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I live pretty far from any shops that sell PC games, it's at least an hour's journey if I want a good selection so Steam is actually pretty handy for me, not that I'm totally on board with the concept or the pricing, a lot of the time I can get the boxed game sent via mail order cheaper...where's the damn sense in that?


I'd be sad to see boxed games vanish, though now that practically all games come with online security they've screwed us out of a reason for wanting hard copies, we can't even satisfy our primitive hoarding requirements, that box sitting pretty on your shelf is just a placeholder.


It does seem that from now on the software pirates and crackers will be the only hope for securing our legally bought products, decent special edition box sets would help ease the pain somewhat, my New Vegas box still feels quite special, regardless of the useless installer disc.

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I like having options, and the fact that games REQUIRE steam makes me mad, but it also makes me mad when a game is not offered on steam at all.


so i hate EA the most for pulling their games off steam AND requiring origin instead.


i'm just resigning myself to the reality that megacorporations will own everything i think i own, and will kindly let me use the things i bought from them so long as i continue to buy their digital add-ons.

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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so i hate EA the most for pulling their games off steam AND requiring origin instead.

Why hating? You'd do the same if you were the CEO.


Can't let have Valve get away with the biggest market share. When Origin grows stronger and bigger, Valve eventually has to do better than just offer us hats and daily deals on 3 year old indie crap games.


The customer wins.

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How will Origin even challenge Steam if Origin only offers EA games and Steam offers everything else?


Didn't they get at least one other publisher on board, or am I remembering wrong?

I'm going to need better directions than "the secret lair."



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so i hate EA the most for pulling their games off steam AND requiring origin instead.

Why hating? You'd do the same if you were the CEO.


Can't let have Valve get away with the biggest market share. When Origin grows stronger and bigger, Valve eventually has to do better than just offer us hats and daily deals on 3 year old indie crap games.


The customer wins.


the customer would win if we were given a choice. but we aren't being given a choice. you HAVE to use origin to play the last chapter of mass effect. for steam its the same with a bunch of games that require steamworks.


if we were given a choice, the game would be available on BOTH steam and origin, and the two services would have to offer bonus things, like items or discounts or better service etc in order to get people to CHOOSE their service.


its taking one of the big problems with consoles (console exclusive titles) and adding it to the pc. great. just what i ****ing wanted.

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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Origin has expanded their library, but until they start putting on those insane sales I don't see it being a real contender anytime soon.


Although if I'm buying a full priced title online, I might prefer Origin. It loads up faster and seems simpler to navigate.


I've come to grips with having two different digital stores on my PC. But if somebody tries to force a third on me, I'm going to whine for weeks, and eventually relent because I'm addicted to video games.

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Heh, I bought Crusader Kings 2 off Gamersgate, then used the bonus blue coins to buy DLC like some hapless 12 year old consoler with poor impulse control. But at least I've had the game for 12+ hours even if I were asleep for a lot of them.


so i hate EA the most for pulling their games off steam AND requiring origin instead.

Wrong way around. Again.


Steam pulled the EA titles, not EA, FACT r00fles. I'm still somewhat amused at the front of a company offering steamworks doing it because someone had the temerity to want to bundle a dlc handling platform on their service given that the whole point of steamworks is to get their dlc handling platform installed on and with as much software as possible.

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Origin has expanded their library, but until they start putting on those insane sales I don't see it being a real contender anytime soon.


Although if I'm buying a full priced title online, I might prefer Origin. It loads up faster and seems simpler to navigate.


I've come to grips with having two different digital stores on my PC. But if somebody tries to force a third on me, I'm going to whine for weeks, and eventually relent because I'm addicted to video games.


Admittedly I only own two games via origin, BF3 and TOR, but the system hasn't impressed me. Although that might be because BF3 also requires you to basically do everything OUTSIDE the game except actually play (pick your server, check your stats, choose if it's multi-or single... ALL done in a browser system rather than an in game UI). Makes me want to strangle whoever came up with the system (well, the whole "EA LOG!" system anyway).



That and it's other forms (Autlog whatever) are just Bull.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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I also don't really like the browser setup for BF3, in fact I wish they had figured out a way to do it through Origin instead.


Yeah it sounds great on paper but in reality it's very unpractical - especially the fact that you exit the game completely every time you finish a server.


The whole system seems very rushed - of course Steam has the advantage of having existed for much longer and have gone through many stages.. it was a steaming pile of poo (pun not intended) when it was released 10 years ago too.

Fortune favors the bald.

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Yeah, it's strange how my perception of Steam has changed, almost unnoticeable by myself. I remember Steam coming with a huge overhead, connection problems, crash problems and feeling completely unnecessary and evil.


Now I suddenly own almost 100 games on it and sometimes I start it up just to see what other people are playing..



Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Same here.

Mostly the x-mas sale responsible... Although no-where near 100 games.

And yeah, never buy when not on sale... it's just more expensive than the stores. Heck, I got DX:HR for less in a store during the x-mas sale...


PS. Why does Steam keep telling there is "DLC for my game" when it's for a game I don't posses... keeps happening :/

Edited by Hassat Hunter




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Deus Ex Human Revolution at 66% off. It's very tempting, but I doubt I'll ever get around to playing it. Never got into the original either.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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I'm cruising through Puzzle Quest: Galactrix these last days.

I can understand why the game crashed. You can lose an easy fight or a load of health points just because the computer got a lucky streak. The mechanics are awfully repetitive. The fights are dragged on. You can spend sometimes 10 minutes on the same fight. This blend makes an awfully frustrating game.


But for some reasons, I keep going on. Maybe it's Bile Fascination (dixit tvtropes) but I want to see more of this universe, even when the party is awfully bland and the story is vague, to say the least. It must be because it's still fun, despite the flaws.

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if we were given a choice, the game would be available on BOTH steam and origin, and the two services would have to offer bonus things, like items or discounts or better service etc in order to get people to CHOOSE their service.

I'm unsure about Origins & what they're doing (I'll have to research this more, since I don't know much about it yet), but I'd agree with this in principle, at least. Online purchase/game services is fine, but I wish it would be more like retail stores. eg, I could buy a disc at Best Buy, or Fry's, or Target, or whatever, based on price and what store I prefer to support/is closer to me etc etc..not locked into buying a specific game only in one retail outlet. Online purchasing should work similarly, imo, or else it's not really true competition.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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Deus Ex Human Revolution at 66% off. It's very tempting, but I doubt I'll ever get around to playing it. Never got into the original either.

Its not as... crazy as the first one (particularly in terms of the "I'ma kick your rear" difficulty for beginners)

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Buy a lot of games on Steam it's fast, easy and simple and i usually don't like to bother to go to Gamestop or whatever just to pick up a copy so i like it, just don't get me started on Origin i would be happy if that **** even works 30 % of the time.

Edited by Gorth
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  • 4 weeks later...

Noticed this a bit late, but Deus Ex series is 75% off. Seems like a good price for HR and DLC.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Ah, if you're looking at Deus Ex, they've also got Project Snowblind going for a couple of quid.


And that was originally conceived as a Deus Ex Multiplayer until they decided to have a change-around due to the failure of Invisible War. Thus, they turned it into a fairly decent first-person shooter in an alternate universe..

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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