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Everything posted by Silverfox

  1. Vote with your money. If you don't like these trends, then don't buy the games - for yourselves or relatives. Or... Be patient. Can you wait until next year when the GOTY version is released? Otherwise, don't complain.
  2. i got an e-mail on June 2nd that stated that my swag (ie: game disk) is supposed to arrive in a 2 week period starting tomorrow.
  3. i was going to post something witty, but i just don't care anymore. I suppose I should d/l the patch and give it another shot....
  4. I got tired of dieing. I generally like to play a game on easy the first time through to (1) experience the story without having to micro-manage fights, and (2) see if I like the game. Games that I have liked I have gone through on multiple types of characters on various difficulty settings. Life is too short for bad books, movies or games. When you are in or near the starting zone, it should be difficult if not impossible for your character to die (regardless of what class you are playing). Nope, not this game. Having to do a full rest (sleep) after every fight. Bad design. Developers should be really concerned when people don't finish their games. If for no other reason than it affects the value of their brand.
  5. easy means it's easy for your party to die. you pretty much have to fully rest between fights, and even then: Good luck! if the enemy moves a little bit, then you toons will get confused and just stand there. If you like watching your party die, then this is a great game!
  6. not sure if i have one or not. just testing!
  7. I have come to the conclusion that "PC VS consoles" is, what I call, a "hot button topic" in that everyone who talks about it has strong opinions and tend to get really upset. Another flame-worthy topic is females' clothing. Bring that topic up and watch the flaming start! In the end OE is an company that produces entertainment which in this case just happens to be PC games. If they decide that they want to sit on their product instead of trying to maximize their revenue, then that is their decision. If I was an investor I would want them to be as successful as possible, and for as long as possible. As a gamer I want the same so that we can get bug fixes*, expansion packs, new versions and so on and so forth. By the way, there's a little game called Diablo II that is coming out on PC and the consoles (X360, X-One, PS3 & PS4), which is a sequel. I have a license to Diablo and have played the trial version on the X360, and they are both very good. * was it ToEE or London's Gate that the company went under immediately after release?
  8. Sometimes I love debates like this. So the TL;DR version is: Random loot is bad, and loot placed manually is bad. lol Maybe we can use bad words at them.
  9. Forgive me as I don't know all the gory details about the differences in registers, stacks, threads and all that other stuff that goes on under the hood. But isn't the most significant difference between PC & consoles the control scheme? One has keyboard & mouse vs a controller. I have one of those dongles that lets me use an Xbox 360 controller on my computer. Using all four shoulder buttons I can easily have 20 different keybinds. Plus the d-pad and 2 analogue sticks. In WoW - excluding movement keys - I typically use about 10-12 keys. I hope they considered consoles when they started building the foundation of the game. It would be a shame to spend all this time, effort & money and only develop a product that can be used by a small percentage of the available audience. By the way, I consider myself to be platform agnostic, I have a pc, X360, PS3 & expect that I will be getting a PS4 shortly.
  10. Didn't Gandalf find Glamdring (or Foehammer) at nearly the beginning of the story in a barrowight's den without really having to fight for it? And he used it for the rest of the story. It's okay to have powerful items drop that are right for your level. If you get a super lucky role and get a +N sword at level 6 that you can use until level 9 or 10, then that's okay. The better arguement about uber-powerful weapons (etc) is that changing your gear and the graphics is part of what makes an game fun. I've played a few games where your toon had one signature weapon that would get upgraded at various points in the game. I always thought they had a very tight budget and couldn't afford the art assets. The upgraded weapons should at least be shiny!
  11. In WoW, I don't have the helmet nor cloak displayed on any of my toons. Unless the helmet is transmogrified to a circlet or something.
  12. I've been away for a while, and am quite happy to read this update. Seems like the game is coming together nicely. So to the devs: Good Work!
  13. If you look at Warcraft, the developers have incorporated the functionality of a number of mods/add-ons over the years.
  14. That's not quite as complex as you make it out to be. I mean, once you've got THAT much of a game designed, you can look and see what you DON'T have, and go from there. Same as with an expansion. Not having your entire game fully "manufactured" yet, so to speak, probably reduces the complication of working additional stuff in, if anything, since you can already modify things that remain unfinished before they're actually finished, instead of doing the initial work to finish them, then choosing between UNdoing that work to change them to allow for the new stuff or just limiting the new stuff to the unmalleable, fully complete already-in-place stuff. It would be great to hear one of the devs on this subject. I've never been part of a software team that has released so while I can't say how easy/difficult it is, i do believe its harder that what those on the outside think - and I include myself in that group. I was part of the beta-testing team for a great game and there was a huge amount of work just doing the bug testing. Example: You're running along a stream (in the water) and your footfalls produce puffs of dust. Not a critical bug in any sense of the word, and if it was released in that state it would reflect poorly on the team.
  15. I voted No. I want more content too, but I want the game to be released far more than that. The only exception would be chainmail bikinis.
  16. They should be doing this - in beta testing. What's the point of having a wonderful sunroom if nobody can find it and it never gets used? Note that I'm not saying that all things have to be discovered by all players, some folks love to stick their nose in every corner and some don't. There is a cost to anything being in the game, and if something (NPC, room or whatnot) is undiscoverable then the ROI is zero.
  17. So, if someone likes to play differently than you do, you think they are mental...interesting... If a man takes a good ribeye steak and boils it, he's not exercising freedom of choice. He's an idiot. Actually, I disagree. If a man or woman wants to boil their steak, that's up to them and does NOT make them an idiot. Perhaps, they really like boiled meat. From your statements, I gather that you are quite egocentric. If someone doesn't agree with your point of view, you attack them by calling them mental or idiots. I, on the other hand, think that people should have the option to do WHATEVER they want, as long as they are not hurting anyone else. Check out the Sous Vide method of cooking. 1. Put your steak in a vacuum sealed bag. 2. Put said bag in a water bath (the water is at the temperature you want the interal temp of the steak to end up at) for a certain period of time. 3. Take steak out of bag and quickly sear it on both sides to brown it. 4. Enjoy a perfectly cooked steak. OT: Each person will be playing the game for their own enjoyment. Its up to the Devs to enable as many playstyles as they can.
  18. You are ignoring a third possibility: That individuals are not leved based on their own acts but still don't level at the same time. For example this would be the case if all your toons get equal xp but they start from a different level or they gain a level at different xp values. True. If you have a party that you can't modify the roster, then having toons level at different times would be okay as I would assume that the Devs have balanced the game around this. If, like NWN2, you have a selection of toons to take each time you leave the inn, in that case it would be important to have flat leveling. One thing I've learned from reading the WoW forums, is that players will most likely choose the path leading to the
  19. This. I'd like to be able to use my X360 controller on my pc for games.
  20. Will the mobs have better AI for tactics in harder difficulties? In one of my favourite games, all that was different in harder modes was the numbers got bigger. If it took 2-3 arrows to kill an orc on the first play-through, it would still take 2-3 arrows to kill that orc on the hardest difficulty, thus the experience was the same.
  21. Sounds like you're looking for some form of achievements, I think they are be a good thing. I've done some things in WoW just for the achivements.
  22. IMHO the more people playing PoE is better for everyone (us and the Devs). The more successful it is, the more content we'll get. If I was a Dev, I would change it for the consoles, turn it into an aRPG (ie hack 'n slash). While I do have a number of aRPGs for the X360 & PS3, the best ones are still Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance, and Champions of Norrath. I just bought the one from Obsidian so I can't comment on it - just played the trial version so far.
  23. i have a small SSD for C: and try to install many things (program files, My Documents) on my HDD.
  24. Theoretically* I agree that individuals should level based on their own acts and accomplishments. However, and this is a big however, wouldn't flat leveling (where everybody levels at the same time) be far more preferable in terms of gameplay? For instance: you have, say, 10 NPCs that you pick from to form your 5 toon party. You like toons A, B, C & G so you consistently pick them. After a certain point, you no longer have a choice and you have to keep picking them, because the other toons weren't doing anything and now they are 2-3 levels lower than your character. Or are limited to new NPCs that you get. I mean, doesn't gameplay, balancing and fun always trump all else? In theory there is no difference between theory and reality, in reality there is.
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