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Dead Space.


I picked this, Ratchet & Clank Future, and Resistance 2 in a buy two get one free deal at work.


While I'm not the type to jump at this style (M Night Shamalans good stuff? yeah I freak out) but to me this isn't so much scary as "Holy CRAP, I can't believe I survived that!" Unlike Yahtzee I don't prefer the Ripper, my baby is the plasma cutter (but I've been pumping more upgrades into my suit as I can). I haven't tried the other two but I'm gonna push to finish Dead Space and try to pick up a Call of Duty:World at War. Or somthing else good used once I finish dead space (I intend to do it within a week so I can return it within the limit)


I'm on chapter 4



Good idea, you really won't want to replay it again after you finish the story. Sort of like Bioshock, great the first time through but not much left to do after that.

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I stopped playing Dead Space in Chapter 6. Not that the game is particularly bad, there's just a lack of something that should drive me forward. Maybe I'm getting old. :(


No, I feel exactly the same. If you dont love the gameplay so much that its all you care about, its hard to find a reason why you should go on playing it.






..which is exactly what I feel about X3: terran conflict. Its extremely monotomous, and those parts that are somewhat fun to play are ruined by the complete lack of user-friendliness and clunky interface. Its like Im back in 1993 when game devs thought it was all part of the experience to guess what button did what, instead of writing a coherent manual. Im really beginning to regret having wasted 40$ on it.

DISCLAIMER: Do not take what I write seriously unless it is clearly and in no uncertain terms, declared by me to be meant in a serious and non-humoristic manner. If there is no clear indication, asume the post is written in jest. This notification is meant very seriously and its purpouse is to avoid misunderstandings and the consequences thereof. Furthermore; I can not be held accountable for anything I write on these forums since the idea of taking serious responsability for my unserious actions, is an oxymoron in itself.


Important: as the following sentence contains many naughty words I warn you not to read it under any circumstances; botty, knickers, wee, erogenous zone, psychiatrist, clitoris, stockings, bosom, poetry reading, dentist, fellatio and the department of agriculture.


"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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..which is exactly what I feel about X3: terran conflict. Its extremely monotomous, and those parts that are somewhat fun to play are ruined by the complete lack of user-friendliness and clunky interface. Its like Im back in 1993 when game devs thought it was all part of the experience to guess what button did what, instead of writing a coherent manual. Im really beginning to regret having wasted 40$ on it.

But that's because the game was made by Jerries. :o:lol:

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Dead Space's ending is entirely worth playing through. Some of the best endgame yet.

"Alright, I've been thinking. When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade - make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons, what am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager. Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons. Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! With the lemons. I'm going to to get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!"

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I'm playing MotB :lol:


Is it supposed to be so difficult? I'm getting my ass handed to me by, well mostly anything.


Some classes and builds are way easier than others - If you're not a cleric/favoured sould/druid Gann is essentially your only healer and he burns spells likes he's addicted to them.. That makes things a little tougher.. and if you're a class that doesn't deal much damage, well then it's alot tougher.

Fortune favors the bald.

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I'm playing MotB :yes:


Is it supposed to be so difficult? I'm getting my ass handed to me by, well mostly anything.


Some classes and builds are way easier than others - If you're not a cleric/favoured sould/druid Gann is essentially your only healer and he burns spells likes he's addicted to them.. That makes things a little tougher.. and if you're a class that doesn't deal much damage, well then it's alot tougher.


What about Kaelyn as healer. I mean, she is a cleric.


Some combos are definitely easier than others. My Ftr/Brb/Rog powered through the entire thing almost single-handedly with his absurd DR and even more absurd hit points while my Rogue was constantly getting splattered, because even though he had an pretty damn good AC (mid-high 40's) at the start of MotB, there were a lot of enemies that had equally high attack bonuses. :lol:

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I'm playing MotB :yes:


Is it supposed to be so difficult? I'm getting my ass handed to me by, well mostly anything.


Some classes and builds are way easier than others - If you're not a cleric/favoured sould/druid Gann is essentially your only healer and he burns spells likes he's addicted to them.. That makes things a little tougher.. and if you're a class that doesn't deal much damage, well then it's alot tougher.


What about Kaelyn as healer. I mean, she is a cleric.


Some combos are definitely easier than others. My Ftr/Brb/Rog powered through the entire thing almost single-handedly with his absurd DR and even more absurd hit points while my Rogue was constantly getting splattered, because even though he had an pretty damn good AC (mid-high 40's) at the start of MotB, there were a lot of enemies that had equally high attack bonuses. :lol:


Oh yeah, I forgot about the little bird..


I played through after I finished Storm of Zehir as a Hellfire Warlock - now that was a breeze!

Fortune favors the bald.

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I'm playing MotB :lol:


Is it supposed to be so difficult? I'm getting my ass handed to me by, well mostly anything.


Some classes and builds are way easier than others - If you're not a cleric/favoured sould/druid Gann is essentially your only healer and he burns spells likes he's addicted to them.. That makes things a little tougher.. and if you're a class that doesn't deal much damage, well then it's alot tougher.

I have both Gann and Kaelyn, so healing shouldn't be the problem. But even then I find it near impossible to effectively cast healing spells during combat. Even though my party is fully buffed, including Death Ward, somehow one of my characters always dies almost instantly.


My character is a fighter/swashbuckler/duelist/weapon master, and normally excels at parrying, but atm I'm getting slaughtered by those vampire lords and whatnot in the Death God's Vault. I've tried bottlenecking them in a doorway, to no avail. Perhaps I should do another part first.


Does One Of Many, cool as he is, get any better? His rogue skills aren't particularly useful during those tough fights. It probably would've been easier with Okku.

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I'm playing MotB :lol:


Is it supposed to be so difficult? I'm getting my ass handed to me by, well mostly anything.


Some classes and builds are way easier than others - If you're not a cleric/favoured sould/druid Gann is essentially your only healer and he burns spells likes he's addicted to them.. That makes things a little tougher.. and if you're a class that doesn't deal much damage, well then it's alot tougher.

20 minutes spent with Safiya and the enchanting satchel can make the game miles easier. And if you're not interested in that, once you get a perma-hasted Okku, dealing damage really isn't much of a concern anymore.


I played as a Wiz/Eldritch Knight/ASoC, and there weren't a whole lot of challenging fights. The shadow temple of Myrkul was probably the toughest spot to me-- most of the fights that others seemed to have trouble with (groups of high-level spellcasters) were usually taken care of with one Wail of the Banshee.


Edit: Yeah, there's no reason you have to do the lower level of the Death God's Vault early on. Venture out of Mulsantir and take care of some other areas first.

Edited by Enoch
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yeah, i just did motb with a f(x)/wm(7)/dd(10) and it was a cakewalk. i had safiya, kaelyn, and gann, btw. i've heard using pure wizard class characters is harder in the beginning (okku fight in particular), but it gets a lot easier once the game progresses.



comrade taks... just because.

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Still playing the NWN2 OC for the first time all the way. Is anyone else a little annoyed at seeing Tanar'i and Baatezu fighting side by side like old buddies? That little detail just irks the heck out of me.

"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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early christmas present: soz.


has us vacillating. on the one hand, given some o' the bugs with trading and shield-equipping 'n such, am wanting to wait for the patch before we play. on the other hand, we already played fo3, and am not interested 'nuff to try fable 2. so, it looks like soz will get a go.


for the overland map skillz monkey am going with either a human rogue/ranger/swashbuckler or a tiefling rogue/swashbuckler/duelist. am not sure how much difference max survival v. 50% survival will make if we skip the ranger levels.


the party healer will be a human cleric/doomguard, 'cause if we ever feels the need to get that extra level via exp farming, a few 5 second undead encounters should do the trick, eh? don't like our casters to suffer ecl penalties... so no exotic races.


am not a fan o' sorcerers... is too many neato spells we can't use. plus, a mage/asoc will be better able to round out our skills maxing goal. (our party is all lg folowers o' kelemvor, so no single-level-of-palemaster nonsense.) while it makes most sense to choose sun elf, we hate elves... not just how they is implemented in d&d universe, but given how horribly ugly they look in nwn2. stoutheart halfling.


the role of the tank is where Gromnir is conflicted. an earth gensai fighter/wm/neverwinter9 wielding a falchion admittedly has a certain appeal, but the assimar fighter/paladin/divine champion were our initial choice as a tank with its virtual guaranteed saving throw attempts. the paladin really tends to shine at high levels... and it sounds like some o' the late battles in soz is pretty tough.


well, if we play and we get frustrated by bugs, we got nobody to blame but Gromnir... 'less somebody can convince us that fable 2 is the more entertaining route.


HA! Good Fun!

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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Still playing the NWN2 OC for the first time all the way. Is anyone else a little annoyed at seeing Tanar'i and Baatezu fighting side by side like old buddies? That little detail just irks the heck out of me.
You mean in

Ammon Jerro's

hideaway? They're forced to be there and do not like each other at all :thumbsup: Or wait, was there a balor instead of a pit fiend spawning alongside with some devils on



Citizen of a country with a racist, hypocritical majority

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I picked up a copy of Prince of Persia when I grabbed a replacement for my dead Beyond the Sword so in between bouts of Civ4 I'm giving that a try. I've only gone through one area so far, but I'm enjoying what I've seen. Only complaint so far is that I can never remember which button I mapped to which action. The game does a great job of telling me which button I need to use (It actually mentions the right button number for my Logitech Cordless Rumblepad!) but I don't use the thing often enough to get the hand of which button is which number.

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Bah! Those damn dirty Ottomans are getting on my nerves. They attacked me 40 turns ago, but I got a nice random act right after the first battle that offered me a chance at a peace treaty so I went for it. Now they've decided to attack in force again. They even razed one of my cities! This time there will be no mercy... *turns all his production over to military units*

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