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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. http://youtu.be/STHpMUYeznQ
  2. Are you entirely certain of that?
  3. It is pretty typical for the police to put more resources into catching dealers who peddle bad batches of drugs. It's murder.
  4. It's also not too easy to exercise on a fast food diet. You might get away with it a little when you are young and your metabolism is fast, but it catches up to everyone eventually.
  5. Thanks for the post milczyciel. Oby is just a troll, so I hope you don't let his racist drivel keep you from enjoying the rest of the forums. He's not even from Russia.
  6. I gotta say the comparison to obesity and diabetes to smoking is miles apart. Smoking directly affects the health of people around you. It is entirely different. I haven't had a sinus infection in years thanks to all the non-smoking legislation. I'm going to take the libertarian stance and say that government interference in our diets is a bad idea. I'd rather see people use the media and educational resources to enact changes within the industry. For example, M&M's was using artificial coloring in the US and natural coloring in the UK. The artificial coloring has been linked to some health problems, albeit loosely. So some parent petitioned on change.org to ask them to switch to natural. It worked, M&M's are transitioning to natural colors. Problem solved without the need for Big Brother. Movies like Supersize Me have put pressure on Fast Food restaurants to offer a few healthy choices on the menu. That means I can take my kids to McDonalds for a happy meal and get some apples with their horrible mystery meat nuggets.
  7. Oddly enough, I own the last few HoMM but just never got into them. I usually end up playing King's Bounty whenever I want that fix. Storywise, I'm enjoying it in Might and Magic. Nothing groundbreaking, but it has kept my interest. I explored Karthak today, but I still haven't seen The Crag. Almost up to level 20.
  8. If the government really did get all up in our business when it comes to health care, I'd be interested to see the someone sue post-mortem because their life was not fun enough
  9. Flappy Bird - Infuriating. My high score was 7.
  10. It seemed like a big mistake to have such a big price gap.
  11. I'm surprised by the willingness to label it child neglect or abuse. That's a very serious charge, and at what threshold do you hold the parents responsible?
  12. It may be because my wife teaches PE, but I do agree that getting kids moving is a huge component of childhood obesity. My bad for not clarifying. What I was asking was how do we get parents to buy in to the balanced diet and exercise. I'm talking as a society, not necessarily from a government perspective. There is a lot of programs out there already that are trying to change the fast food and diabetes culture. But they don't seem to be winning. I just think that if we are going to raise havoc over the government getting involved in our health, then we need to have alternative solutions that preclude that involvement.
  13. I'm not pro-regulation, but I do wonder what you folks suggest to do in order to break the cycle of childhood obesity we are currently mired in?
  14. Hmm, I can see some concern with that wording, but it is still remarkably vague. Alcohol is already pretty heavily taxed, labelled and limited in the US, I don't see what they could feasibly change. We aren't going back to prohibition anytime soon.
  15. Where does the article go into details about regulation? It reads more like an informational campaign to me. No duh.
  16. Actually that is probably a blessing. I assume you got the information from the person who rear ended you, and if your bumper needs to be replaced, it doesn't really matter that it has a second ding in it. Then you don't have to worry about chasing down the hit and run, and getting into a dispute over it.
  17. I've been playing BF4 on occasion. It's a blast. It's the only reason I ever run Origin.
  18. It's not about a specific religion per se, it's about the importance of humility and tolerance in the pursuit of knowledge.
  19. This weekend we went with a big group around to a bunch of local wineries and did barrel tasting. I'm not big on wine, but it was pretty cool. I brought a large picnic basket along with cheese, crackers, and apples, and that was a good idea. I did start to taste the difference between french style and italian style wines though.
  20. This is a very interesting article, and makes me curious to watch The Ascent of Man. This paragraph in particular states something that I am always trying to get across in our numerous science versus faith discussions, and does so more eloquently than I tend to manage:
  21. I feel like the context was missing in whatever was funny about those comics that Cultist posted.
  22. Well if you enjoy Edward Norton, it is one of his best roles.
  23. I've never been a big fan of Bruno Mars, but he's doing a pretty nice job with the halftime show. Probably one of the better ones I've seen, although still about a thousand levels behind Prince shredding his guitar in the middle of a monsoon.
  24. I've never understood the no defense knock on David Lee. I never watched him in New York, but since he has joined the Warriors his defense has improved every season. How does a guy averaging about 10 rebounds a game get a reputation like that?
  25. Wow, Hoffman was really young. Many of his roles seem to parallel this outcome.
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