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Dragon Age 2


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Simply put, you are SOOOO wanting DA:O to fit your definition, you'll lie about it. fine with me.


Heh, I'll give you a shiny dollar coin if you can show one single instance where I have lied. Everything I've stated as fact has had a link, and where I've used quotes I've provided the link to the context too. In contrast, with Volourn style quoting...


DA:O sold [in] 2.7 [million]

Agreed (note: link added by me).

ME2 selling 3 million+

[citation needed]

Citation from EA states 2 million sold in worldwide while

EA quarterly report says 1.6 million sold through] for Q4 2010/ calendar Q1 2011; FY 2010 ends March 31st according to the same document therefore the ME2 sales figure is for- as best as can be ascertained- approximately its first 12 weeks of sales.


Retail, DA:O sold 1.3 million [citation needed], with around 500K[citation needed] on PC and the rest on Console.

ME2 sold 500-600K [citation needed] on PC with the rest on Xbox 360 at retail.


At this point you can either post your sources, concede with dignity, go off the rails or choose not to reply.


You're right, I underestimated....by 3 million for ME2.




BioWare founders Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk have been announced as main keynotes for this year

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Bioware did a lot of unnecessary changes, especially for PC version, just because they read their data incorrectly.

So how exactly have we determined the Bio read their data incorrectly?

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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Bioware did a lot of unnecessary changes, especially for PC version, just because they read their data incorrectly.

So how exactly have we determined the Bio read their data incorrectly?


Because even for games like Gear of War (and similar) only about 50% of the players make it till the end. Gears of War and Modern Warfare series are about as genre defining games as it gets and if those few hour long games can't keep ADHD players interested long enough, Dragon Age or Dragon Age 2 don't have much chance. Bioware can do all the changes they want, but it's stupid to do 'em for this reason.

Let's play Alpha Protocol

My misadventures on youtube.

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Because even for games like Gear of War (and similar) only about 50% of the players make it till the end. Gears of War and Modern Warfare series are about as genre defining games as it gets and if those few hour long games can't keep ADHD players interested long enough, Dragon Age or Dragon Age 2 don't have much chance. Bioware can do all the changes they want, but it's stupid to do 'em for this reason.

Who says they are doing it for that reason alone?


My point here is that we don't have access to all the data Bio (and other companies) have. Their decisions are formulated based on the full data, ours on just individual tidbits. To look at the individual tidbits released to us and proclaim that Bio is misinterpreting their data is arrogant at best, stupid at worst.


I honestly wonder why I have to point this **** out to you. This, and so many other things I say that stamp me as "Bioware fanboy #1" should be pretty damn obvious. Maybe I should extend my one man crusade against groupthink and flawed logic into the Skyrim thread, as well. :PPPP

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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You know, even without the data, it's quite well known that RPGs are really bad at having a good start. And as much as I think the blood and guts is stupid, I think it's unquestionable that they've made the start slick, quick and easy to grasp.


I think they did a good job in the intro/tutorial bit from what I've seen - the only problems with it are problems that have to do with the game as a whole, such as the combat mechanics or the level design (though it seems like the Blobby Darkspawn Land could be uniquely horrible-looking).

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My point here is that we don't have access to all the data Bio (and other companies) have. Their decisions are formulated based on the full data, ours on just individual tidbits. To look at the individual tidbits released to us and proclaim that Bio is misinterpreting their data is arrogant at best, stupid at worst.


But Bio doesn

Edited by kirottu

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oh. god. it's awful... her face... his voice... it just doesn't work, Bio! :(

Walsingham said:

I was struggling to understand ths until I noticed you are from Finland. And having been educated solely by mkreku in this respect I am convinced that Finland essentially IS the wh40k universe.

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Stolen from neoGAF.


Reviews so far:


The Escapist - 100

"The advancements in RPG mechanics would be enough to set it apart, but the real achievement of Dragon Age II is in the story-telling. I could point out the improved combat and graphics till there's blood covering my face, but BioWare is one of the few companies that uses the advanced computing power available to modern game designers to let you actually play a role."


3DJuegos - 91

"It may be difficult for hardcore gamers to ignore the revamped combat system, but once you calm down and excuse some minor flaws, you'll find an amazing game in Dragon Age II."


SpazioGames - 90

"Despite the change in pace, graphics and tactics, Dragon Age II is once again one of the greatest RPGs of our time, thanks to an interesting storyline, fascinating characters and a fun, over the top dark fantasy combat system."


Games Master UK - 90

"BioWare have comprehensively hit back at detractors of the original game and Dragon Age II delivers a distinctive fantasy RPG with far broader appeal and personality than before. Mega-nerds may feel slighted that they can't dig into the mechanics quite so easily but few would argue that this slicker, more streamlined approach isn't a vast improvement. [Apr 2011, p.73]"


Official Xbox Magazine - 90

"Next to its predecessor, Dragon Age II may be a slightly altered beast, but the minute Isabela slyly chirps "I like big boats, I cannot lie" to a Desire Demon in the murky Fade, you'll realize this game offers some of the deepest, nerdiest, most worthwhile 40 to 60 hours you'll ever love losing sleep over. [April 2011, p.70]"


Game Informer - 83

"Part of me was disappointed with Dragon Age II. I hoped for an improvement on the original, but it ultimately feels like a step back. [Apr 2011, p.85]"


Playstation: The Official Magazine (US) - 90

"Fueled by its brains, a likeable cast, and a sprawling storyline, Age II delivers. It's the sort of game with jaws, the kind that consumes lives. [Apr 2011, p.72]"


PSM3 Magazine UK - 90

"Striking and confident compared to Origins' drab brownness. [Apr 2011, p.86]"


PC Gamer - 94

"The best RPG combat ever. Not gaming's best story, but maybe its best storytelling. Darker, sexier, better. [Mar 2011, p.64]"


Eurogamer Italy - 90


PC Games (Germany) - 88


Gamestar - 87

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My point here is that we don't have access to all the data Bio (and other companies) have. Their decisions are formulated based on the full data, ours on just individual tidbits. To look at the individual tidbits released to us and proclaim that Bio is misinterpreting their data is arrogant at best, stupid at worst.


But Bio doesn

Edited by Hell Kitty
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Canard PC (France) has not yet released their review (5 pages) but the Editor in Chief and the journalist who actually wrote the review spoiled the score and some of the focus points of the review. 5/10 and apparently Bioware 'defiled' its own franchise :( . Of notice is the Friendly Fire that you can only activate in Nightmare mode, a mode that is nearly unplayable because the enemies appear almost literally beneath the feet of the player. 80% of the side quests are Fedex quests worthy of a MMORPG.

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Next to its predecessor, Dragon Age II may be a slightly altered beast, but the minute Isabela slyly chirps "I like big boats, I cannot lie" to a Desire Demon in the murky Fade, you'll realize this game offers some of the deepest, nerdiest, most worthwhile 40 to 60 hours you'll ever love losing sleep over.


I... uh... wait... what?

Listen to my home-made recordings (some original songs, some not): http://www.youtube.c...low=grid&view=0

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A friend of mine says Bioware released the PC version with the low-res, highly compressed textures for the 360 version and now they've realised the mistake and are offering a 'patch' with the proper textures. Things like that makes me think that BioWare doesnt really care about the franchise. (Which is completely right, imo. They should drop it completely)

DISCLAIMER: Do not take what I write seriously unless it is clearly and in no uncertain terms, declared by me to be meant in a serious and non-humoristic manner. If there is no clear indication, asume the post is written in jest. This notification is meant very seriously and its purpouse is to avoid misunderstandings and the consequences thereof. Furthermore; I can not be held accountable for anything I write on these forums since the idea of taking serious responsability for my unserious actions, is an oxymoron in itself.


Important: as the following sentence contains many naughty words I warn you not to read it under any circumstances; botty, knickers, wee, erogenous zone, psychiatrist, clitoris, stockings, bosom, poetry reading, dentist, fellatio and the department of agriculture.


"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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A friend of mine says Bioware released the PC version with the low-res, highly compressed textures for the 360 version and now they've realised the mistake and are offering a 'patch' with the proper textures. Things like that makes me think that BioWare doesnt really care about the franchise. (Which is completely right, imo. They should drop it completely)

Doubt it, since low-norm-high are supposed to be in-game. The x360 version is probably going to be just the "low" :sorcerer:


The patch specs for graphics cards with at least 1024mb ram.

Edited by Nepenthe

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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Weirdly enough, the highest metacritic score is for the PC version so far. Not that I expect that to last though, just found that amusing.

It makes sense. The console demo was bloody awful. Press to attack is simply stupid. If you're out of range when you press it, your character flails his arms and is incapable of doing anything else for that animation. And since you're used to spamming the attack button, you might have just spammed it here. Enjoy being useless for several seconds.

Edited by Tale
"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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So, here we are ... ana rticle that proves that ME2 out sold DA by a far margin. Is it embarassing when a Volournian truth turns out to be true? Come on, guys, it's best not to tell me I'm wrong when I am right..


Hoepfully, I'll get DA2 today.. :sorcerer:


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A friend of mine says Bioware released the PC version with the low-res, highly compressed textures for the 360 version and now they've realised the mistake and are offering a 'patch' with the proper textures. Things like that makes me think that BioWare doesnt really care about the franchise. (Which is completely right, imo. They should drop it completely)

Bioware released the medium textures. They say they did not have the high resolution textures ready by the time they sent out the build that became gold for certification.

Edited by Tale
"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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