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I like reviews. A well written review can tell me a lot about whether or not I will like a game. This doesnt mean I blindly take the review as fact, but can consider the things the reviewer liked or disliked and balance that against my own tastes.

For some reason, I find myself going to the Eurogamer.net reviews. I think there's a certain Britishness in the writing (that I enjoy immensely), and they tend to have what I view as a pretty balanced viewpoint (at least into the kinds of games I'm interested in).


I wish I could have the same faith as Monty. I don't think there's anyone here who I'd ask for a game recommendation (I haven't had the time to take CoH for a spin - that might change). :p

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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If a reviewer reviews purely based on persnoal experience and opinion, why should he be a reviewer at all, i.e. his opinion privileged above others? What qualifies him to a position of such influence?


I mean it's been a problem with the vg journo industry for a long time - how to build up a standard for who should be reviewers and how they should review - and unfortunately the solution so far has been for everyone to just peek at each other's answers.


the argument that reviews are still useful because you can cherrypick for info you want (i.e. what bugs are out there) is a good one, but I think the greatest failing of reviews are therefore not in what rubbish they sometimes write, but what they don't write. See: Oblivion. Unless you're very well informed with a game's progress, the genre, and what you personally prefer exactly in that genre, it woudl have been impossible to read the reviews and infer certain things that would later bloom into giant annoyances.

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I like reviews. A well written review can tell me a lot about whether or not I will like a game. This doesnt mean I blindly take the review as fact, but can consider the things the reviewer liked or disliked and balance that against my own tastes.

For some reason, I find myself going to the Eurogamer.net reviews. I think there's a certain Britishness in the writing (that I enjoy immensely), and they tend to have what I view as a pretty balanced viewpoint (at least into the kinds of games I'm interested in).


I wish I could have the same faith as Monty. I don't think there's anyone here who I'd ask for a game recommendation (I haven't had the time to take CoH for a spin - that might change). :p



funny that you mentioned eurogamer, they actually have become my number 1 review source over the past year as well, mostly due to the quality of writing.


IGN (i know i know) actually has a very few decent writers as well, but more and more often I find myself extremely frustrated by their increasing number of bad writers. Still though, they often offer the longest product reviews from the major outlets (I really like those 3-5 page reviews they do for some releases, as they provide lots of information about the title). Usually a read through of the IGN for the information, and eurogamer for the quality of the review and the less fanboyish tastes, will give me a decent grasp of whether or not I will enjoy something.


Better though would be if I could find an actual person with consistent taste who reviewed everything major that was released (ala Ebert in his heyday, I dont often agree with Ebert, but I glean enough from his reviews to know whether or not I will like the movie in question)




edit: re oblivion, I actually think that game is sort of impossible to accurately review, because for the first 20-30 hours the game was really quite mindblowing, but after long play the minor problems became gigantic flaws. Most reviewers probably didnt make it past the honeymoon stage of the game

Edited by entrerix

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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i'm still looking forward to starting this when I get home. I am NOT looking forward to constant crashes. Particularly because the loading screens are apparently very long. At least FNV loaded up really fast after crashing.



I've had no loading time or crashing problems in the 10 hours I'm in. Only problem I've had is it sometimes turn from fullscreen to windowed mode when returning from alt+tab. :p

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Am i missing something here? Your source claims 6.6 million, This site claims that it sold 2.8 million (PC not included) and EA told its own shareholders that it sold 1.6 million. Quite interesting since it is millions of dollars that we're talking about here. Also at the same site they claim that Dragon age sold 3.22 million (PC not included). I would think that EA wouldn't lie to its own shareholders, but something is amiss here.

Yes. It is indeed a ludicrous number and is unsupported by anything other than recursion, is what a gaming journalist has reported rather than having an official EA release, implies that ME2 sold a cool 3 times the number of ME1, and that EA deliberately underestimated sales in a legal document by the small matter of 5 million copies and underestimated shipped items by 4.6 million. That's roughly $100 million of missing income.


Whereas, typing in 6.6 instead of 1.6...


Sheesh, the 6.6 million doesn't tally remotely with greylord's own quoted figures which he's been making so much of without actually providing any evidence for. He should have taken option 4.


In any case this this is boring. ME2 sold fine, even if not as well as its fans would like. On the other hand, seeing the user ratings for DA2 on metacritic is rather interesting.

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I've been playing DA2 today. Will get to finishing the pages after page 27 after wards, but wanted to say my first impressions thus far. Mind, I really liked ME2 and thought the changes for DA2 would make it better.


What I absolutely HATE...or at least need to get used to...


I LOVED ME2, and I LOVED how they handled weapons, armor, equipment, etc.


That said, it DOES NOT TRANSLATE WELL IN ANY FORM TO A FANTASY RPG! I HATE the new inventory. I literally feel as if I don't have that many choices...PERIOD. To make it worse, the biggest quest thus far has you saving up for 50 GP...so you're afraid to spend the money you do get (though at this point I'm about to see what happens if I say...screw you quest...so what IF I NEVER get enough gold to pay up...I'm sick and tired of having that debt hang over me). This has to be the WORST THOUGHT OUT IDEA EVER for how to get equipment and money all together. At least that's my opinion thus far. Even if you can spend money, there's not that much equipment choices out there ANYWAYS. It's like a dearth of good choices. ME2 HAD MORE OPTIONS for customization then this friggen game. Sure, everyone has these slots for amulets and belts...if I could actually find one that is designed for them and good enough for me to get. Call me sick and tired of this. Maybe I'm just not used to it yet...and it will grow on me, thus far...HATING IT.


Skills. I'm not a big fan of the skill system they used in DA:O...nor the talents...BUT AT LEAST it made sense and I could put things together. This one I still can put together, but it doesn't seem as common sense to me, nor as well put together. I wish I could see them in an easier to compare mode then the way they've put them together. I like how they had them in a list you could go through in DA:O...even in ME and ME2 they had it as a list. This entire shape them like a tree is counterintuitive to me. I know, it was like that in the Demo, but you get more of these trees even, and it gets to be more of a pain then a help...or even graphically nice.


This story seems jumpy thus far, and isn't all that well gel'd together. It needs a better flow. Maybe it get's better after Deep Roads (I should get there soon I guess, as long as I don't blow my funds in disgust)...but WHY OR WHY did they include another Deep Roads (unless it's going to be another skip in the story so they can further break the flow and make it more jumpy)...that was one part of the entire DA:O where I almost put down the game in boredom! I sure hope I don't have to return to Deep Roads...or if I do they make it FAR more interesting this time around.


The layout of the city...is not all that inspirational. There's nothing really to define each area from another in some places...it's simply...oh, this is the court of the viscount...oh...this is the court of the Chantry...hey...they look REALLY SIMILAR.


Combat is WAAAAAY TO FAST and too furious. I enjoy ME2 combat...it's fast...furious, but allows you to at least think about what type of skills and such you are going to use. I can use my skills fast now...but things happen so fast it's actually kind of hard to plan things out. Your party spreads to the wind and has spent every skill they have before you can snap your fingers. It feels like FF12 combat in a way...and FF12 wasn't really know for good things about it's combat. Basically, you're going to have to use the tactics menus a LOT more.


Things that I like...


I like the conversations. I liked the six choice circle in the ME series, I like it in DA2. I like the main character having a voice. There seems to be even more interaction between your party in this game than the last. Talking is fun. Dialogue is a LOT of the game, so this is a good thing in my book. Gives it a good thing for 50% of the game.


Quests are easier to figure out where to go...at least thus far. That's a big plus as well.


Things I'm meh about...


I think the graphics are okay. The maps are okay. The city slowly unfolds as you explore areas, and talk to people, other areas of the city and outside the city are slowly revealed. Sort of like how you found areas in BG2.


That's it for now, I'll finish reading the thread and maybe back after I've played some more.

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I'm concerned about Bioware.

I stopped being concerned around the time I was shooting a giant T-800 in the eye.

"Alright, I've been thinking. When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade - make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons, what am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager. Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons. Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! With the lemons. I'm going to to get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!"

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I literally feel as if I don't have that many choices...PERIOD. To make it worse, the biggest quest thus far has you saving up for 50 GP...so you're afraid to spend the money you do get (though at this point I'm about to see what happens if I say...screw you quest...so what IF I NEVER get enough gold to pay up...I'm sick and tired of having that debt hang over me).


Spoiler: feel free to spend money on items. At least, if you plan on doing all the side quests.




I think the graphics are okay. The maps are okay. The city slowly unfolds as you explore areas, and talk to people, other areas of the city and outside the city are slowly revealed. Sort of like how you found areas in BG2.


I think the structure of the game is very reminiscent of BG2.

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"If a reviewer reviews purely based on persnoal experience and opinion, why should he be a reviewer at all, i.e. his opinion privileged above others? What qualifies him to a position of such influence?"


That's easy.


The ability to write coherently and intelligently. The ability to get your opinion across successfully. Making sure you have the knowledge to seperate your opinion with fact. ie. the difference between stating 'I hateViconia because she sucks as npc' and statinmg that Viconia is a dark elf priestess who hasd come to th surface and joins your party after you save her (BG2).


Etc., etc.


Even graphics - outside of actual polygon count and the like - is opinion based. How else do you explain some people saying 'MW graphics is like looking at brown crap' while others claimed' MW graphics was awesome'?


Creative artwork of all types can't be broken down into fact vs vision when it comes quality. It's not math. Let's not make it so. And,d efinitely don't base your opinion on others' opinions.


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"If a reviewer reviews purely based on persnoal experience and opinion, why should he be a reviewer at all, i.e. his opinion privileged above others? What qualifies him to a position of such influence?"


That's easy.


The ability to write coherently and intelligently. The ability to get your opinion across successfully.


Indeed. A reviewer needs to have an understanding of the product they are reviewing, they need to judge it based on what it is and what it is trying to do, whereas users tend to judge products based on what they want them to be, even if what they want isn't what the developers ever intended.


Having a different opinion or not focusing on an aspect you think is important doesn't mean a reviewer is a liar or paid off. Radiant AI exists in Oblivion, it's what makes things like the poison apple quest possible. While it sounded interesting in theory in practice it didn't do a whole lot more than what we had seen in scripted schedules. It's time to get over it people.

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No review can convince me otherwise that this game is bollocks.



You'll have to wait for the Let's Play. Who's doing the Let's Play again?

Since I just got an info on my preorder that they are "still waiting for product", I think all of you will have played it before I get it. :)


If there's a snafu with my SE, this will be the third Bioware Special Edition version of a game that won't be available on release day - in a row. :)

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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Didn't play the first one, and so far have no interest in the 2nd. However a lot of people I've met lately are all excited for DA2, so I've been, just now, watching some early Let's Plays.


So far the best thing I've seen (and it's very early) is one guy who decided to run his gal chr. out in her underwear (cause it made me lol). The blood splatter setting he was using was really odd tho...it looked like crazy paint splatter on a wall, or something, not blood.


edit: do like the party members and the combat doesn't look too bad

2ndedit - like the mage staff or whatever it is too. Wicked looking. :p

Edited by LadyCrimson
“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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whereas users tend to judge products based on what they want them to be, even if what they want isn't what the developers ever intended.
Might be that what they want the product to be is based on what the product was advertised as? (DaRk HeROiC & tactical gameplay)


Sure, buying into the hype is the player's fault but why market the game as something it's not?

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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so far from what I've seen, I gather, the combat isn't at all different from DAO. but a lot of people say the encounters are absolute crap. something about the enemies spawning on top of your party instead of actually waiting. which is rather annoying and removes a lot of tactical elements from combat as far as I can see. what's more, they seem to be spawning in waves now. you defeat one, another group drops (?) from the ceiling/air on your head, and then another after that.


is this Bio's idea of a more sophisticated combat system? pah-leeease


can't comment on the story, but judging by others' impressions the quest design is awful, and Kirkwall gives out a strong JRPG vibe :p

Walsingham said:

I was struggling to understand ths until I noticed you are from Finland. And having been educated solely by mkreku in this respect I am convinced that Finland essentially IS the wh40k universe.

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so far from what I've seen, I gather, the combat isn't at all different from DAO. but a lot of people say the encounters are absolute crap. something about the enemies spawning on top of your party instead of actually waiting. which is rather annoying and removes a lot of tactical elements from combat as far as I can see. what's more, they seem to be spawning in waves now. you defeat one, another group drops (?) from the ceiling/air on your head, and then another after that.


is this Bio's idea of a more sophisticated combat system? pah-leeease


can't comment on the story, but judging by others' impressions the quest design is awful, and Kirkwall gives out a strong JRPG vibe :p


You know, now that you mention it, there are some things I think they got from JRPG's. At least it's feeling that way, wouldn't have noticed it if you hadn't mentioned it though.


You are correct that many encounters DO have waves of enemies.


I'm not liking the encounters thus far. Like the Dialogue and such...but I'm really not enjoying any time my party has to do combat. Lots of flash...less substance...at least it seems like that for me thus far.

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You know, now that you mention it, there are some things I think they got from JRPG's.

hmm, when I first heard about the whole "framed narrative" and "10 years worth of story" thing, I thought to myself, "wow, I wonder if they'll do it like Persona 3 (or was it 4?) did."


it would've been interesting to play a "sandbox" western computer role-playing game, where the box isn't the world but the time frame. so far it seems nothing like that though :p

Edited by sorophx
Walsingham said:

I was struggling to understand ths until I noticed you are from Finland. And having been educated solely by mkreku in this respect I am convinced that Finland essentially IS the wh40k universe.

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I felt that I needed to know what you people were talking about so I downloaded the demo. I think the fast-paced combat is a huge improvement over BG and NWN's old insane 6-second "watch your character just stand there looking stupid" turn system.



But I still think ToEE has the best combat of all "I put on my robe and wizard hat" games.

DISCLAIMER: Do not take what I write seriously unless it is clearly and in no uncertain terms, declared by me to be meant in a serious and non-humoristic manner. If there is no clear indication, asume the post is written in jest. This notification is meant very seriously and its purpouse is to avoid misunderstandings and the consequences thereof. Furthermore; I can not be held accountable for anything I write on these forums since the idea of taking serious responsability for my unserious actions, is an oxymoron in itself.


Important: as the following sentence contains many naughty words I warn you not to read it under any circumstances; botty, knickers, wee, erogenous zone, psychiatrist, clitoris, stockings, bosom, poetry reading, dentist, fellatio and the department of agriculture.


"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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I felt that I needed to know what you people were talking about so I downloaded the demo. I think the fast-paced combat is a huge improvement over BG and NWN's old insane 6-second "watch your character just stand there looking stupid" turn system.
Only... it's not really fast-paced or meant to compare against BG or NWN. The difference with combat in DAO is that enemies are even weaker this time around (DAO was apparently too difficult), and it sports some really retarded, animu-inspired combat animations, giving it the appearance of a faster pace - all in the vein of "button -> AWESOME!"


edit: I just checked, and some cooldowns have been halved. Never was too fond of cooldowns tbh, but weaker enemies and ridiculous animations contribute to the feeling of faster combat more than ability spam, I think.

Edited by 213374U

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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so far from what I've seen, I gather, the combat isn't at all different from DAO. but a lot of people say the encounters are absolute crap. something about the enemies spawning on top of your party instead of actually waiting. which is rather annoying and removes a lot of tactical elements from combat as far as I can see. what's more, they seem to be spawning in waves now. you defeat one, another group drops (?) from the ceiling/air on your head, and then another after that.


is this Bio's idea of a more sophisticated combat system? pah-leeease


can't comment on the story, but judging by others' impressions the quest design is awful, and Kirkwall gives out a strong JRPG vibe :ermm:

I'm guessing that the 'wave' structure and the nearby spawning are their ways of dealing with memory limitations. That lets you avoid having too many characters on the screen at once, but still have fights that last more than 6 seconds.

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The difference with combat in DAO is that enemies are even weaker this time around (DAO was apparently too difficult)


I don't think this is the case. Weak enemies still seem to be weak, but the tougher ones I still have to whack at for several minutes.

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I'm guessing that the 'wave' structure and the nearby spawning are their ways of dealing with memory limitations.

that could be the case. which only makes the whole thing look even more pathetic :ermm: instead of actually making enemies tough to kill, they made them weaker but more in numbers. (I think I saw a screenie with 20+ mobs swarming on the party, could be a bug that released all the waves at once or a case of really bad level design, though); it sounds like a total grindfest.


the fights should be interesting. and in DA2, it sounds as if the fights are endurance tests, "survive three waves of similar goons > restore energy > run two blocks > survive another three waves".


that isn't what I'd expected from a triple-A title :x

Walsingham said:

I was struggling to understand ths until I noticed you are from Finland. And having been educated solely by mkreku in this respect I am convinced that Finland essentially IS the wh40k universe.

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