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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. That's pretty much every MMO out there. BF4 was 20 gigs too!
  2. I only bothered with the $60 preorder. The $80 version only seemed to have the Imperial race, which I don't really care about. Redguard for life, yo.
  3. My wife loves those. I'd never admit it to her, but they are pretty good.
  4. Smoking seems to be pretty far up there in terms of stupid things to do to your body. I would assume everyone knows that by now. Honestly it doesn't even seem to be worth the risk. I get why people do drugs, they change reality, make pain go away, etc. The high from smoking doesn't seem to outweigh the myriad of negative effects. Couple that with their tremendously addictive nature and you have really no reason to ever start smoking.
  5. So it sounds like a few folks here are planning on playing ESO, so I thought we should get a thread going. I'd really like us to put an Obsidian Order Guild together. The nice part is you can join a few different guilds, so you won't be limited to one. Does anyone know if guild members have to be in the same faction? I hope not, but I haven't investigated much.
  6. Does it feel worth a subscription? That is super hard to say. It feels like I will get a good 40-60 hours of it, like I get out of every Elder Scrolls game. But I always peter out on the single player games after a month. So I think it is worth the box price and I will enjoy the first month, and I will see where I am at after that. Apparently more than $200 to play that game for the first year ... whew, much cost, very money, wow A lot of money compared to what? If you are getting a lot of entertainment out of it, then it a very reasonable rate. Whenever I subscribe to an MMO, I prefer to think about it as choosing that over buying another game. I buy a couple games a month, but if a subscription to an MMO means I go without one, that probably saved me money. It's the same thing when you pay for a movie service like Netflix. Sure, you can think of it as paying $80 a year to use the service, but I tend to think of all the money I save by not buying or renting as many movies.
  7. Yeah, taks is one of the posters I wonder about the most, since we had kids at about the same time.
  8. I absolutely loved the return to the Redguard areas that I am getting in TESO. Redguard is still my favorite out of the Elder Scrolls games, even though it was more of an action-adventure game than an RPG. I'm sure I'll enjoy the lands from Morrowind as well, but I'm not looking forward to exploring any of the Imperial areas.
  9. Does it feel worth a subscription? That is super hard to say. It feels like I will get a good 40-60 hours of it, like I get out of every Elder Scrolls game. But I always peter out on the single player games after a month. So I think it is worth the box price and I will enjoy the first month, and I will see where I am at after that.
  10. I had a good time with the Elder Scrolls Online beta this weekend. It was better than I expected, the videos and trailers didn't do much for me originally. I really only played through one of the starter areas fully, but it was a nice mix of quests. The use of disguises was neat, and lockpicking is a fun addition to the MMO model. I even got a little boost from reading a book in the game. They really did put in a lot of the staples of the single player experience.
  11. I want to go off planet and bring the fight to the aliens. I'd be pretty happy with a Terror from the Deep remake too.
  12. When a group has been subjugated and persecuted for long stretches of history, you shouldn't expect them to calmly claim their rights of equality and fall in line. They are going to make a big deal of it, as they should.
  13. I woke up today and felt like composing a sonnet to my wife: My wife, my tireless partner in life With her delicate touch in times of grief And a stern voice when my hubris is rife At the days end, she is my great relief She matches me step for step, wit for wit If chance pitted us on opposite sides We’d fight to a draw, matching hit for hit Combined in our might, we reach undreamed heights She brightens the day by her mere presence Her smile can stop my heart as it beats When she laughs, the world suddenly makes sense With her by my side I rise to great feats She has awakened my slumbering soul She makes me complete, she makes me whole
  14. Played a good deal more of ESO this evening. Without going into details, I can say it really is an Elder Scrolls game. For better or worse, the gameplay, the quests, and the graphics are all a culmination of everything it is that Bethesda does. I'm always smitten by the ES games for the first chunk of hours, and then they tend to wear on me. It will be interesting to see if the social aspect will extend that life for me.
  15. Huh...I kind of wonder why that reviewer plays games? John Cleese as an insane bard was a highlight for me. It's definitely an Elder Scrolls game. One watches Jersey Shore from MTV, other The Wire from HBO. Both to have a good time I would assume. Yes, John Cleese clearly brings in the Jersey Shore audience.
  16. Tomorrow I'm going on a beerwalk where we get to try 20+ beers from local breweries. It starts with a tour of the Gordon Biersch plant nearby, where I hope we get to sample something unfiltered straight from the tanks. Last year I had a blonde bock that way, and it was the best beer ever.
  17. Why should the bay area vote for Mega Rad Karate Troopers? Hella points. What?
  18. Huh...I kind of wonder why that reviewer plays games? John Cleese as an insane bard was a highlight for me. It's definitely an Elder Scrolls game.
  19. Why should the bay area vote for Mega Rad Karate Troopers?
  20. I haven't played it enough to make a judgement, but I'm not cancelling my preorder yet. I enjoyed the intro. It's weird playing an MMO from the first person perspective, but I am getting used to it.
  21. Elder Scrolls Online - It's really <redacted >
  22. I liked that one, but it was mostly because Josh Hartnett was very fun to watch.
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