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Right now I'm playing whatever I can to make the wait for Fable 2 more bearable... ME is gonna be popped in the disk drive next.

In 7th grade, I teach the students how Chuck Norris took down the Roman Empire, so it is good that you are starting early on this curriculum.



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I'm playing Dues Ex: The Invisible War.


I enjoy the game and think the real 'problem' with it is that it bought into its own hype. The original, like BioShock, was a shooter with an interesting setting and RPG elements. The game would be improved vastly by paying more attention to the shooter elements like level design instead of trying to make the game more RPGish by adding false choices.

"When is this out. I can't wait to play it so I can talk at length about how bad it is." - Gorgon.

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I was playing Area 51 until I realized how horribly unoptimized it is.


I found it ran well enough, although it looked like **** in-game and was too boring to keep installed for more than a few hours. That said, I did burn the .exe to a DVD in case I feel like revisiting it later. :lol:

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@Maria Caliban

By level design do you mean small levels or just plain bad level design? The usual complaint leveled at IW levels are that they're too small, which they are. The size problems came from both a lack of memory on the Xbox and a lack of optimisation and using what was there to great effect.


If you mean that they are just badly designed then I disagree. The levels in IW were interesting and fun. So there.


I also don't really think that Deus Ex is a shooter, it is an RPG in first person and the primary fault with IW was that it wasn't complex enough in its RPG elements and therefore became somewhat stale.

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COD 4 Multiplayer,


I've gotten onto hardcore servers and do really well when i've got a building to clear and an mp5 to do it with. Double tap is godly on hardcore as it only takes a quick pull of the trigger to take somebody down.


My standard load is an mp5 silenced with a m1911 sidarm with bandolier double tap and last stand perks.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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COD 4 Multiplayer,


I've gotten onto hardcore servers and do really well when i've got a building to clear and an mp5 to do it with. Double tap is godly on hardcore as it only takes a quick pull of the trigger to take somebody down.


My standard load is an mp5 silenced with a m1911 sidarm with bandolier double tap and last stand perks.

Awesome Calax! You really need to get on Xbox Live so you can join the gang.


You'd be better off swapping your m1911 with the m9. It uses the same 9mm rounds as the mp5, which combined with bandolier will give you an obscene number of rounds.

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Finally found me a copy of MotB! So I'll be playing NWN2 soon at last!


But tell me, is there a specific installation order with patches/essential mods etc I should keep in mind?

Anyone? I've heard lots of good things about some Tony_K's AI patch. Should I install this one before or after I install MotB? How about the official patches?

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I believe the current approved method of installing is currently NWN2 -> MotB -> autopatcher.


As for Tony K's AI, you apply it to the override folder after you've patched/installed everything else. I think it's generally not recommended to patch while there are things in the override folder. Also, that's not the override folder in the install directory, but rather the other one. Not sure what it's called on English computers, but there should be a NWN2 folder in My Documents or something. That's where you install playermade stuff (though just read the readmes that come with the playermade content really).


Anyways, Tony K's AI is definetely recommended. Good news is that Obsidian is implementing it in the game, but I don't think that'll be finished until SoZ.


There are also playermade classes/prestige classes which could be fun, haven't tried them out though. Tony K's is what I consider the most essential mod for playing the OC/MotB.

Listen to my home-made recordings (some original songs, some not): http://www.youtube.c...low=grid&view=0

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COD 4 Multiplayer,


I've gotten onto hardcore servers and do really well when i've got a building to clear and an mp5 to do it with. Double tap is godly on hardcore as it only takes a quick pull of the trigger to take somebody down.


My standard load is an mp5 silenced with a m1911 sidarm with bandolier double tap and last stand perks.

Awesome Calax! You really need to get on Xbox Live so you can join the gang.


You'd be better off swapping your m1911 with the m9. It uses the same 9mm rounds as the mp5, which combined with bandolier will give you an obscene number of rounds.

I've got it for this *pats computer*, but the only time I yank out the 1911 is when I get taken down and last stand pops. it's really funny to watch a guy kill me and start to run off only to find himself dead because of last stand.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Nethergate Resurrection, a remake of an old classic.


Praise for Jeff Vogel...

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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Age of Empires II: The Conquerors




Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne.




How I have existed fills me with horror. For I have failed in everything - spelling, arithmetic, riding, tennis, golf; dancing, singing, acting; wife, mistress, whore, friend. Even cooking. And I do not excuse myself with the usual escape of 'not trying'. I tried with all my heart.

In my dreams, I am not crippled. In my dreams, I dance.

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I have no idea why, but something compelled me to play Mass Effect again. Though I never have done the whole Bring Down The Sky thing yet, I will now.


And I Figured out I can play the game with everything on max, video card wise. Now Shepherd is even more sexy. *rawr*

Edited by Jaesun
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I finally finished my run of the NWN2 OC and moved on to MotB. It's SO nice being able to run this at more than half a frame per second. It also seems much easier although that might have something to do with my imported character have totally awesome (some might call it cheating...) equipment. Being able to add enchantments to Wondrous items (go, go crafting mods!) is really overpowered. A ring that gives +5 regen, +5 to AC and +5 to all saves is just ridiculous. Also, tossing +8 CON on a pair of Boots of the Sun Soul +5 and using them on my Ftr/Brb/Rog with Use Magic Item is just obscene. I've got 450 hitpoints and an AC of 48 with room to improve on that with epic level enchantments. Damage dealt could be much better, but what my character lacks in attack strength is more than made up in staying power.


Regenerates 5HP per round.

Can't be hit by anything short of a critical by 99% of all enemies.

Ignores the first 6 points of damage from every hit. (From epic feat and barbarian DR)


There have been several fights where I have literally stood around for nearly 5 minutes of real time in the middle of a swarm of enemies and done nothing (Thank you stupid mind affecting spells...) yet still come out unharmed when my character finally snapped out of it.

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There have been several fights where I have literally stood around for nearly 5 minutes of real time in the middle of a swarm of enemies and done nothing...

Five minutes of doing nothing in combat. Sounds like fun.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Attempting a runthrough of Resident evil series, I have them all but i haven't finished any of them or played any of them at length due to time contraints.




Resident Evil 0

Resident Evil 1 (Remake)

Resident Evil 2

Resident Evil 3

Resident Evil : Code Veronica X

Resident Evil 4


^ That's correct yes?

I came up with Crate 3.0 technology. 

Crate 4.0 - we shall just have to wait and see.

Down and out on the Solomani Rim
Now the Spinward Marches don't look so GRIM!


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Just finished Force Unleashed. The story was great!
Haven't played the game, but after reading the graphic novel, I think the story is just an excuse for implementing the over-the-top Force mechanics and effects of the game. It's pretty hilarious how they keep shoehorning these Gary Stus and the ludicrous plots they devise for them into the timeline, just so they can keep milking the SW cash cow.


My verdict: suckage. :lol:


(ofc, that does not mean the game isn't a blast to play...)

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There have been several fights where I have literally stood around for nearly 5 minutes of real time in the middle of a swarm of enemies and done nothing...

Five minutes of doing nothing in combat. Sounds like fun.

Epic level mages and disabling spells ftl. I always seem to roll ones on will saves. I try to never go into combat without Mind Blank on, but occasionally they will dispell it, or'll I'll forget and then I get hit with the will saves like crazy and be forced to stand around and do nothing while the rest of my party is slaughtered. :sorcerer:

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I'm on book 8 in LotR Online. It takes place in an area called Carn Dum. Much like Mordor, you don't simply walk into Carn Dum. It's a super scary place. We took a shortcut through a spider infested cave, which was as terrible as it sounds. I hate spiders. Then we fought past a few troll looking things and now we are in a semi-safe area, hopefully able to finish the quest later.


I'm pretty excited, book 8 is the last book of the first stage of the game. There have been 6 other books released since the game came out, but I'm excited to finish this first stage. I'm also closing in on level 49, which is the closest I've ever gotten to a level cap in an MMO. Of course, in a month the level cap will go up to 60, so there ya go :sorcerer:

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You can do it, Hurl! I've got a LotRO account, but it just didn't seem as polished as WoW and the combat mechanics seemed... I dunno... sluggish? Slow? I might consider trying to play it again, but I would never be able to convince my WoW guild to switch to LotR online. I'm not willing to spend money on LotRO while I'm paying for a WoW account, but I am willing to play Warhammer. I'll probably get a character pretty high and then see how I like WAR. If it's still good. Meanwhile I'm canceling my LotRO account.


I"ve finished (I think) a few games of Spore. Not a bad little game. The design team made a few weird decisions. For example, left clicking is the primary way to interact with things in some stages while it's right clicking in others. Each stage is kind of interesting, but the stages are so short, and the gameplay so primative, that it almost seems like a collection of mini-games rather than a real title in and of itself. The one area that would probably be the most interesting to other folks, creating crap and painting it, is simply boring to me. It's too bad, tho, 'cause I've got a smoking computer compared to a lot of folks and I can really see the stuff I make with the video settings maxed, but I want to play the game, not paint miniatures.


Ugh, WAR won't arrive til Wednesday.

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Yeah, my normal guild never took to LotR Online, but I found it delightful. They stuck with WoW and now they've migrated to WAR.


But I'm also a longtime Turbine fan and I think I just know what to expect from their games. Plus, I want a house dagnabit.

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