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Wizard, druid and chanter most likely. I tend to use Aloth (first run), but running with a specialized designed debuffing chanter could be interesting. Either Bellower (for the increased power) or a troubadour.

Nerf Troubadour!

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Geomancer wielding dual blunderbusses or Citzal's Spirit Lance: you get a nice AoE teardown through Tranquilizing Shot (strips beneficial effects by 30 seconds iirc) along with the usual debuff and CC Wizard offers (Curse of Blackened Sight, Slicken, Pull of Eora, Freezing Pillar, Expose Vulnerabilities, etc.).

Cipher multiclassed with Ranger or Rogue can provide consistent afflictions and disables with some nice damage. Secret Horrors packs a lot of effects all in a 0.5 window and at a small cost of 30 Focus. I'm fond of a short bow Beguiler/Trickster for such a build.


Edited by Ophiuchus
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Favorite debuffer/disabler?

My favorite cc spell in Deadfire so far is Repulsive Visage.

Having enemies not hitting you is nice, and even if you missed or they have some sort of resolve inspiration, visage is periodic, so it gets applied again after 3s. Also if the enemies have resolve resistance, you at least frighten them. This feels stronger than when you get a downgraded stun or paralyze.


I'm also eager to try the trickster/tactician in my next run instead, now that trickster also has also access to visage. Plus fighter gets a way to replenish resources and focus just on interrupting and messing with enemy actions. My only (and minor) gripe with tacticians are:

- they get the -5acc penalty with aoe spells (on enemy targets that are not being hit in melee by their allies)

- if the enemies are terrified (or stunned, or paralyzed for that matter) - tactician can't interrupt them, since they doesn't cast anything.

- mushy interaction between flanked status and charmed/dominated enemies.


Also, do really like a wayfarer/skald as a jack-of-all-trades character. With 15/10/15/19/16/3 stats and dual-wielding a rapier (with modal on) and dagger, he can spam FoD for really decent AoE heal, and built-up phrases quite quickly for low-level stun and paralyze invocations (or even charm if needed). All that while providing zealous aura, shared flames, chanting and offtanking.


That said, in Deadfire, I find it hard to justify having a purely hard-cc-dedicated cipher in party, when you can focus on having high AR, heals, terrify and just do damage; given that hard-cc afflictions no longer lower enemy defenses as hard as in PoE1, and Confounding Blind is often just more effective at lowering enemy deflection.

Edited by MaxQuest
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They showed a 3-shot crossbow during the stream—will be in the DLC.

"Time is not your enemy. Forever is."

— Fall-From-Grace, Planescape: Torment

"It's the questions we can't answer that teach us the most. They teach us how to think. If you give a man an answer, all he gains is a little fact. But give him a question, and he'll look for his own answers."

— Kvothe, The Wise Man's Fears

My Deadfire mods: Brilliant Mod | Faster Deadfire | Deadfire Unnerfed | Helwalker Rekke | Permanent Per-Rest Bonuses | PoE Items for Deadfire | No Recyled Icons | Soul Charged Nautilus


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Ah, yes. Poor wording on my part.

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"Time is not your enemy. Forever is."

— Fall-From-Grace, Planescape: Torment

"It's the questions we can't answer that teach us the most. They teach us how to think. If you give a man an answer, all he gains is a little fact. But give him a question, and he'll look for his own answers."

— Kvothe, The Wise Man's Fears

My Deadfire mods: Brilliant Mod | Faster Deadfire | Deadfire Unnerfed | Helwalker Rekke | Permanent Per-Rest Bonuses | PoE Items for Deadfire | No Recyled Icons | Soul Charged Nautilus


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  • 1 month later...

Don't know if he's my favorite (dpends on the enemy of course), but at the moment I'm using a fun build with Konstanten as a Barbarian/Skald with WIllbreaker/Body Blows, Spirit Frenzy, Thunder Rolled upgrade, Ben Fidel's upgrade, Barb Shouts and the Weakening chant.


Fortitude drops so low... until now I haven't met a foe whose fortitude was higher than deflection after everything hit him. Brute Force pays off every time. I don't even know if the -2 MIG from the Weakening Chant stacks with the -5 MIG from Stunned/Staggered...


It's -45 -55 Fortitude (-25 from Body Blows, -10 from Stunned or Staggered, -10 from Weakened (-4 from Weakening chant maybe?) edit: and -10 from Ben Fidel's)

and -15 Deflection (-10 from Ben Fidel's upgrade, -5 from Shaken).


At the same time he interrupts on crit (Barb's passive ability) and 25% on hit (Willbreaker). And an occasional Eld Nary (targets Fortitude!) rounds the picture. ;)

Edited by Boeroer
typos galore
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Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

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Oh, you are right. I just wondered why the defenses are SO low... :) Played him only for 2 hours or so now and am still finding stuff out with him. Ben Fidel is actuall way better than I thought. I took it because of Willbreaker (has good enchantments that trigger when enemies are shaken/frightened/terrified).


I have to admit I never used Konstanten before and only did so because I'm playing SSS again at the moment.

But after trying out a few things and coming up with this "debuffing" combo: the crit rate is astonishing (at this stage of the game where all his key abilites are online) - but the best part is that laughter. Jeez - I always find myself chuckling during fights because that guy debuffs stress so hard with his hysterical low timbre guffaw. :lol:


And my own MC has a similar voice and also likes to laugh from time to time in combat. Not as joyfully, but together it's so much fun. Like Barry White and his brother beating up some thugs in an alley while having the fun of their lives... 


My wife came over to my desk last evening and wanted to know what's so funny. :lol:

Edited by Boeroer
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Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

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Oh, you are right. I just wondered why the defenses are SO low... :) Played him only for 2 hours or so now and am still finding stuff out with him. Ben Fidel is actuall way better than I thought. I took it because of Willbreaker (has good enchantments that trigger when enemies are shaken/frightened/terrified).


I have to admit I never used Konstanten before and only did so because I'm playing SSS again at the moment.

But after trying out a few things and coming up with this "debuffing" combo: the crit rate is astonishing (at this stage of the game where all his key abilites are online) - but the best part is that laughter. Jeez - I always find myself chuckling during fights because that guy debuffs stress so hard with his hysterical low timbre guffaw. :lol:


And my own MC has a similar voice and also likes to laugh from time to time in combat. Not as joyfully, but together it's so much fun. Like Barry White and his brother beating up some thugs in an alley while having the fun of their lives...


My wife came over to my desk last evening and wanted to know what's so funny. :lol:

LOL. Love that dude. Actually used him in my first playthrough for Deadfire bc I was drawn to him.


Going to give this build a go!

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Don't know if he's my favorite (dpends on the enemy of course), but at the moment I'm using a fun build with Konstanten as a Barbarian/Skald with WIllbreaker/Body Blows, Spirit Frenzy, Thunder Rolled uügrade, Ben Fidel's upgrade, Bard Shouts and the Weakening chant.


Fortitude drops so low... until now I haven't met a foe whose fortitude was higher than deflection after everything hit him. Brute Force pays of every time. I don't even know iof the -2 MIG from the Weakening Chant stacks with the -5 MIG from Stunned...


It's -45 Fortitude (-25 from Body Blows, -10 from Stunned, -10 from Weakened (-4 from Weakening chant maybe?))

and -15 Deflection (-10 from Ben Fidel's upgrade, -5 from Shaken).


At the same time he interrupts on crit (ability) and 25% on hit (Willbreaker). And occasional Ed Nary (targets Fortitude!) rounds the picture. ;)



I am interested in this as I have always gravitated towards "debuffing" type builds.  I know you are using a companion in your playthrough, but if using the MC what attributes would be considered priority?  Is is worth it to place many points in might due to you having the morning star modal on most of the time and suffering -25% damage?  In my opinion Int/Dex/Per should be priority or do you debuff fortitude so much that Per does not matter?

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