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Questions the the Devs - Take 2

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I really wish I could afford a new pc :)

Who does not? :o. My computer isn't the worst one there is, but there's certainly room for improvement <_<. Oh, well, my computer was able to handle KOTOR 1 and Morrowind just fine, so I suppose that I should not be too worried :p.

Despite the fact that many people who've played KOTOR has a negative view on it, I'm still very optimistic about the Februari release and can't wait to get my paws on the game :D

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I really wish I could afford a new pc  :)

Who does not? :o. My computer isn't the worst one there is, but there's certainly room for improvement <_<. Oh, well, my computer was able to handle KOTOR 1 and Morrowind just fine, so I suppose that I should not be too worried :p.

Well I havent upgraded since the millenium, so I probably should be worried. My parents arent very computer concerned or savvy.

And I find it kind of funny

I find it kind of sad

The dreams in which I'm dying

Are the best I've ever had

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Will there be more complex feat/force power trees? I.e cross dependancies rather than power X level 1, 2, 3.

Everyone knows Science Fiction is really cool. You know what PoE really needs? Spaceships! There isn't any game that wouldn't be improved by a space combat minigame. Adding one to PoE would send sales skyrocketing, and ensure the game was remembered for all time!!!!!

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*plays through again*


I know a good question/comment, if the Devs are listening...



Can you please, PLEASE fix the targetting system so that it will NOT TARGET MINES WHILE ENEMIES ARE PRESENT ? That is one of the absolute MOST annoying things about KotOR 1, is when I'm trying to target an enemy to shoot at, and it keeps trying to disable a mine. I've gotten pissed nearly to the point of ripping it out of the machine and yelling at it over this issue. PLEASE fix it so it doesn't do that?


Oh, also on the subject of mines, I just LOVE it when characters go to disable one and the AI is stupid enough to make them walk right through it and trip it off... <_<

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*plays through again*


I know a good question/comment, if the Devs are listening...



Can you please, PLEASE fix the targetting system so that it will NOT TARGET MINES WHILE ENEMIES ARE PRESENT ? That is one of the absolute MOST annoying things about KotOR 1, is when I'm trying to target an enemy to shoot at, and it keeps trying to disable a mine. I've gotten pissed nearly to the point of ripping it out of the machine and yelling at it over this issue. PLEASE fix it so it doesn't do that?


Oh, also on the subject of mines, I just LOVE it when characters go to disable one and the AI is stupid enough to make them walk right through it and trip it off... <_<

I'm not sure if this will be the same in KOTOR 2, but a work around for that problem of targetting mines is to go into the options and disable autopause for mines.


It used to bug me that as soon as a mine became visible, the screen would pause while I'm in the middle of trying to fight enemies. So I turned off the feature and now it's not a big deal.


Although there are still areas where the mines seem to get in the "line of sight" of the PC and you can't target an enemy.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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I don't know how likely this is to get answered, as it relates to the story quite a bit... but here goes:


What is the progression of planets like?


Is it like KotOR, where you went from Taris to Dantooine, and then had the choice of playing the next four planets in any order you liked, before you finished on the Rakatan homeworld? Or will the planet progression be more linear? Or perhaps it will instead depend on your Dark/Light alignment?

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Hey devs, What type of system requirements are we looking at for the PC version of KOTOR II?

We honestly don't know yet :blink:

I kinda wondered that myself. I'm fairly certain my Athlon XP 2800+ with 512MB RAM will run it... (I'll upgrade to a gig of ram if it doesn't), my main concern is whether to get the best of the improved graphics, if I'll need to shell out for a GeForce 6800 video card or something to get it.


Even with my FX5200 256MB, I can only set to 2x oversampling and antialiasing, and not get /many/ slowdowns. The running and such starts slowing down at 4x, and when there's smoke or running water, it slows down to unplayable levels, even on that high of a card. Am I running in too high of a resolution? I'm running it at 1024x768... And this one is supposed to have 'better' (read: more hardware intensive) graphics! :p

I have a fairly similar system to yours, let's say, except for the fact that the only thing that didn't meet the requirements for my computer was the RAM. I had 508MB, and it was still slow - yet I wouldn't sell my graphics for speed.


The worst things nowadays about computers is that in a year or two they're so outdated. I got this one last year, and it struggles with games like KOTOR and other graphic rich games (especially the big battles...heh.) which can be quite frusterating when all you're missing is 4MB of RAM.


Anyways, this is the question topic, so I'll make a mock question so that I won't be yelled at. ;)


Will we get our own personal critter pet thing? I adored the little critters from torment...the lim-lims, I think? And you all know critters are just fun. It's what made the gizka so annoying, but so great.


And as an afterthought: Will we be able to cook the wildlife over fires and rip their tender, burning flesh from the corpses? And will we finally get a toilet in the Ebon Hawk?


:p Sorry, I just can't think up any good questions other than the gripe about RAM. I'll try to do better next time.


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I don't know how likely this is to get answered, as it relates to the story quite a bit... but here goes:


What is the progression of planets like?


Is it like KotOR, where you went from Taris to Dantooine, and then had the choice of playing the next four planets in any order you liked, before you finished on the Rakatan homeworld? Or will the planet progression be more linear? Or perhaps it will instead depend on your Dark/Light alignment?



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Has the engine been improved to work with ATI cards correctly? It's been a bit disappointing that bioware just wants us to use old drivers and ignores the problems they added in the 1.03 patch. If there are similar issues I, despite being very eager to play the game, may not get it.

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Has the engine been improved to work with ATI cards correctly? It's been a bit disappointing that bioware just wants us to use old drivers and ignores the problems they added in the 1.03 patch. If there are similar issues I, despite being very eager to play the game, may not get it.

The game should work fine with ATI cards. I am running the game right now with an ATI Radeon 9800 PRO with the Catalyst 4.7 drivers, and it runs A-OK.

Follow me on twitter - @adam_brennecke

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I don't know how likely this is to get answered, as it relates to the story quite a bit... but here goes:


What is the progression of planets like?


Is it like KotOR, where you went from Taris to Dantooine, and then had the choice of playing the next four planets in any order you liked, before you finished on the Rakatan homeworld? Or will the planet progression be more linear? Or perhaps it will instead depend on your Dark/Light alignment?


LOL! I wouldn't even want to know the answer to that..


The devs if forced to or not I think are doing a great job to not give spoilers.. I very much dislike spoilers of certain kinds. A lot of the time I can fill in the blanks more accuretly then I would like and find out a lot of something when I know a portion.

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I agree with Product of the Cosmos, we don't need spoilers too much unless you consider a sith lord name or a member of you party a spoiler.

I do.

I wouldnt mind hearing a Sith lord here, and party member there. Although sometimes I just stop reading and figure I'll see when I play the game.



If you do then I suggest not ever coming in these Q's to the devs threads(or at least dont read a dev's omments if its having to do with party or Sith lords) or watching any video trailers of KotORII.


Im not sure if the devs have said any SIth lords names or party members tho.. Have they?


I know I've gotten a few spoilers I didnt want in trailers at IGN tho...

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hmmmm can't really remember if this has been asked before but i'll ask again at the loading screens will it give us little bits of information about the the story or little hints and tips like it did in the first one because i always found that something to do while it was loading and found them very useful because the 1st time i played through i had no idea that you could go back to the ebon hawk with just a click of a button lol so i kept on running backwards and forwards till my second time through ;) silly me

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