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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I didn't really think there was a good path on the APEX issue. But honestly I enjoy being able to take the high road, I'm not a fan of having bad outcomes regularly.
  2. I've really never understood the hours = value argument, because every other media is waaaay more expensive in that regard. If it is a quality game, you should pay the retail price because that is your most powerful tool as a consumer. Buy the games you want to see more of.
  3. No. Andrew Johnson (violation of the Tenure of Office Act) and Bill Clinton (Perjury and Obstruction of Justice) were impeached. They were acquitted in their trials but they were impeached. http://www.ask.com/wiki/Impeachment_in_the_United_States http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Impeachment It was pretty early in the morning, so I probably didn't word it carefully enough, but that is what I was getting at with the word successful. Without a conviction, the impeachment is just a bunch of bluster.
  4. The books usually had pretty happy endings. But I'm not really sure how more bleak you want the setting to be. You've got terrorist groups attacking metahumans, stim addicts, leukemia, human cloning, your rigger jacks into a modified troll and pulls his strings, people get their brains fried online, etc. It's not exactly My Little Pony.
  5. That may be the most reasonable I've seen you be about Obama, and I agree with you. Although I want to see the Republicans clean house a bit and refocus. For example many of the top Republicans have changed direction on immigration, and I see that as a positive. But yeah, no President has ever been successfully impeached, it won't start now. Heck he'd be out of office by the time they could get a full trial together, with the speed of everything in DC today.
  6. Being able to speedread has been a huge boon in my career.
  7. Good to hear Setzer. I'm really hoping this game pulls me in like LotRO did. No MMO has matched up to that yet.
  8. King's Quest I is probably an important one from a game history perspective.
  9. I'm pretty excited for Obsidian that they have another well-reviewed game under their belt. South Park is pulling in the same critic reviews as Fallout: NV and the user reviews look even better.
  10. Honestly I could care less about a campaign when I buy a game like Battlefield. In fact I prefer that they put as little resources as possible into that sort of thing. I don't really play RTS games, but I think there is a lot more to learn in an RTS game, so having a single player component is good for slowly familiarizing the player with the functions of the game. I don't need to shoot a bunch of NPC's in order to prepare to shoot real players.
  11. I'm sure she will marry some rich guy and sue him for alimony.
  12. I am subbing for a Japanese class for a period, so of course I had to show the trailer of Godzilla versus Mothra. And now I have that Mr. Roboto song stuck in my head.
  13. It's a triple A game with triple A costs, so yes, it is worth the standard triple A price of $60.
  14. There were big news in my local paper when some young man threw himself in front of a train (that I was on, but I was asleep so I noticed nothing) here in Uppsala a year back or so. The news was not that he committed suicide, but that his family visited the train tracks the day after to lay down flowers and found a big piece of his jaw that the cleaners had missed. Not OK! A police friend of mine likened it to a victim of a bombing. There's nothing left. It's a horrible way to go and it scars so many people. I hope the family was able to keep a stiff upper lip after that tragedy.
  15. I'm really confused as to whether you guys are talking about Vikings or SHIELD.
  16. Well I guess you can blame the parents a bit for raising a spoiled brat, but yeah, she's 18. Good luck with that.
  17. For Fat Tuesday last night I had two different Abita beers. The Andygator was good, a bit of a fruity ale. The SOS was another ale with less flavor, not very remarkable.
  18. I don't think it needs to be an anti-gravity board, it just needs to hover. We do have hovercraft.
  19. I was really buying it at first! But then I saw it in action and realized no.
  20. The bomb diffusing mission was pretty awesome, made me actively rush forward and even split up my runners. 11 turns goes pretty fast!
  21. I started South Park, but like Keyrock I had to go to work shortly after the character creation. Pros: Character creation is cool, easy to move around, very much like living in the world of South Park. Con: Checkpoint save system, bleh.
  22. When does Putin stop being President, anyways? Obama is out in less than 3 years, but I really have no idea how Russia handles terms.
  23. Blitz's subplot cracked me up!
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