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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Spec Ops: The Line tells a decent story, although it is pretty heavy handed. It's worth a play through because at least it is very different than all the other shooters out there. Plus the desert and the sandstorms are pretty amazing to watch.
  2. Is a healthy Festus Ezeli a decent backup center?
  3. You really think so? They took the Clippers to 7 without their top center, and the year before they competed well with a Spurs team that swept two teams and made the finals. What do you think needs to change on their roster?
  4. You don't have to register your vehicle in Colorado? Huh, I'm pretty sure that most states have those fees. It's more expensive in the US, that's for sure. I pay about $200 a year per vehicle, including my RV.
  5. The Rams are also probably going to get some jersey sales and some extra media coverage, so it's not a total gamble. That being said, Fisher is a straight up guy, he's not going to play him unless he deserves it. Honestly I don't think they will think twice about cutting him, he's a late draft pick. But given his college career, I'd say he's a safe bet to at least make the practice squad. He'll probably always be a bench guy given his size. THe NFL has really locked it down on the intolerance so far. It's been impressive, it's a very good sign for future athletes.
  6. Well I hated Glee, but I do love Princess Bride. Honestly I don't think I could watch an entire season of that though.
  7. I worry about how tajerio sees the Scientific Revolution. I'm not at the forefront of History or anything, but as a teacher, having simple and clear labels for major historical events is very helpful. It's hard enough trying to get my students to understand the difference between the Holy Roman Empire and the actual Roman Empire.
  8. The church doesn't need credit, Father Georges LemaƮtre deserves a shout out though. But yes, the debate over whether the Big Bang was random or by purpose is definitely philosophical.
  9. Those "fringe" elements that managed to get "Evolution is just a theory" into textbooks? Evolution is fact and theory. Are you talking about Intelligent Design? I agree it has no place in a Science classroom. But as a Social Science teacher, it makes for a fascinating philosophical debate.
  10. This reminds me of an argument over the correct pronunciation of tomato.
  11. The Big Bang Theory was originally put forward by a Catholic priest. The modern debate is whether it is random or there is some sort of intelligent design at work. Even in medieval times, the church leaned heavily on classical works by Aristotle and Ptolemy, not the bible, for science. But yes, I was expecting more examples like long term evolution and stem cell research. I went over it quite a bit in class.
  12. There are no major churches that subscribe to a literal translation of the bible as a plausible theory of the creation of the earth.
  13. I am grading tests, and I asked students to give a modern day example of science and religion clashing. They keep saying science has the big bang theory, while churches say the earth was created in 7 days. AGH! Clearly I need to go back and lecture red faced for a bit.
  14. The rest of your posting in this thread has been great, and this isn't really on topic, but the government of the United States was not founded in or by revolution and does not owe revolution any significant philosophical debt. uh...what? The American Revolution is definitely a thing. It didn't just happen in Assassin's Creed 3.
  15. http://youtu.be/iJNNugNe0Wo I'm usually pretty mellow about this stuff, but bleep hollywood for raping one of the best children's books ever written. I taught The Giver for a number of years. It was a fantastic way to get my 7th graders to examine their society and different forms of governmental control. Now if I ever teach it again, I'll have to fight this dang movie adaptation. It seems to have entirely too much color. Grrr Just saw this: http://youtu.be/i4dlz5q-tm4 Not as bad, but I'm still pretty skeptical.
  16. The crazy thing about free speech in the US is how many people make a really good living by pushing the boundaries of free speech. There are gigantic media properties entirely devoted to complaining loudly about the President.
  17. The lead actor seemed decent, and Walt's dad from LOST, but it looked pretty bad other than that.
  18. http://youtu.be/mQ4KzClb1C4
  19. It's great that they are picking up a proven contributor, but I'm not going to call the 49er receiver corp golden yet. Both Crabtree and Johnson are coming off injuries, and Boldin is getting older. I hope they still find a decent prospect, hopefully someone that can be a deep threat.
  20. Community has been fighting to get renewed every year, so this isn't a huge surprise. But honestly this seems like a prime candidate for a pickup by Netflix or Amazon. Considering they've been touting 6 seasons and a movie for years, I'm guessing they have a story arc already fleshed out for a final season. Still, might be a few years before we see anything. edit: I guess Hulu has a better shot at getting a season, they have a deal already.
  21. I think I just hewed my way through the entire game with a crazy malkavian schoolgirl and a big red firefighter's axe.
  22. Actually twenty some odd years ago, they had an officer come in and talk to me about the vandalism as well. I was sufficiently cowed, so not much happened, but I'm guessing there is more to the story if the kid ended up in cuffs. Notice there was nothing about an arrest, sounds like more of a scare tactic than anything else.
  23. I'm not sure that the anti-Steam contigency is actually that large, I think they are just vocal.
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