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Wasteland 2 Kickstarted

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In my experience, CPRGs with any degree of player freedom almost inevitably end up with a broken in-game economy by the time you're more than a third of the way through them.  So a Barter skill is a classic early-game crutch that ends up helping not a bit after you've done enough sidequests to be ahead of the loot curve on the main plotline. 


Maybe W2 is an exception to this?  It'd be nice, but I'm not holding my breath. 

Edited by Enoch
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Is this like Fallout Tactics?

It's a lot like FT, but FT had better level design for the kind of game they were trying to make. W2 is all over the place, it doesn't know if it wants to be a dungeon crawler or an adventure game

Walsingham said:

I was struggling to understand ths until I noticed you are from Finland. And having been educated solely by mkreku in this respect I am convinced that Finland essentially IS the wh40k universe.

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"W2 is all over the place, it doesn't know if it wants to be a dungeon crawler or an adventure game"


It knows exactly what it wants to be. A RPG. And, it's damn awesome at it.


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well, I'm not satisfied with it just being an RPG, I need to stuff it inside a niche  :biggrin:

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Walsingham said:

I was struggling to understand ths until I noticed you are from Finland. And having been educated solely by mkreku in this respect I am convinced that Finland essentially IS the wh40k universe.

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Seriously-- does anybody ever feel any temptation to invest points in an "it gets you better prices" skill?)

Yes, I do.


I think I've spend one point in the skill, but then never again. My experience is that money wasn't a problem anymore already at latest when I left Arizona. Really don't know what you'll have to do to run cheap on money. Usually you don't need to buy weapons, because you find them fast. Ammo is only a problem in the beginning, later you'll find enough. Armor, yes, but you only rarely get a new one.


All in all, I'd say that Barter is a pretty useless skill. Maybe it should have been useful in dialog as well, when talking about rewards or when trying to trick someone. Dunno.

Edited by Lexx

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Maybe have a few trading type quests too. ie. Help the Ranger citedal set up trade routes and the like and you are more successful with certain ranks of barter. But, the game can use a lot more of those non dialogue skill checks in the game just to add things.


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Is this like Fallout Tactics?


It's a lot like FT, but FT had better level design for the kind of game they were trying to make. W2 is all over the place, it doesn't know if it wants to be a dungeon crawler or an adventure game

I think WL2 is very clear on its identity. It's a post apocalyptic CRPG, and a great one IMO.


As for its niche... I guess it fills the "old school" niche. Back from the days when reading wasn't a dirty word, and thinking during a game was sort of expected.

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Out-of-nowhere thought: 


inXile really missed an opportunity by not naming their Barter skill "Cheap Ass." 



(Edit:  Also, by not eliminating the Barter skill entirely.  Seriously-- does anybody ever feel any temptation to invest points in an "it gets you better prices" skill?)

I always give Rose 3 points in it. It's a small enough sacrifice that will benefit me for the life of the game (I assume).

"Now to find a home for my other staff."
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As for its niche... I guess it fills the "old school" niche. Back from the days when reading wasn't a dirty word, and thinking during a game was sort of expected.

don't want to argue for the sake of arguing, in my experience the game is very light on reading or thinking. I surely expected a hell of a lot more from it. on the other hand, it was made for 3 cents, so I guess that's my fault for wanting a new Fallout when they barely had the money for a proper game

Walsingham said:

I was struggling to understand ths until I noticed you are from Finland. And having been educated solely by mkreku in this respect I am convinced that Finland essentially IS the wh40k universe.

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Is this like Fallout Tactics?

It's a lot like FT, but FT had better level design for the kind of game they were trying to make. W2 is all over the place, it doesn't know if it wants to be a dungeon crawler or an adventure game


fo:t were a highly underrated, squad-based, tactical combat game... right up til you started fighting robots.  if wasteland 2 combat and level design were near as engaging, we would be overjoyed. 


wasteland 2 is kinda a frankenstein amalgam, but it can still be fun. sadly, am thinking that the game will, from a combat perspective, have far less replay depth than we woulda' hoped. is too easy to see that there is correct builds for various kinda combat characters, and combat encounters is largely meh. correct builds diminishes replay value. the seemingly tacked-on role-play aspects will be where limited replay is realized, and while the rp is indeed limited, those rp aspects may be enough to get a couple replays... even if the combat is sooooo old skoole that it suffers from alzheimers that is bordering on dementia.


HA! Good Fun!

Edited by Gromnir
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"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

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Inspired by so many people doing themed parties, I decided to start again and this time go with the guys from Magnum P.I. Haven't seen anyone do this party and being a huge Magnum fan, I went with this.


Magnum. Lock picking, Safe cracking, Computer Science

TC. Demolitions, Mechanical Repair, Toaster Repair

Rick. Alarm Disarming, Leadership

Higgins. Perception, Field Medic, Surgeon


Also, had a look at some other forums with creating characters and I think I have a great party this time with attributes and skills. :)



I see your Magnum, P.I. and raise you:



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As for its niche... I guess it fills the "old school" niche. Back from the days when reading wasn't a dirty word, and thinking during a game was sort of expected.

don't want to argue for the sake of arguing, in my experience the game is very light on reading or thinking. I surely expected a hell of a lot more from it. on the other hand, it was made for 3 cents, so I guess that's my fault for wanting a new Fallout when they barely had the money for a proper game


Light on reading compared to what? You spend a fairly good portion of the game reading, especially if you read all the lore tidbits that are available in the various notebooks and such that you can find. It seems that there is at least as much reading as the IE games had, maybe not quite as much as PST. And a hell of a lot more than you'll be doing in most modern games.


Thinking... maybe wasn't the best word choice. What I meant here is you don't get little quest markers telling you exactly what to do and where to go to handle a quest. You sort of have to pay attention to stay abreast of what's going on. But certainly, there have been a number of things I had to think about, and test out to see if I could do it. There was a particular use of Outdoorsmen in Ag Center that took a bit of thinking to figure out. I like when a game has that level of depth.


At any rate, again, I do feel that WL2 has a good sense of its own identity.

"Now to find a home for my other staff."
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"in my experience the game is very light on reading or thinking."


The game has a lot of writing. If there's any complaint to be had it's that dialogue is largely one sided. NPCs spam huge amounts of text and the PCs have one liners. L0L Youa re being talked to not in actual conversations.


Lots of thinking in this game. More than the vast majority of games. L0L PE L0L DOS L0L


WL2 is BY FAR the best game I've played this year.  And, i don't foresee PE surpassing it unless Obsidian becomes miracle workers in the next 3 months. DA3 has a chance thoguh with its more cinematic approach though it won't have the old skool stuff I love because its made for people like you and the Obsidian forums.


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Guys quick snap poll because I haven't played this game yet.


Which game in your opinion is better, WL2 or DA2 ?

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

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As the resident DA2  fan, it fully depends what you want out of a game. WL2 is definitely the more old skool hardcore combat oriented exploratory character building turn based game while DA2 is more story/character focused.


I'm 99% of respondents are gonna say WL2 is better because they already hated DA2 for ignorant reasons. :)


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As the resident DA2  fan, it fully depends what you want out of a game. WL2 is definitely the more old skool hardcore combat oriented exploratory character building turn based game while DA2 is more story/character focused.


I'm 99% of respondents are gonna say WL2 is better because they already hated DA2 for ignorant reasons. :)


Okay thanks for the response


I also enjoyed DA2 but WL2 really seems to be getting excellent feedback. And such consensus about a game is rare on these forums

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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I enjoyed DA2 for a single run through. I could never bring myself to complete it a second time (though I completed Origins 4 times, twice with the expansion)


I expect to play WL2 4, 5, 6... who knows how many times over the next decade or so.


So for me while DA2 was a very good game in many ways, WL2 is a truly great game. An instant classic.

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"Now to find a home for my other staff."
My Project Eternity Interview with Adam Brennecke

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Hm, came out of the Titan Canyon after having completed that section, got sent to the Prison..to find the Red Scorpions had killed everyone in the valley and getting rants about how I'd killed some of them on my previous visit.. which is odd, since I didn't kill any Scorpions there...


Is that just a glitch, or does that pretty much happen on every run through? Is there a way for those miserable and poor farmers you meet to be alive before you head to LA?

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"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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I won't spoil anything by telling you exactly where I went, but let's just say that my level 8-ish party stumbled upon a place in Arizona, by wandering off deep into the desert, which turned to be far too high-level for it (no level scaling in WL2 - check! :w00t:  ). I quickly realized how fast my party would die just by hovering above the monsters, so then my intrepid party took out the heavy artillery: three manglers, two hand grenades and all set on ambush - they made short work of three out of four baddies, each being better than the last boss they met!  And the last one took a combined effort and two at death's door to bring down! :aiee:


It turned out that the xp for them was "level-appropriate", much higher than normal, so I had 4 peeps in the party level up afterwards.


Things like this alone make me fall in love with WL2.

Edited by IndiraLightfoot
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*** "The words of someone who feels ever more the ent among saplings when playing CRPGs" ***


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Hm, came out of the Titan Canyon after having completed that section, got sent to the Prison..to find the Red Scorpions had killed everyone in the valley and getting rants about how I'd killed some of them on my previous visit.. which is odd, since I didn't kill any Scorpions there...


Is that just a glitch, or does that pretty much happen on every run through? Is there a way for those miserable and poor farmers you meet to be alive before you head to LA?

This is what happened to me so I started over. This time I'm going to do the prison before moving on instead of coming back to it.

Edited by ShadySands

Free games updated 3/4/21

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