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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I hate Matthew McConaughey simply on the fact that he continues to waste his talent, he keeps it up and he is going to end up doing the same crappy movies as Ben Kingsley. I'm not sure what you mean. In the last few years he's done nothing but critically acclaimed movies. Just look at all the awards he's been getting since 2011. If anything, he seems to be getting better every year.
  2. Are homes not available for purchase? Huh, I'd figure that would be a given, since they have them in the single play game. I'd expect that to be an add-on down the road.
  3. I think I can finish it before South Park comes out, I'm pretty far into it. Be sure to pet the dog a few times, folks.
  4. It is not even feasible for the government in the US to take away everyone's guns. There are 2 guns for every 3 people in this country.
  5. Dead Man's Switch was really enjoyable, but Dragonall really shows how much this developer has grown artistically, game engine wise, and with character development. I look forward to whatever they do next and I've gotten way above my moneys worth.
  6. Really? How many people die in the US of "extremist" attacks yearly? And how many just die of gunshot wounds? Please explain to me how exactly extremism is the bigger threat. What in the world are you talking about? edit: I guess if you want to just address the wounds, we can discuss a skin treatment plan that makes us bulletproof? Seriously though, what in the world are you talking about again?
  7. Wait, you walk your dog ten miles a day? Geez, how do you find the time? What is that, about 2 hours?
  8. I really dislike how the term gun control has become this black and white deal. We should all be working to prevent tragedies, we should be discussing all options and weighing the pros and cons. This knife attack shows that crazy extremists are going to find a way to be crazy. But it is futile to argue that this means anything in regards to gun control. One side will argue that guns aren't the cause of violence, the other will argue that guns could have made it much worse. What we really should be focusing on is how to stop extremism.
  9. Enoch, we went through the blood sugar issue with my son as well, and after that went away he spent a couple more days in NICU because of jaundice. It was very tough, but those NICU's are amazing at what they are able to do. They will keep him longer than you think is necessary, but they do that to be absolutely sure he is ready to go home. Best of luck to you. Not to get too personal, but are you guys getting a chance to breastfeed? You should be able to feed while you are there, and then pump at home and give the nurses the milk for nighttime feeding. If you have a lactation consultant at the hospital, I strongly recommend meeting with her. Formula is fine, but if you don't start breastfeeding right away it is tough to get going later on. And a preemptive for anyone that gives me a hard time about my lactation expertise.
  10. I've never really understood the need to buy technology right when it comes out, either. Buy last year's stuff, it is still fast and much more affordable.
  11. You can also assume quite a few people are staying off the streets and in their homes. I thought the high society party was suitably populated.
  12. I am making that into my desktop wallpaper Monte, too awesome.
  13. Why? I don't know. I'm just the messenger. I reported it without comment because I really don't know what to say about it. I'm not too surprised. Or rather I've already been surprised at how marketable Minecraft has been, it's pretty much everywhere. So it is not shocking that they will try and cash in on a movie.
  14. Huh, I bought an Alienware desktop about 6 years ago, and its run like a dream. Paid about $2,500 for it. The only thing I've done to it is upgrade the RAM and video card, and it still plays everything on the high settings. Granted I'd never pay that much again, it was kind of like buying a new car instead of used. It is nice to do it the one time, but financially it doesn't make much sense. How the heck do you spend $8k on a computer? Was it lined with gold?
  15. Well if you count all the corpses, it's a decently populated city. I thought they did a pretty good job of portraying a city decimated by a plague.
  16. Whenever I play basketball, people tell me to stick to hockey.
  17. Hot damn this game sucked me in quick. I was all "Oh, I'll just play a bit and then set it aside for ESO this weekend." Now I'm up way past bedtime and itching to play more.
  18. I'm not going to lie, I clicked on that a couple times expecting it to be a link to some man/machine lovin' action.
  19. I've been playing Skyrim off and on, and I think the one really grating thing for me is the voice acting. I feel like there are three voices for everyone in the game, and they all sound like they are faking a deep voice. Thankfully ESO seems more varied in voices.
  20. The Gilroy Garlic Festival is one of the largest food festivals in the country. Fun fact, my wife is a former Garlic Queen, her picture is up in The Stinking Rose. I actually miss the smell of garlic in the early morning air in Gilroy. I live in Morgan Hill now, which is famous for mushrooms, and that is not quite the aroma you want first thing in the morning.
  21. Do tell, who is the real power-structure in the US? Special interest groups. Lobbies. The military-industrial complex. Banks. Peopel with lots of $$$ run the US in all but name. Presidents change, but they are all their b***es. What a revelation! People with lots of money run lots of things! You just listed a ton of different groups that all have different priorities, which basically supports an idea of a balanced power structure in the US.
  22. The thing is you cannot selectively justify the encroachment on civil liberties. For all I know, Uganda is a tyranny in the same sense Germany is one, even if functionally they are not the same. You do need to pick your battles though, you can find civil rights issues everywhere. Nobody is saying that it is fine in one country but not another, it's simply a matter of time, resources, and prioritizing.
  23. I know perfectly well why Uganda and Russia are being targeted now, I was pointing out that other places with worse, long standing laws, aren't. They're Low Hanging Fruit in terms of being something that is easy to get outraged about because it has zero practical impact on their life beyond the visceral thrill of moral outrage. The people calling for sanctions and boycotts over those two countries- and I can pull up recent threads on Russia very easily to prove the point- are going for an easy target because going after the hard and worse targets is, well, hard. Doing without vodka is a far, far different beast from doing without the oil you'd be missing if you went after the hard, worse, targets. I completely disagree. Arizona has been all over the news because they had passed discriminatory legislation. California was all over the news with Prop 8. It isn't about low hanging fruit, it's about responding to legislation. Russia got pressure because of laws passed recently, Uganda is getting the same.
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