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i experienced the same issues with borderlands 2 as mkreku, i pretty much never found a gun i really liked using.  after hitting level 25 with the turret guy i realized that all my kills were done by the turret because my guns felt useless.  i switched to the assassin so i could at least kill stuff with a sword :\


its too bad, because other than the "no fun guns", the game is definitely an improvement over borderlands 1

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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Guns are a rather odd thing, because guns can "read" as having essentially the same stats, but you have to actually fire them in order to tell if that's true or not. Unless, of course, you have all those prefixes and gun parts memorized and know what they mean when alone or combined. eg, two guns that seem nearly identical stat-wise can have very different recoil/steadiness/recovery, accuracy, firing pattern, etc. They'll feel a lot different. I don't typically sell any gun until I've equipped it and fired it at a wall at least.


That said, there is much less sense of uniqueness about most guns in the game, outside of the Legendary/orange. 


Edit: the basic "problem" is that viewable stats kinda suck at telling you how a gun performs


I've actually found a lot of times the purple guns I've picked up are better than the orange ones.  I remember finding an orange one and thinking, "Yes!  I'm gonna kick butt now", and then end up selling it a bit later when I got a purple gun of the same level that was so much better.


Maybe I just have bad luck.

Yeah....a good purple is better than some oranges.

My comment was more that oranges will often have unique traits not found on the normal weapon of its type, not that they're necessarily the "best."


To be honest tho, my memory of Borderlands1 is that outside of the orange guns, most of the normal weapons in that game weren't very interesting either. The difference is that the orange guns were a ton more common (even from vending machines) and things like sway/accuracy/recovery wasn't typically as severe (plus the Proficiencies quickly made it even better), making "normal" guns feel more useful instead of crazy-ivan useless. I did always like the Masher pistols in BL1, tho. I miss those. Pistols aren't the same in BL2 at all.


I've played enough BL2 at this point that even with less than stellar guns, average enemies all feel rather easy. The issue isn't having one gun you like to use all the time anymore ... can't run thru the whole game with a Pestilent Defiler.  it's switching up between a few guns all the time. Raid bosses are still off limits tho. heh.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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Almost finished an old game of ME2 (just a few loyalty missions before the IFF thing), so I can take that particular (renegade) Shepard along for a ride in ME3 with the latest DLC's (including the new 'Citadel').


Other than that, some Warlock - Master of the Arcane and Europa Universalis (cheating a bit this time, manipulating the save games to change the dynasty, now King Gorth II of Denmark).

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Septerra Core

Care to share opinions? Bought it last year, but still haven't played.


I loved that game. I am very fond of the characters and did enjoy the magic system. The world design is interesting. Of course j-rpgs aren't everyone's thing, especially not if made by westerners. The devs were a great bunch though and it was fun hanging out with them on the forum.

Unobtrusively informing you about my new ebook (which you should feel free to read and shower with praise).

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Septerra Core

Care to share opinions? Bought it last year, but still haven't played.

+ Unique setting, some cool characters (Badu, Selina, Grubb, Maya, Lobo), interesting lore, cool magic system, good art design, mostly decent voice over, some adventure game elements


- Big boring dungeons rife with trash combat, boring and slow combat (until you can spam spell combination that kills everything immediately), little enemy variety, some insufferable characters (Corgan, Led), magic game breakingly powerful halfway through the game


Overall 67/100


Game could've been much better but this is a case of publishers abandoning developers, forcing them to found new company, buy the IP and finish it on their own on shoestring budget.

Edited by Drudanae

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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Still more of the Guild 2. Forgot how faceroll-y it is to play a rogue character

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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+ Unique setting, some cool characters (Badu, Selina, Grubb, Maya, Lobo), interesting lore, cool magic system, good art design, mostly decent voice over, some adventure game elements




- Big boring dungeons rife with trash combat, boring and slow combat (until you can spam spell combination that kills everything immediately), little enemy variety, some insufferable characters (Corgan, Led), magic game breakingly powerful halfway through the game


Overall 67/100


Game could've been much better but this is a case of publishers abandoning developers, forcing them to found new company, buy the IP and finish it on their own on shoestring budget.



That is a fair analysis. I like Led. The long dungeons were a pain... searching for the ladders to take you to the next level...

And we all hated Monolith (read: evil publisher) for what they did to the game.

Unobtrusively informing you about my new ebook (which you should feel free to read and shower with praise).

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Did most of the quests in Stillwater, except one or two that will be completed later. Met the Hill or Frost Giant or whatever the hell it is called. When you have 6 characters in your party, you almost feel sorry for your enemies. Hardin's Pass was annoying, but I got through it. As soon as I could use the world map again, I save to take a break. Maybe I'll play some more later.

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i experienced the same issues with borderlands 2 as mkreku, i pretty much never found a gun i really liked using.  after hitting level 25 with the turret guy i realized that all my kills were done by the turret because my guns felt useless.  i switched to the assassin so i could at least kill stuff with a sword :\


its too bad, because other than the "no fun guns", the game is definitely an improvement over borderlands 1

If you play co-op you tend to get better loot. And use gold keys (the loot from that chest is always purple or e-tech.) There are a lot of missions that net you unique weapons as rewards, the slot machines are a reasonably good opportunity for loot if you've got the money for it ("twink" items from a higher level character to a lower level character, that low level character can sell them and use the slots for a much lower cost.) If you have the money, consider dropping tens of thousands of dollars in Moxxi's tip jar for her Good and Bad Touches. They're always high-end for their level range and even beyond.


Another factor is to keep variety in mind. You probably wouldn't associate Maya with shotguns or sniper rifles, but phaselocking a tough enemy makes short work at close range with a shotgun or at long range with a sniper (a head that doesn't move is pretty easy to hit.)


And if you're using Axton, you're really using a character designed around/focused on the use of the turret. The same goes for Gaige and Deathtrap, it's more about synergy between the character and their respective gizmos. It also helps to choose the right skills (i.e. weapon-related buffs.)


In general, I've had the experience of not having "THE gun," but that's a big part of the motivation to get loot.

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I can run Tomb Raider 'hair mode' on Normal or even High settings but I don't. I prefer everything else on Ultra. It's impressive but it still doesn't behave like real hair, it feels too light and bugs out sometimes (supposedly they are improving with patches). Normal hair is fine to me.


The island is divided into sections which are quiet big but together aren't as big as Far Cry 3 but maybe as big or a bit bigger than say Arkham City. But it is more varied and aesthetically for my taste Tomb Raider looks better. There are no side quests outside the main story. There are story related items to find though, like narrated documents (aka audiologs), relics which come with Lara's brief commentary. Collectibles, resources. Hunting only gives you xp and salvage, it's less complicated than FC (for better or worse).


Skill unlocks and upgrades are fun and I feel serve more to underline Lara's progression than as a meaningful rpg system. If you don't have tunnel vision you'll unlock all or most, just like Far Cry.


It's has IMO the best 3rd person combat mechanics I've ever seen with it's automatic cover system. Taking control away sounds bad on paper but in practice it's fluid and intuitive and ironically gives you far better control than 'sticky' cover mechanics. Surprisingly satisfying melee for its relative simplicity with dodges, finishers, and counters. It's also violent like Far Cry.


Otherwise it's a 'cinematic' linear game in the vein of Uncharted and for that it's really well made. With moody atmospheric settings and beautiful visuals. And they really are. Its story is objectively flawed in places but I thought engaging and executed well, and the new Lara is likeable.

Edited by Fighter
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I planned to jump into Mask of the Betrayer, then I realized that I'm really close to finishing up Dead Island, so I might as well wrap that up rather than juggling two three games at once.  With any luck, I'll finish up Dead Island tonight or tomorrow, then I can dive into Mask of the Betrayer headlong...  and inevitably also start playing another game too, so I still wind up juggling three games at once. (King's Bounty is the other game I'm playing...  on and off)

🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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Been sick, so I've been playing a lot of Mount and Blade Warband.. I could never get into it, but it's actually a great game if you have the time to dig in. Been playing with a great mod Brytenwalda, which takes the action to the 5th century AD Britain as the Franks, Saxons, Jutes (Danes) invade and the battle of which religion will dominate the Isles is nearing it's end. I've always been fascinated with that time period and the mod is actually surprisingly accurate (of course what we know of that time is limited so..).

Fortune favors the bald.

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Had to use a walkthrough to find the starting point for 'Arrival' DLC in Mass Effect 2. Apparently it was hiding in the far southeastern corner of the galaxy, normally outside the visible area :blush:

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Fallout with the Fallout Fixt patch: Worked really good for the first few hours but then it crashed right when I was about to save and it corrupted my savefile!   :getlost: Better have multipule saves from now on....



Fallout: New Vegas: I am tempted to install NMC's Texture Pack but I doubt my rig would be able to handle it.


But I am enjoying both games to death to be honest. Playing New Vegas and the original Fallout simultaneously gives you a strange but cool feeling. It's called nostalgia! :)

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There used to be a signature here, a really cool one...and now it's gone.  

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