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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Which? The big betrayal , where you can't do anything to prevent it at that point. So i had to load back 2 or 3 chapters and never took the damn characters along. I just didn't want to lose a useful character compared to someone i only used to get a trophy. I was lucky, I think the family man warrior he kills he only does so if you have him in your party, and only if you don't have Egil, so he only tried killing Oddleif in my game since Egil died while I was escaping my village in chapter 2, and I took warrior brother with me, not family-man brother. I thought Egil was the only character he killed. I know he gets Oddleif, but apparently the mender can heal some people but not the ones I like. :\
  2. So what is the difference between getting upset over the boobs being too big, and getting upset over the boobs being too small? I'm not the kind to get upset about the big boobs. If that is the art style the developer wants, that's their prerogative. However it doesn't appeal to me, and as a father I'd be embarrassed to have my kids see me play a game like that. I tend to avoid ultra gory games and expletive filled games for the same reason. It's all a matter of business. Is it worth it for the developer to shrink the boobs to broaden the appeal, if they lose some of their hardcore audience? That's not for me to say, it's totally the developer's choice.
  3. I know I've said this before, but most games are trying to appeal to a large audience, and cartoony large boobs with tiny waists is really more of a niche appeal.
  4. I backed it and I also have no idea what it is. I even played a build. I am just waiting for them to be good and finished. I'm not into the whole alpha testing stuff.
  5. I kind of feel like Keyrock is RPing Lady Crimson in The Secret World.
  6. I plan on looking like Sam Fisher in my twilight years, I don't consider that unreasonable. Except I'll need a hair transplant or something. New Lara Croft is sooooo much better than the old.
  7. Yeah, I hate Stanford. It's really the one university/team I have complete disdain for. Not quite sure why; it's an outstanding educational institution and I respect their sports teams. (I went to the UW.) I went to San Jose State. I've had a lot of bad experiences with Stanford in general. When I went to SJSU, we actually beat them 3 out of the 4 years I was there, so I was always pretty annoyed about the media coverage they got, which was way more than my school. Plus I had a cousin who went there and I had to listen to everyone talk about that. Puleeze, I'm making the same amount of money with my State degree and it cost me a heck of a lot less. That's the rub I guess, the Bay Area has a lot of great universities with competitive programs, but Stanford gets the lion's share of the attention.
  8. Yeah, I hate Stanford. It's really the one university/team I have complete disdain for.
  9. The only one that really bothered me was the punter one. Andy Lee gets nailed in the ankle of his plant leg, and they call a 5 yard penalty instead of roughing the kicker. Now you have an injured kicker who can't even punt it again to take advantage of that, when it should have been 15 yards and a new set of downs. That was a pretty critical moment. Bowman sacrificed his leg to make that fumble recovery. It was a good thing karma evened it out on the next play, a Seattle touchdown would have been a huge bone of contention. As is, SF had a couple chances to drive it down, but they came up short. I'm bummed, but I'm glad it was a good game I'll be rooting for Marshawn Lynch in the Superbowl, that guy is awesome.
  10. Finished Banner Saga...I think? Ending: I'm looking forward to the next part.
  11. I am constantly struggling to balance the buying of food and being able to level my people in Banner Saga. It's a bit of an odd mechanic. I think I'm close to the end. It is kind of a bummer that it won't be very replayable, but I've enjoyed it.
  12. I played as a Templar on Secret World and got pretty far into building my deck. The investigation quests were the highlight for me.
  13. So I bought an Ipad mini for my 6 year old daughter this christmas, and my wife has recorded how-to videos on there. It is awesome to watch her walk around with the tablet and follow the directions for making hot chocolate.
  14. Drinking beer is about the journey, not the destination. There are plenty of more effective things to drink if all you want is to get drunk.
  15. I'd probably blast it for not using any paragraphs
  16. The snotty prince Ludlin is like my best fighter. I feel bad about it, but his spearing ability rocks.
  17. JA:Deadly Games had this great Alamo mission that I would play over and over again. It was super hard, your team was holed up in this shack surrounded by boulders, and the enemy would swarm you.
  18. Shadowrun Returns is by far the best kickstarter game I've played. The campaign was a blast, and then I turned around and put a ton of hours in making my own adventures with an easy to use toolset. The fact is your mileage may vary with these games. You need to look at the developer first and foremost. The money will not make them great. You can look at HBS, and right way you know that it will definitely be a Shadowrun game with good writing. But it shouldn't be a shock that they struggled with things like the save game functionality and art (because there isn't a track record there.) Obsidian is a safer bet than most of these, because they are an established studio. But I bet you we will have bugs. Big bugs.
  19. I have the opposite experience, all the Kickstarter projects I've played have done nothing but reinforce my hopes and expectations. But I don't expect AAA titles from Kickstarter, I expect games that embrace different styles of gameplay and tell less traditional stories. I expect games that let me reminisce about the classics while enjoying newer graphics and and modern UI's. I've gotten that out of Shadowrun Returns, FTL, Banner Sage, Expeditions: Conquistador...I think I might have forgotten a few, but you get the point.
  20. I think that was the worst movie I ever saw. Or at the very best tied with The Hulk. I will never forgive the person who suggested we watch it in the cinema. Him and the two jokers who dragged me to watch Terminator 3. Terminator 3 is the one with the girl terminator and the girl from My So Called Life, right? That wasn't nearly as bad as Terminator 4.
  21. I figured there must be different routes. That looked a bit too sketchy to be entirely accurate.
  22. Picked up Banner Saga as well, it is very good. I prefer the Rook storyline, it's very interesting. The other one hasn't really hooked me. But I imagine they are building towards something, and it isn't unplayable or anything. Definitely looks like another kickstarter success to me.
  23. The Banner Saga is on my radar, make sure you post your impressions about the single player campaign.
  24. To be honest, the books are released so many decades apart that I only remember the bare bones of the plot, so watching the show still surprises me regularly.
  25. You should see the propaganda the ASPCA puts out about them. When referring to something as propaganda, the first thing you need to find out is what the group gains by spreading information in that way. Why would the ASPCA bother with a smear campaign against a specific breed of dog?
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