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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I am having a great time in Vegas. Last night we ate at a tapas place and I had some amazing seafood. I do not normally like the stuff, but it was done right. I had some sort of rice in a squid ink sauce that was crazy good. The hockey has been a bit rough. Some team from Edmonton ran roughshod over us yesterday. We are definitely missing the champ game. Still, it has been a blast.
  2. It's a standard MMO move. $20 would be bold!
  3. http://youtu.be/9T8ovblvQM0
  4. You can add that to the list of problems with the new Thief. It's a pretty long one.
  5. Did you play it? It is definitely a Bethesda game, for better or worse. I get what you are saying, that it is developed by Zenimax Online, but it's really splitting hairs. Bethesda has its hands all over this thing.
  6. Are you a fan of Tolkien? Lord of the Rings Online is a pretty fantastic recreation of Middle Earth. Other than that, I've really enjoyed running around in DC Universe Online.
  7. I leave for Las Vegas on Thursday, and I'm very excited. We have a hockey tourney, so it should be fun.
  8. I wouldn't call myself a liberal, but thanks
  9. Please read the link above in my post, I think you have completely missed the main points of the website I read it. I think there are better programs out there to help encourage female leadership, like the Girl Scouts. I know there are a sponser, but it is still a silly campaign.
  10. Hi Chris, thanks for the in depth review. Can you use paragraphs in the future though? That wall of text is nearly unreadable.
  11. This is stupid. I'd say it is more important to just ignore gender as much as possible. I've seen just as many articles about not calling your boy tough. I'd rather just call my kids tough when they are tough, and bossy when they are bossy, regardless of whether it is my son or daughter. When they are a leader, that's great. There is a big difference between being a leader and being bossy.
  12. I had to look the 90's Into the Sun up, because I thought Hot Shots was the only Top Gun parody. Weird!
  13. This morning I ate a donut and it made me sick all day. I started to recover by the evening, and put together a nice potato and asparagus soup to help me feel better.
  14. Oh? So you're insinuating I'm crazy? What's wrong with the link? Obviously you didn't realize what it was if you're making that insinuation. Either that or you're a extra special level of brainwashed to have such a knee jerk reaction to what I linked. I'll give you the option to check again. I'll agree the website could be better designed, but the information I linked is anything but crazy. It's one of the best books I've ever read (and I read a lot) for a variety of reasons. Not the least of which is it's enlightening on a level that most are not, especially if you know your history, and have done research yourself on some of the subjects the author touches on. If I recall right you're a teacher aren't you? Forgive me if I'm wrong but I seem to recall you saying such sometime ago. If there was ever a book you should read as a teacher or as a parent if you have kids in the public school system in the U.S., Europe, or any other nation that has a schooling model based on theirs (which is most at this point), the book I linked or possibly another one by the same author is one that should be read. The author, John Taylor Gatto, was kind enough to put the book I linked on his website for free. If you don't know who he is, I suggest you look him up, and then read his book either on the website or order a copy. Also, putting aside the innumerable things wrong with the 'mental health care' system in our nation, what gives the Federal government Constitutional authority to say or do anything at all in regards to 'mental health'? I wasn't insinuating anything about you, the barb was pointed more John Taylor Gatto. But I do apologize for being dismissive, thank you for responding. I am a big supporter of education reform and thinking critically about how we teach. Gatto has earned the right to be critical of education, for sure, but he comes across as a doomsday prophet with a lot of his hyperbole. Here is a response that I identify with and is better written than I can manage at this point: http://researchnetwork.pearson.com/college-career-success/all-criticism-and-no-leadership-make-jack-a-bad-instructor
  15. Oh, for a second I thought we were going to have an actual discussion, but this statement makes it clear you feel you know more than everyone else.
  16. The entire review is tongue in cheek. It's a comedic device where praise is actually concealed as a scathing condemnation. Insert dry chuckle here.
  17. So I clicked on Valsuelm's link... Let's just say I really nailed it when I mentioned Reagan's negative effect on mental health care. On a serious note, we need to make a major push to repeal the Patriot Act. It needs to be a major issue and it needs to be non-partisan. Everybody needs to set aside their little party booklets and say get rid of it now. I mean every aspect of it, not just a piece or two.
  18. I'm pretty sure that is between you and Steam. This is the developer's forum. They don't have any control over your steam account.
  19. What wrong did Calvin Coolidge do? Coolidge gets a bad rap when it comes to the Great Depression, but he did stabilize the office after a tumultuous Harding administration.
  20. In a different tone, there is one great thing Obama will be remembered for. 50 years ago black kids were not even allowed to go to many white schools in this country. We had a segregated society. 150 years ago black kids were bought and sold like cattle in this country. The election of a black president is a tremendous symbol of how far we've come as a nation. In another 150 years his policies will be forgotten, but the legacy of the American voters breaking the mold will continue to resonate.
  21. Yes yes, we are all doomed and we live in the worst times in history. You guys remember when Abraham Lincoln suspended habeas corpus for all American citizens, right? Or when FDR rounded up a bunch of Japanese Americans and put them in internment camps? You can literally name any president and we can go down the list of shady things they did in office. Reagan effed up psychiatric care, Clinton got impeached. Doom and gloom and all that.
  22. I would be interested in seeing how a film would turn out if it was directed and produced by someone who had never watched a movie in their life.
  23. Am I the only one that sees Weird Al Yankovich when someone talks about this Ukraine President?
  24. Did Tammy create Princess Daphne? Does she own the rights to her? Does anyone know how artist's rights work in regards to fanart? Can artists re-draw another persons IP and then sell it/license it? I ask, not because I think it's cool that Anita used the art without permission... I'm just wondering if the artist has a leg to stand on. I have no idea how the legal implications work out, but it is very bad form to just yank an image off google images and use it for your own marketing material. Sarkeesian should at least recognize the artist. It would seem to contradict feminist ideals to take advantage of this female artist in the name of open source art.
  25. I thought it was more the fact that it offered you a significant advantage going up against a possible greater threat, and they do play up the whole "Monika lives on in her." But maybe that's just my guilty conscience trying to rationalize why I let that monster loose.
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