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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Well, the Hawks aren't playing the Kings, so you aren't going 4-0 in the next round. Looks like the SoCal matchup versus the Kings and Ducks will be interesting.
  2. You might be reading too much into what I wrote. As I said, I thought the prequels were perfectly entertaining. Do I consider them timeless classics like the originals? No, not at all. Even my 3 and 6 year old get that. My daughter wants to see Princess Leia, and my son wants to see Darth Vader. They don't clamor for Natalie Portman or Hayden Christensen. The prequels clearly lack that. But I don't need all my movies to be timeless classics. That's hard to live up to, that's all I'm saying.
  3. Hah, honestly the prequels are all perfectly entertaining. The first one was considerably weaker than the rest, but it still has fun moments. But hey, expectations are a pain.
  4. Well there is a EU datacenter and a NA one, so if you join the NA one you can play with us.
  5. You can join a five guilds, so I'll see if I can get you an invite to mine. Otherwise we can make a small one for the few of us Obsidianites playing, just to help us track each other down. My name is @hurlshot
  6. JJ Abrams is a very good director, you folks is crazy. If we are going to be worried about one of the older actors, it should probably be Carrie Fisher. But honestly I doubt their roles will be huge in the films. AS an aside, Abrams did work Leonard Nimoy into Star Trek pretty well, despite him being far removed from acting, so there is that.
  7. Damn, I knew this was going to happen. The only new shows I was into was that and Rake, which will probably get canned as well.
  8. Guardians of the Galaxy looks pretty good, that's in space I guess I don't see it as a struggling genre. Sure, we don't have Stargate and two spinoffs running right now, but they did have a pretty good run. I'm sure something new will come along eventually. I never got into BSG either, but it was popular, which means it's likely we will see studios take chances on the next one that comes along. edit: Wasn't there a couple space based pilots on amazon in the works? Plus I'm guessing Netflix will produce something sci/fi down the line.
  9. Which is totally relevant, because the NBA is a business. When you are in a business with 29 other owners, and they all want you out, it is going to happen. If he was in a government position it would probably be much harder to boot him. Edit: This totally made me flash to Will Farrel in Semi-Pro
  10. You know, things are pretty good for space opera. Battlestar Galactica got a solid reboot, Firefly got a movie, Star Wars is getting a new trilogy, Star Trek is a blockbuster. There is even talk about a new Farscape. Honestly SciFi in general is doing pretty well.
  11. The girl hiding her head in shame is the best part.
  12. 30 some odd years. Pretty much reflects the age of the original actors, give or take a few.
  13. Returning to the giant mushroom regions from Morrowind reminds me of what an interesting world this can actually be when you get away from the typical medieval europe regions. I'm up to level 28 and still enjoying it tremendously. I've done a bit of PvP, it's similar to Guild Wars 2. Basically I sneak around carefully and try not to get ganked.
  14. Looks like there isn't any big names (other than the original actors) so that might bode well. Although I think that was more directing than anything else in Episode 1-3, we all know Natalie Portman can act but she was pretty terrible.
  15. /marks Hurlshot's words He's still not getting much pub, but this is a pretty sweet endorsement.
  16. I tend to use the word alt, I don't actually know anyone who uses toon. I doubt the vocabulary has anything to do with the death of TB. You can look at Xcom and call assaults your tank (or the mechs), you can call snipers your DPS, etc.
  17. David Fales is going to be an NFL starter someday, mark my words. He's getting little attention, but he has the accuracy and the anticipation, which you simply can't coach.
  18. Yeah, I don't get it. Although that 2nd goal was pretty terrible. You can't just push the goalie into the net when the puck is under him. Still, the response by the Sharks was simply depressing.
  19. Those people on that boat are frickin' lucky, that could have been way worse.
  20. Hey, I just realized this means Chewbacca is still alive. Awesome.
  21. Do you support the players boycotting the games to take a stand against the owner?
  22. I'm sure they can enact some sort of sanctions for conduct unbecoming.
  23. I'll be honest, I'm just hoping all these distractions for the Clippers give the Warriors a shot at winning the series. I guess the Clippers players actually discussed boycotting a game? How crazy would that be?
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