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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. That's nice, but it doesn't really have anything to do with the facts about pitbulls.
  2. The 49ers defense is just awesome. I hope the offense comes out strong against Seattle next week, they've looked pretty shaky in the first quarter of both these playoff games.
  3. As you said, there are plenty of cases where the creator of an IP actually allows other to work within that IP. But if that college kid is actually creative, why does he need to use someone else's world? It just seems like this is a great way to make it even more rare to see original content in the media.
  4. You really think we'd be better off with 99 crappy versions of Darth Vader being released? It would just become white noise eventually, I doubt we'd even notice if a good version came out. Isn't it better that people have to create their own content? If you are creative, why do you need to use Darth Vader to distinguish yourself? And if you do manage to create a popular character, do you really want every Tom, ****, and Harry swooping in to use that character in their projects?
  5. I'll have to pick up Speedball on sale sometime, it looks awesome.
  6. The idea that we would be better off with hundreds of Darth Vader spin offs by people that did not come up with the character is ridiculous. That whole video is like a protest against originality.
  7. Leo is extremely careful about what he chooses to work in, and he basically only works with the best directors in the world. Combine that with his acting, and you've got a blockbuster recipe.
  8. Seattle seems to be running on a different gear right now, New Orleans looks slooooow on defense.
  9. You probably shrank during your sleep. It's pretty common.
  10. It's funny that Micky Mouse himself is a creation that came out of a copyright dispute over Oswald the Lucky Rabbit.
  11. I'm really sorry to hear about your father. It sounds as if he is surrounded by loving family, and that is very important. My prayers go out to you.
  12. The crazy thing today is how many choices kids have. My basic cable package has about 8 different channels with cartoons on. Plus my kids can use Netflix and I find them watching all sorts of old cartoons there.
  13. I used to really enjoy that reality show where people competed for a spot on the WWE rosters. It was interesting learning all the technical skills and watching them grow as athletes and performers.
  14. The Princess and the Frog is still my favorite of the new stuff, and I think that has a lot to do with it not being CGI. I'd put Brave pretty close to anything Pixar has done though. I haven't seen this latest one, Frozen, but my wife and daughter enjoyed it. I've enjoyed watching a few of the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles episodes with my son. They aren't quite the cheesiness of the late 80's movies, but they've got some good stuff.
  15. I've never understood the big concern over p2w in an MMO setting. If your intention in an MMO is to win, you are playing it wrong.
  16. Should see that. Though from comments on it I find it funny to read the filmmaker saying she doesn't want Seaworld shut down, heh. I had an interesting talk about this with my wife. I'm not against Zoos and Wild Animal Parks, in a lot of ways they play an important role in preservation of species. The big issue here is the Killer Whales, that's what the movie focuses on. You take a huge animal and put it in a small pool, it's a pretty obvious problem. I think I have a problem with the whole idea of putting animals in a show, but then again I'm not really going to complain about a dog show. It's definitely a complex question. The former trainers had a lot of interesting things to say about it.
  17. I think Disney has been on a major role lately. Their relationship with Pixar has been tremendous, and they basically haven't missed on any of their new properties they've developed. Plus they don't forget to pay service to the classics in their library. I'm also pretty happy to see my daughter running around with a bow and arrow trying to be Merida.
  18. The only Alien game I remember enjoying was the mod for Doom.
  19. It is totally necessary to re-establish the canon, it's pretty much a mess right now. I'd say the Old Republic stuff will be safe, but all the stuff after Return of the Jedi is in danger.
  20. I like a good hike, but those boards do not look very safe.
  21. Blackfish - Well, I'm never going to Seaworld, that's for sure.
  22. I need a poster of that up in my classroom.
  23. So Team Canada has been an interesting debate. I know I'm biased about Joe Thornton, but I was surprised how many experts were keeping him off their rosters. He's leading the league in assists!
  24. I have to admit, it's interesting how it works out. The author wrote Reacher as this huge guy purely to give that sense of implacable, unstopping nature and he was initially against Cruise because he isn't a big guy. But Cruise manages to convey all of that just with the personality he infused into the character, which is kind of impressive by itself. Yeah, there was really only one scene where it didn't work. At one point the detective asks a hotel clerk if she has any residents that kill someone in one punch, and she mentions a pseudonym that Reacher was using. Tom Cruise doesn't really look lke the type that could kill with one punch That being said, he exuded charm and intelligence, and by the end a real sense of dangerousness.
  25. Reacher - Very entertaining, I think they nailed the character in the books. It's really a fairly dark movie. Tom Cruise was great.
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