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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Huh? What has Disney done that hasn't been fantastic lately? They've absolutely rocked it with Marvel.
  2. Some great advice about New Mexico. I think I'll probably arrange a separate trip just for New Mexico some day, since it's actually pretty close. This summer we are mostly just driving through. Every year I put together a bunch of travel plans, figure out which I can afford, and then present them to my wife. She chose the New Orleans itinerary this year.
  3. You might be taking things a wee bit too seriously around here, but I appreciate your travel advice. My current summer plans having me going through: Las Cruces, NM San Antonio, TX New Orleans, LA Memphis, TN Branson, MO Dodge City, KS Santa Fe, NM I can't deviate too far off that, since I'm already pretty maxed out on how much gas I am willing to pay for (I'm at 4800 miles at about 12 mpg), but if you guys think there is anything in the vicinity that needs seeing, I'm all ears.
  4. Unfortunately I have to go through Houston to get to New Orleans, but I'll be heading through midday, so hopefully the traffic won't be bad.
  5. You guys are getting me excited about my trip across the south this summer. I've never really been to Texas, so driving across it and spending a few days in San Antonio should be an adventure.
  6. Arizona is all 'let's build walls in the desert' crazy. Utah is mormon crazy. California is kind of split crazy, you've got the hollywood crazy, the dotcom crazy, the central valley crazy, the Humboldt/Santa Cruz crazy. Berkeley is like another planet. But even with all that, Nevada is bit further over the edge. You've got all this open space, with small pockets of either ultra conservative small towns or meccas for gambling and prostitution. It's cray cray. (Although Arizona apparently gets a fair amount of the crazy mormons, since Utah is actively trying to push them out.)
  7. Isn't it wonderful when folks call people racist and don't substantiate? Take your trolling elsewhere please. Are you kidding? It's all over the news. The guy is nuts, but if you've spent much time in Nevada, that should not surprise anyone. It doesn't really change the whole case though. It just makes it clear that everybody involved is terrible. I lived in Vegas for a year a little more than a decade ago, and have been through Nevada innumerable times for work and play. I currently still have family living there, and will likely visit them later this year. I've also made the drive up/down interstate 15 between Vegas and Utah (it's a nice drive), which goes right by Bunkerville a great many times. No doubt you think I'm nuts. Are you really implying that the people of Nevada are by and large nuts while simultaneously claiming one of it's residents is racist for some remarks that aren't necessarily racist? If so, look in the mirror for the bigotry you think others suffer. You've spent that much time in Nevada and you haven't noticed there are a lot of crazies there?
  8. Isn't it wonderful when folks call people racist and don't substantiate? Take your trolling elsewhere please. Are you kidding? It's all over the news. The guy is nuts, but if you've spent much time in Nevada, that should not surprise anyone. It doesn't really change the whole case though. It just makes it clear that everybody involved is terrible.
  9. Anchorman 2 was average until the end, when it went absolutely nuts with hilarity.
  10. You'll be fine, honestly there is very little difference between 40 and 100 kids. What are you reading? Have fun with it and keep your voice loud and expressive. They'll just be happy to have someone new in front of them.
  11. I think I want that egg thing. Is it ineffective to simply shake an egg to create these results? I've never really thought about trying it.
  12. This is why I stopped playing Call of Duty and multiplayer games in general You had a SWAT team bust down your door?
  13. I've alternated artichokes and asparagus pretty much every night. I love this season.
  14. Welcome back. What a breath of fresh air, considering what a holy cow this game is. And it's too expensive. One for the heresy thread, perhaps, but I for one am inclined to agree. I just want to jump on your bandwagon and say I haven't pledge anything by InXile and don't plan on trusting them until they produce something decent. So Mr. Unicorn isn't always rainbow and sunshine
  15. Yeah, the crafting is pretty amazing and complex. It's hard not to want to focus on all the disciplines. For example, I noticed a few of my pieces of gear were pretty low, so today I crafted a new sword, shield, belt, and boots. Now the first step to becoming a decent crafter is to research. You unlock traits by researching item with those traits. It destroys the item, but then you can craft stuff with those traits as long as you have a precious gem. I've got a few traits researched for most armor and weapons at this point. The traits vary between giving magicka, stamina, health, speed, critical and durability boosts. There are a lot. So I make a sword with a decent trait, and then I use a honing stone to increase it's damage, which turns it into a green item. I can actually improve it all the way to an epic weapon if I have the improvement materials, but at this point I'm happy with it being green. Then I go to the enchantment table. I've got a lot of runes translated at this point, and I can make glyphs at a decent level, so I whip up a frost damage weapon glyph and apply it to my sword. Viola, I have a fancy magic sword. Oh, I almost forgot, you can unlock all sorts of racial motifs that decide what your sword looks like. So I really enjoy the breton style heavy armor, and the redguard swords. There are 10 different styles to craft as.
  16. This game is sometimes very hard. I died like 7 times trying to complete a solo instance. Finally gave up, paid a huge repair bill, and decided to try again after getting some better gear and a level or at least some skill points. I enjoy the challenge, seems better than most MMO's I've played in that regard.
  17. Every year I teach my students about Habeas Corpus and how important it is, and every year I surprise them with the fact that Abe Lincoln suspended it during his presidency. So it's pretty hard to find a President that is perfect.
  18. I'd probably need to read a book or two before I'd be comfortable even discussing the guy, and I'm already busy reading these gigantic LBJ books, so I don't want to commit to another president. But I'll come back around to this in a couple years. :D
  19. I think my name is too lame. I don't even use it when I play RPG's. GD, I think we should start some sort of forum for political moderates that think both parties are ridiculous.
  20. Of course FDR is ranked high by most academics. Most modern academics are communist/socialist/statists, FDR was like a godsend to them. He also presided over WW2, and many historians are enamored with war leaders of all types throughout the ages, no matter how evil they really were. So you dismiss the majority of highly educated scholars. Brilliant.
  21. I don't know why it's a big surprise that people who spend a huge amount on a developer's forum end up having an impact on the developer's creative process. That's really the whole point. It becomes more difficult as the communities and the developer's grow in size, but even us Obsidianites occasionally get to interact with the big wigs.
  22. It seems odd to send a mail order bride in 3 parts, but I guess it probably saves on postage costs.
  23. They aren't truly pyramid schemes, because you can actually turn a profit simply by selling the products. They are called multi-level marketing companies. My wife sells Mary Kay. She made a bit of money the first year because she was actively throwing parties, but the last couple of years she has taken a small loss. However that loss is pretty much covered by the amount of product she uses, so I figure we break even.
  24. Gromnir definitely predates the character, and he was a prolific poster on the BIS forums, so it's not hard to believe that Gaider, who was also very active back then, would use him in the game. It's also important to note that you are dealing with smaller communities back in the day. Heck, Calax has a cameo in FO:NV. And we know that Hades will be featured in P:E.
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