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Everything posted by MasterPrudent

  1. More like BG2 or Torment in terms the amount of dialogue you'll have with them but yep, like that.
  2. To start off with you can only create one character but if you'd rather create your party (as opposed to recruiting premade companions) you can create other characters of your own as soon as you get to an inn.
  3. Pretty sure it's the attribute bonuses because that manual errata list is the most up to date info (updated two days ago).
  4. Well, in Bg1&2 you had useful level 1 and level 2 spells, I mean, useful until the end of the game. Maybe Pillars has them too. It does. For example Slicken, as is widely acknowledged on these boards, is a hell of a crowd control spell and there's no reason why it would diminish in effectiveness in the late game.
  5. There are no classes that you absolutely must have in your party. That said I would definitely take at least one tank-y character. I prefer a fighter for this role but others swear by paladins, monks and rangers. Rangers and monks are particularly handy if you want your tank to do some damage as well as soak it up. I'd definitely take a druid as they have great offensive aoe spells and are versatile enough that you can use them wherever you like. I think a chanter would be really handy as their summons could take up some of the slack. Priests have the best healing spells but you could probably get away without one. I've mostly been playing with the standard beta party rather than messing around with varied parties though so take all of this with a grain of salt.
  6. Endurance does not normally regenerate in a fight when no one is hitting you unless you're a fighter. The fighter ability you may be thinking of is Rapid Recovery which increases the rate at which Constant Recovery (the ability that fighters start with that allows them to recover endurance) works. As far as I know the Nature Godlike's racial ability is actually a bonus to Might, Constitution, and Dexterity when Endurance is below 50% (http://eternity.obsidian.net/game/manual-errata). It was, at one point, an ability to boost endurance regen as you say and would have been useful because it would make any endurance healing in combat that happens over time, like constant recovery, happen faster. Edited because I realised you were probably thinking of Rapid Recovery, not Constant Recovery.
  7. PM a mod and they'll fix it up for you. (Make sure you've finalised your pledge first.)
  8. Wizard, druid and priest spells work on an x number per rest basis. Eventually low level spells can be cast on a per encounter basis. Ciphers gather power for their spells by attacking enemies. Damage from their physical attacks is converted into "focus" which acts like mana. Chanters use chants which are continuous buffs and debuffs. After a certain amount of chanting they're able to use more powerful debuffs, offensive and summoning spells called invocations. The preorder items aren't in the beta. The piglet will be cosmetic though, like all pets. I wouldn't factor the ring into your considerations - one protective item isn't going to make a huge difference. Baldur's Gate at low levels can be quite rough at times. I think PoE should be easier on its lowest difficulty setting but I've only played the beta.
  9. You are mistaken. This functionality is in the beta so I'd be surprised if it wasn't in the full game. All you need to do is mouse over the ability and hit the key you want to bind it to. EDIT: Although there is no buffing phase in Pillars.
  10. Well that guy is an Obsidian employee and he HAS been playing the full game for months.
  11. On one hand these guys haven't been reading the forums and playing the beta for months and the game doesn't exactly tutorialise. On the other hand they have access to the manual and the cyclopedia and there are the engagement lines and red shading under the movement cursor to let them know what's going on.
  12. On a more helpful note there are a bunch of youtubers and twitch players who are currently uploading/streaming playthroughs that can go as far as the end of the first act so you might want to watch one of those to get a feel for things.
  13. There's also at least one coxfither. Tread carefully Maccabeus.
  14. Give them high might and high dexterity, be sure to inflict conditions that allow for sneak attacks, keep them out of the way of enemies' attacks and they will murder everything.
  15. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/70467-new-real-time-with-pause-dungeons-dragons-rpg-sword-coast-legends/
  16. Nope. As it says up the top this is from Obsidian's facebook page.
  17. I'm assuming it's a before and after you clear that place out. I believe Mazisky was referring to the decrepit state of the district (Ondra's Gift) that the inn is situated in. It doesn't seem like good business practice to open an establishment in an area most people avoid.
  18. I think it's funny that people are disappointed that Cadegund didn't make it in. As far as I know the only things that we ever knew about her were that (a) she was a priest of Magran who wielded a gun and (b) she looked like her concept art. I suggest that those who are heartbroken make their pc a priest, pick one of the redhead portraits (or insert their own) and name her Cadegund.
  19. What makes a cipher work well as a thief? Are you thinking in terms of role-playing or is there some kind of mechanical advantage? Personally I intend to make my front line tanks good at sneaking and spotting/setting traps so I can keep them up front at all times.
  20. You're thinking about this as if Pillars worked like most other class based RPGs but this is not your Daddy's RPG. Stealth, traps and lock picking are not, in any way, rogue skills in Pillars of Eternity. The game simply doesn't work that way. There are five different skills: Athletics (prevents characters from getting fatigued from combat), mechanics (allows the picking of locks and setting of traps), stealth (does what it says on the tin), lore (lets PCs use scrolls and learn about enemies). Any one of your six party members can be proficient in 1-3 of them. Spending points in stealth and mechanics for your fighter is not going to be a waste of points that you could be throwing into feats to make your fighter more of a kick-ass fighter. Idle companions, of which you can have loads, do indeed receive xp but they do so at a reduced rate.
  21. To be honest I'm not sure why anyone who doesn't make their money off this stuff would be clamouring for an early build. The day one patch is going to have lots of good stuff in it, including the loot area slider.
  22. This info is now out of date. Last we heard Brandon said keys would go out on Monday or Tuesday.
  23. I think the OP might be confusing reviewers and twitch streamers/youtubers with early backers.
  24. Fighter is fine as a tank but Paladin is optimal IMO. Fighters are better damage but they won't have Paladin level defenses. Why do you say Paladins are the optimal tanks? Fighters and paladins start with the same base endurance/health and deflection and fighters get a bunch of abilities like guardian stance, defender, vigerous defense and so on that do wonders for its and its party's ability to shrug off damage.
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