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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I read "The Religion" as well, I picked it up for a buck at a bookstore that was going out of business, and it was a delightful surprise.
  2. Picked this up because of you mentioning it. So far so good, I needed something fun.
  3. After reading a bit about a superhero RPG in the blasphemy thread, I decided to launch DC Universe Online. I don't know why I stopped playing this game, it is fantastic. Tons to explore, tons of DC universe goodness, and tons of cool ways to develop a new superhero.
  4. - Planescape Torment's setting is terrible. - Alpha Protocol has better character development than any other RPG - Low level DnD is the only fun DnD - Some of the best RPing I've ever seen was on WoW.
  5. I'm a fan of the professional players in the Olympics. We have so many countries with NHL talent that I still think it can be a very exciting tourney. Plus every Olympics you get a team of minor leaguers who manage to play as a team and give a bigger team a run for their money.
  6. I caught a mouse on a glue trap once, and it was very difficult to finish it off. I've used non-kill traps since, I just take them a few blocks away and let them loose in a field.
  7. I had a blast playing AP, Melkathi should have joined in. It had been awhile, and I forgot how crazy the dialogue options are in this game. I bought a new copy off Steam, so I need to play through recruit to open up the option to play Veteran.
  8. Canada versus US is going to be intense.
  9. I'd say he's already there, he might even have an edge in a few areas. Perlman is the voice of Fallout, which is huge. But Vin voiced two very good Riddick games, and is actually the founder of the studio. Perlman is the leader of a tough as nails biker gang on TV, Vin is the leader of a car racing gang in Fast and Furious. Perlman is Hellboy, Vin is Riddick. Both have comic books. Honestly it's a pretty close comparison.
  10. I watched Bosch. I enjoyed the case, I enjoyed the acting, but I thought the lead character was the weakest part. I didn't want to know more about him and I didn't really like him. Why did they need to show him smoking so often? It was like a focal point of the show. Anyways, all the former Wire actors were great, and the forensics angle was well done. I think it could be worth watching as a series, it might just be a victim of trying to cram too much into the pilot.
  11. Kniw something about nipples, though? Sadly, no. I mean I have two that are fairly non-functional, and I am only allowed limited access to the other two in the house.
  12. Soooo....how does that happen? Aren't the bottles incredibly different? Anyways, be careful with that stuff.
  13. Hockey is a team sport, and even though Russia had some phenomenal talent, they never looked like they clicked as a team. But how the heck was was top cop Bobrovski not on the case? He's a better goalie than Varlamov.
  14. Guardians of the Galaxy looks fantastic. The guy from Parks and Rec has clearly been hitting the gym. Vin Diesel is the tree, by the way.
  15. She's actually a pretty decent interview. Much geekier than you would expect.
  16. Banished - Boy, LC is not kidding about the people eating. I was up to 24 adults and 8 kids, but then everyone started starving despite two fishing docks and two decent sized fields harvesting once a year. The tough part was I started running out of resources, but didn't have enough people to get iron, stone, wood, blacksmith, teach, herbalist, and tailor it up. I think I need to move a bit slower on my next try. The kids seem to grow up pretty fast, as in a few in game years. I think my biggest problem was not getting the blacksmith going soon enough, and once tools started breaking, the food was taking too long to get. Eh, I had a feeling I would need to start a few times to get the hang of it. I haven't even tried disasters yet.
  17. I had a student reading Speaker of the Dead in my class the other day, and they were near the end. I told them not to read the third book in that story arc. Ender's Shadow is the proper follow up to Ender's Game.
  18. I took the key off and played with the nipple looking thing underneath. It didnt seem to help. I dont know a lot about laptop keyboards.
  19. I spilled a bit of beer on my laptop last night. I thought I had done a good job of cleaning and drying everything, but now the number one key won't work. Everything else looks good. I messed around with it a bit, and decided to order a new one online. So I'll be stuck on number 2 for a couple days. Plus my computer smells like beer. Thankfully it was a delicious white IPA, so it isn't too bad.
  20. Last year after my wife nearly died of Pancreatitis, I started paying very close attention to all the labels on our food. It is actually fairly difficult to find stuff that isn't loaded with salt, fat, and sugar. They put these huge labels on the food that say REDUCED or LOW FAT but they are still obscene. Just look at sodas, does anyone believe that a diet soda is really healthier for you than a regular soda? They are both terrible.
  21. I would agree with Amentep that the number of people online I have met that I would consider as having serious mental issues is extremely small. Most of you guys are just run of the mill jerks
  22. Or its someone who thinks that maybe people shouldn't take themselves or the things they like so seriously - including their own posts/comments. There is a big difference between trolling and being a troll. We all have our trollish moments. An actual troll is probably spending more time online than they are in real life, and they are completely disassociating themselves from reality when they do so. That's not good. Muy Malo.
  23. Eh, arguing with a troll is much like arguing with my 3 year old. There is no winning in that scenario. edit: I'm all for reaching out and creating a personal relationship with a person who comes across as a troll. Sometimes it works, sometimes it is just ignored, and sometimes they act with suspicion.
  24. Don't stress it, you are better off as the British guy.
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