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Everything posted by MasterPrudent

  1. Mr Sawyer has got you covered on that front. In the thread for item surveys he said, "The Glanfathans have lived in Eir Glanfath for two millennia. Before them, it was occupied by a relatively unknown civilization known as the Engwithans (who built most of the monuments and holy sites that the Glanfathans now guard)."
  2. I'm not sure if you saw it but a long time ago on these very boards the developers unveiled their crafting mechanics (http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/64048-update-58-crafting-with-tim-cain/). One of these mechanics was a durability system which involved weapons and armour degrading over time. The response was not favourable, a truly epic thread resulted and the final outcome was the developers opted to remove said mechanic due to the overwhelmingly negative reaction. Long story short: there's no way that PoE is going to have any kind of durability system.
  3. The problem is from what Josh has indicated, there won't be any dump stats to dump things like DEX because the system is designed not to make a bad character. Firstly I think what Josh and others mean when they talk about eliminating dump stats is that every attribute will be potentially useful to every class - unlike DnD in which giving a fighter high charisma is almost always a dumb move. That doesn't mean that you can't dump stats to create a particular build. For example if you want a character that deals a lot of damage but is pretty squishy you might boost perception and intellect and dump constitution and strength. Secondly the aim as I understand it isn't to avoid the possibility of creating bad characters so much as it is about avoiding nonviable characters. In DnD your wizard had better have a certain level of intellect; otherwise you're not going to be able to learn the high level spells that you all but need to succeed. In PoE not having a high intellect is not going to make a nonviable wizard but it is going to make a wizard that isn't great at directly damaging the enemy so you're going to need to invest in a different set of abilities (maybe she's got high resolve so you can focus on AoE spells and spells with status effects) to make a really effective wizard. Well, if that actually IS his argument then it's a false claim he's making about the IE games. You cannot make a completely dead end build in the IE games. Even aside from the liberal loot dispensing (which alone will insure you can survive any battle, on any difficulty) there's the D&D rules themselves, which have built-in safeguards against such a thing (fighters automatically get at least 9 str; Rogues automatically get 9 dex etc.) Hell, BG1 can be beat, with a solo level 1 rogue, without leveling up. You can but you've got to have a really good understanding of the particular game and DnD in general. If you're a noob like me you're going to get very frustrated very quickly. Edited for clarity.
  4. I picked an Aumaua fighter. Aumaua because I like the idea of playing as a race that comes without baggage/expectations created by other fiction; a fighter because I want to play with the obsidian created companions but I also like the idea of having two fighters so that I can really lock down choke points with defender mode. I am kind of tempted to go with a chanter though because the idea of creating spells by building phrases sounds very, very cool.
  5. New look! Same great taste! Now with 20% more Sawyer? I thought there was some interesting new stuff regarding making environments and their troubles with maps (4:21-11:52). Also as regards potential solutions for "the scooby doo" problem (24:12-26:20).
  6. Josh Sawyer's GDC presentation on PoE is now freely viewable here: http://gdcvault.com/play/1019680/Gathering-Your-Party-with-Project
  7. @ericw You're thinking of this in DnD terms. Seeing as PE's damage reduction/immunity is organised around deflection/fortitude/reflexes/psych and different spellcasters have abilities that target different defenses I don't think that party would have too much trouble.
  8. No takers, huh? Too bad... Would have been cool. That's a nice idea. I hope it works out. I'm starting to think that it will be nearly impossible to convince 4 of the 50 or so pledgers who threw a grand at this project to get together in a team instead of designing their own ninja item. Plus, I have no idea who the others are aside from who checks in here... But until I learn of a deadline for this, I'll keep the request open. If you don't get any takers you should design a breastplate that's clearly part of a set (like, I dunno, a breastplate of elemental protection that only mitigates fire damage - I know, not an actual thing in PE) and see if obsidian bites and creates the whole set around it.
  9. Yes. No one's said anything about how party members respond to dispositions and faction reps yet but given that we know that it's possible to become notable for multiple things (say wit and cruelty) I'd be surprised if the devs make it easy to piss off a bunch of companions to the point where they leave. Edit: Also when Sawyer has talked about people using a mixture he's referred to players strongly disliking a particular character - hey there Disciple - yet still wanting a character of that class in their party.
  10. Another badgeless kickstarter backer here. Thanks. Edit: It shows up on my profile but not when I post.
  11. So far posters have described wizards (vancian but with multiple spell books and some per encounter spells), and druids and priests (vancian but more like DnD sorcerers; also with some per encounter abilities) but there are also chanters and ciphers. As far as I know we haven't heard much about how chanters work however we do know that ciphers have a kind of mana pool which they replenish by shooting or stabbing people. You can find out more here: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/64452-update-65-ciphers/ (Edited for clarity.)
  12. I think the best approach to updates at the moment, and in the future, is just to enjoy them when they come.
  13. I solemnly swear to never again cause mass confusion by calling a theatre or forum an amphitheatre ever again.
  14. That second "repaired" stronghold also has trading carts out the front. And both screenshots have an amphitheatre! (Which I assume will be a cosmetic thing, but still; it looks awesome!) Also I love the subtle changes like cleared areas and lush greenery.
  15. This is an awesome idea; should make shuffling gear between companions much less tedious than it is in the IE games.
  16. And here come the flashbacks to playing through BG as a D&D newbie. (Stupid sirens.)
  17. I like a lot of what this update tells us about how classes and parties will work. The inclusion of a number of powers that require teammates to be properly positioned suggests that opportunities for teamwork will go well beyond DA2's simple cross class bonuses and the multiple types of damage inflicted by one class suggests that a wide variety of party combinations really will be viable. I know the designers have been talking this one up but its good do see that there really won't be a case where the game punishes you disproportionately for not recruiting a particular class. It looks like the cypher does have to be engaged in close-combat to power their abilities ("short range weapons") which makes me wonder how good their defences are. I'm guessing that they're not going to be particularly tank-y, making them a high risk/high reward option.
  18. Just wanted to thank our posting overlord for putting/letting Kaz put some of his art in this update. It almost makes up for not letting Polina post her spiders and drakes
  19. Heh... she wanted to, but I was the meanie. Can't show everything just yet. Maybe we could see some concept art for beasties we've already seen? From memory I don't think we saw the concepts for the skuldr; just the implemented version.
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