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7) I don't think I've ever met a Canadian woman. Are there women in Canada?


That's a Swedish guy, isn't it? :p

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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I'm sorting out various paperwork for moving to the States. So far I've had to (a) ask if my maternal grandparents died of anything hideous, (b) affirm that no, I have never worked as a prostitute or sold the services of prostitutes, and © realise that Americans pay federal tax, state tax AND city tax.



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realise that Americans pay federal tax, state tax AND city tax.



The sum of which will likely be a fair bit less than you were paying in NZ. Unless you end up in California or New York. In which case just drop your shorts, bend over and grab your ankles.

"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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That's a Swedish guy, isn't it? :ermm:

Clearly one of the finer things in life you've missed out on is going out with a chick more ripped than you. Mmm, general's daughter, too... :p

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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Couldn't sleep last night because I was afraid - and I'm not kidding - of dying in my sleep.


I think something busted when I was looking after my mother. Don't really want to spend money on psychiatrists. Or time, to be honest. I wouldn't mind if they actually did any work. "No, no. I want to know how YOU think this can be fixed."

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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Couldn't sleep last night because I was afraid - and I'm not kidding - of dying in my sleep.

I get that when I'm in the shower. For some reason, the plumbing or something makes sounds like the door to my place is opening. It used to be a lot more fun when one of the possible results was a leggy brunette joining me, now it's just going to be the eastern block home invaders. :p

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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Did a quick spout of research this morning. Chased the puppy around the garden. Contemplating the lunch snackage.

Have to collate some news articles this afternoon.. identify the key points and massage it into some single report.


Hm... just watched through one of the TOR Q&A sessions from ComicCon.. dang it. On the one hand I'm going that the CE is bloody silly money, but there's that Star Wars geek inside going "ooo shiny! I have a job now! I can splurge some silly money!"

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Did a quick spout of research this morning. Chased the puppy around the garden. Contemplating the lunch snackage.

Have to collate some news articles this afternoon.. identify the key points and massage it into some single report.


Hm... just watched through one of the TOR Q&A sessions from ComicCon.. dang it. On the one hand I'm going that the CE is bloody silly money, but there's that Star Wars geek inside going "ooo shiny! I have a job now! I can splurge some silly money!"

I decided that with the included authenticator and all that, I'm getting enough value out of it. Still, the FO3 CE is still my favourite one from the "loot" point of view. Love that lunchbox. ;D


Also, headache, back pains and all other kinds of weird stuff today. I need my body to hold together for another month or so, then I can start working out again regularly (when this book is finished).

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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realise that Americans pay federal tax, state tax AND city tax.



The sum of which will likely be a fair bit less than you were paying in NZ. Unless you end up in California or New York. In which case just drop your shorts, bend over and grab your ankles.


Actually, no - the tax here is nearly identical to the federal tax at that bracket, once you calculate it - and thus cheaper, discounting state/city tax. I don't know what the sales tax in the US is though, NZ's might be higher now at 15%. Hopefully my living costs won't be too much higher there.


Currently looking around for phone providers - I'll be in Philadelphia, and apparently Verizon is pretty good? T-mobile is the cheapest but I don't want to get something that dies on me every street corner so I'm still reading up.

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NZ's might be higher now at 15%

That's almost double the sales tax here in Dallas, Texas.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Learned a good way to get an empty elevator ride up is to play with a Leatherman knife.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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California is considered high at 9.25% sales tax.


I really don't recommend Verizon. Two months ago I would have wholeheartedly. I have been with Verizon for almost a decade and they do have the best coverage. But last month my wife went way over our minutes. It was the first time we had ever exceeded them. They wanted to charge us $300 because we were 800 minutes over our normal limit.


I called, and I was shocked that customer service really wouldn't work with me. As I said, I had never been over. They told me about all these programs that could have prevented the overage, like friends and family and monitoring online. They offered to increase my minutes. But they still wanted me to pay the $300. They offer a maximum discount of 25% on the overage, which still meant I was paying a lot of money. It was also going to cost about $500 to cancel my contract. When it is up in a year I plan on leaving.


So I really recommend going with a different network. I have heard AT&T has great customer service, and a lot of other providers have programs to prevent you from getting killed by this stuff. For example, Sprint charges a flat rate of $5 for every 100 minutes you are over.


Verizon is the most expensive of the the providers, and I always figured it was worth it for the large network, but after the crappy customer service I can't recommend them at all.

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today was my flatmate's birthday and her parents came over and made us a ridiculously huge dinner and there was also cake and beer and now i have a food/beer baby


tomorrow i'm going to go see my sister and pick up the birthday present she forgot to send me, then after that off to spend the weekend at my gf's place


also need to sort out stuff for next week. totally forgot about my first band practice yesterday, so will need to try and fit it in somewhere

when your mind works against you - fight back with substance abuse!

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Sitting here in the lecture room, an hour away from the last class of semester. I still have my legacy project to finish, but other than that, I'm done for the semester. It's weird though. The two classes that I've taken over the summer are supposed to be the capstone course for my degree and even though I've got another year to go in order to get my specialization thanks to pre-req troubles, it feels weird to almost be done these courses.


I think it's "I'm almost done my degree. What the hell do I do now?!" that is starting to kick in. :)

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I think it's "I'm almost done my degree. What the hell do I do now?!" that is starting to kick in. :)


Hah, I know that feeling. Was so odd when I was sitting in the cafeteria after my last exam for hours just not wanting to leave, felt like home after all those years and hours toiling 8) Depending on the person, school can really be the center of your life, when that's gone there's this weird void.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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California is considered high at 9.25% sales tax.

23 %!


Of course, it's VAT, not "sales tax", which means that largely a non-issue for non-private individuals. Makes **** all difference to me!

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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Some of my planned afternoon work was disrupted by another batch of anti-flea powder, mass hoovering and assorted activities.

Even checked the chimney to make sure no dead pigeon had fallen down it.



On the complete counter to that I've found myself being tempted by a variety of Arty style coffeetable books of late, from Syd Mead's Sentury to The DC Art of Jim Lee to various Futurist Architecture/Vehicle designs to The Art of Top Cow type of thing. But I'm generally restraining myself from such temptations... Being responsible can be such a pain...

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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The back and forth of dealing with a rambunctious puppy and trying to massage some fresh research into a readable report. Or at least the start of one.


For some reason I'm battling the urge to spend money of late. I keep seeing books and music albums and the like...


The evenings turned, the night sky is arriving and there's a batch of wood cut down from lowhanging branches off birch tree in the garden that was endagering the fence.. The other temptation is to use it to build a nice fire, and settle down with a bottle of port and a cigar to watch the stars emerge.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Got my classes for the final semester before I transfer to a university. I wanted to take this [semester] off but in the long run this is for the best. Can't wait to move in January! :p


Where did you end up going?


Leaning towards Montclair atm. Sending my transfer app to either that or William Patterson by the end of this month (probably the former).

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