was a kickstarter to create a spiritual successor to NWN then I would be all for it, and I wouldn't be opposed to a (separate) game series that could be set in Eora (the world of Pillars of Eternity) that is created as a NWN multiplayer game, but the Pillars series should remain single-player.  I'd be all for it if you wanted to ask Obsidian to do that, but I don't think you should ask them to change the focus of Pillars, as it's kinda like asking to take someone else's toy away so you can have one which is probably why you are seeing such a strong negative reaction from some to your post.

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