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Kaine Parker's Pretty Woman


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Press ups are a normal part of physical training in the British Army. They may not make you look like Schwarznegger, but claiming they don't do anything is just ludicrous.


Yes I know, I did my time in the military, but if you really think that PT in the military is a good example of great physical training then I seriously ask you if you are joking.

Thousands of presses later my buddies in the military weren't any fitter, in fact they got weaker each day because besides the awful exercise regime its is ignorant of muscular recovery, which gets really bad if you only sleep 5 hours a day. 

Do the same exercises every single day seven days a week and you will get weaker because the body cannot repair the ever increasing amount of damage. Thats why special forces training is so different because things are real there. (They have PT days in the gym)


But for those who think presses are so great, just do them and report back in a year and tell me who your physical fitness has increased. Then, for comparison, do it my way.







Edited by Woldan
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I gazed at the dead, and for one dark moment I saw a banquet. 

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Press ups are a normal part of physical training in the British Army. They may not make you look like Schwarznegger, but claiming they don't do anything is just ludicrous.


Yes I know, I did my time in the military, but if you really think that PT in the military is a good example of great physical training then I seriously ask you if you are joking.

Thousands of presses later my buddies in the military weren't any fitter, in fact they got weaker each day because besides the awful exercise regime its is ignorant of muscular recovery, which gets really bad if you only sleep 5 hours a day. 

Do the same exercises every single day seven days a week and you will get weaker because the body cannot repair the ever increasing amount of damage. Thats why special forces training is so different because things are real there. (They have PT days in the gym)


Unless, like me, you break your spine, you aren't weaker at the end of basic than when you started.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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Thank god for this thread.

Edited by Meshugger

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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I admit, I'm so tempted to drop in a gif from the Rocky Horror Picture Show for laughs right now...


But I'll be good, and let the weekend go with this assortment instead:













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"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Edited by sorophx
Walsingham said:

I was struggling to understand ths until I noticed you are from Finland. And having been educated solely by mkreku in this respect I am convinced that Finland essentially IS the wh40k universe.

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