I've never understood the no defense knock on David Lee. I never watched him in New York, but since he has joined the Warriors his defense has improved every season. How does a guy averaging about 10 rebounds a game get a reputation like that?
I just want to see Klay Thompson continue to improve other aspects of his games. You can't expect him to shoot like Curry every night, so if he is a steady defender they still have enough threats to win big games.
What do you folks think is the percentage of actual police brutality versus false claims of brutality?
Take the video above, the girl is clearly resisting. Do you consider that police brutality? It looks like a pretty standard procedural arrest. It's very nice the officer was willing to explain himself afterwards.
Resisting arrest is a dumb idea, the police have the right to take you into custody.
Most departments are getting there. In my city they all carry cameras on their chest, as well as the vehicle cams.
It's the best defense against false reports of abuse and litigation.
Yeah, I read a few comments about people complaining the developer didn't implement all the improvements the early access folks brought up. I guess that is the risk you run with a paid beta, but some people are really unrealistic about what they think a developer can pull off in a certain timeframe.
I've been slowly working my way through the Seagal blog, it is fantastic. I pretty much saw all of them until he started in with the direct to video ones.
Heh, I paid around 12% this year, but the government wants 15%.
It's actually the state that is killing me. I have my federal under $1000 at this point, but the state wants another $2200. Geez.
I'm seriously hoping they release new content ASAP. I'm burning through this game and I really want more!
Other than Legend of Grimrock, we don't really have a lot of other options for this type of fix.
I'm a bit concerned about all the negative nellies I see on the internet. I know this game isn't perfect, but it is such an awesome return to a long forgotten genre, and I hope it makes enough money to keep it going.
So I started my taxes, and it looks like I owe like $4000. Yay for entering a new tax bracket.
Seriously, I barely went up by $5k in salary, but I passed some ridiculous threshold. I'm still figuring it out, I might need to consult an expert.
Technically the MVP should be a player that drastically changes the win totals of an organization. So a mediocre team with one superstar that manages to post a decent record should be the ideal MVP candidate.
So Lebron should have stayed in Cleveland
I'd be cool if they took Bernard Cornwell's Authurian twist when writing the story. As is, it will probably be a lighter, action version of the legend with Ritchie at the helm.