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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Kind of a crazy dad day. We went and got haircuts for the kids, and the stylist found a tick behind my son's ear. I managed to pull it off, the skin was all tough around it and I had to pull pretty hard. It popped, but thankfully the whole thing came off and the tick was actually still alive. There wasn't really any blood. So I put the tick in a plastic bag and called our doctor. It wasn't a deer tick, so I wasn't too worried, but better safe than sorry. The doctor just said keep an eye on the area and make sure it doesn't get worse. It was a dog tick, I believe. He probably got it at the baseball game we went to last night. We are also working on potty training for my son, and it is not going smoothly. He's decent about peeing, but only when we ask. It's been about a week and he's cut down on the accidents considerably. But pooping is another matter. He's been constipated for a couple days, so I've been sticking him on the toilet when he gets the look and giving him a magazine. Just now, I walked in on him playing on the computer, and he had his butt sticking out. Unless he had grown a prehensile tail, it was pretty clear he had pooped. It was huge. Thankfully it was a pretty easy clean up since it was pretty hard, but still super gross. I'm trying to bribe him with a new skylander if he manages to poop on the toilet, but no success so far.
  2. Congrats! I'm heading your way in about a week, I'll make an RV trip thread about it.
  3. I took the family to a San Jose Giants game for my son's 4th Birthday. It was a blast, he got a baseball and everything.
  4. I'm not an expert, but isn't Melo a ball possession guy? How would it work having him, Lebron, and Wayde on the court together? Wouldn't that cause some problems?
  5. So for the first time this Stanley Cup series, I sat down hoping to watch a game. Turns out my fairly pricey DirecTV package isn't enough, I need to upgrade to watch it. What the heck? I know hockey isn't quite popular, but I'd think I'd be able to watch the Stanley Cup on a regular channel without needing to pay premium. Looks like it's baseball instead.
  6. Let's face it, the Spurs are a team and the Heat are Lebron.
  7. The World Cup needs more of this. http://youtu.be/VGEfNcvntno
  8. why not Mortal Kombat? same studio made it Other than the obvious gore factor, my kids won't recognize any of the characters, and so it will be way less engaging.
  9. I'm a big fan of story, but honestly I've never really noticed they are missing in the Civ games. There is just too much to do, and the personal story that develops around your actions is pretty dang rich.
  10. I thought about it, and I also looked at the more kid friendly Playstation All Stars thing, but decided to go with the cartoony marvel game. It was about half the price, and it gave me a chance to see a different game. Injustice is also pretty dark, I try and stick to the cartoony violence with my young kids when given the option.
  11. So I've been playing Injustice, which is a stunning looking fighting game. The storyline is ok, and I'n been working through it a few fights at a time. My kids noticed it, and being that they love all things superhero, they preceded to push me off my computer and take over. I decided to go out to Gamestop and pick up a decent fighting game for their PS3 so I could get my PC back. I went with Capcom versus Marvel, which is pretty fun for them. The menus are a bit hard to navigate for them, unfortunately, but they'll get the hang of it.
  12. Are those quotes that Bioware picked out to introduce characters? Because they are terrible. But honestly the advertising for the Dragon Age has been terrible since they decided to focus on blood splatter as a selling point.
  13. Is DayZ worth getting? I don't really want to get it if it is super unstable, but it looks pretty cool.
  14. It's an interesting scenario, for sure, to think about how much land Russia would have ended up with if the Allies were slower. I'd have to think that only so much would be ceded before it would become an openly hostile situation between Russia and the rest of the Allied forces. It was already a very tenuous relationship.
  15. It's been awhile since I studied the subject, but if memory serves me correctly, the US getting involved was inevitable. Pearl Harbor just accelerated it.
  16. Uh not really. That's pretty much their entire purpose. I'm not a big fan of mega-corporations. I'm terrified of them, actually. But that has little to do with piracy.
  17. Societal pressure is plenty effective at dictating behavior. Societal pressure should continue to say "Piracy is bad, m'kay." You know, because it is. It's debatable how effective this thread is as a means of societal pressure, sure. But I see it as a good place to develop our thoughts on the subject. If anything, it helps me to see what arguments are struck down easily.
  18. People change all the time. It's debatable how much influence a discussion on a forum may have on that, but having frank discussions on consumer/producer relationships and the value of ethics is hardly the same as speaking into a vacuum. Piracy is typically a young man's game, and again there are plenty of factors that play into most people giving up their pirating ways, but it's a bit overly skeptical to say these conversations have zero impact.
  19. Hah, that skillet getting beat looks like mine. We go through a lot of them. We have a cast iron and stainless steel as well, but those non-stick cheap ones have their uses.
  20. This Sniper v2 game is pretty good, I'm glad I got it for free.
  21. This is a thread about piracy though. Why are you arguing again? When you enter a thread about piracy and start complaining about corporate greed, it is going to come across as justification for piracy. Just like when you post that you dont buy adobe products but enjoy them, most people will assume you mean you pirate, since this is a thread on piracy.
  22. Yay for TN, an excellent choice. If they disqualified everyone who had a run-in with Gromnir, there's be no one left to moderate.
  23. Yes, let's just have people blatantly admitting to piracy on a software developer's forum. That's super classy.
  24. Exactly, why should they care what you want? They have enough consumers paying the high prices to justify them. You have every right to not purchase them because of that. It does not excuse piracy in any way.
  25. Nope, it is typically fair use.
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