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Everything posted by MasterPrudent

  1. You've clearly never experienced the joy of five Rolling Flames bouncing in a crisscross pattern across a field of enemies. Or an accuracy boosting potion that seems to last forever.
  2. You can post your save game on a file hosting site (such as dropbox) and link to it here.
  3. A lot of people enjoy working in a social environment with a close-knit team they occasionally see when they're not working.
  4. It's a known issue. The devs have a fix for it so it should make it into the next patch or the one after that: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/72492-bug-cipher-focus-gain-permanently-disabled-by-drinking-horn-of-moderation/ (Despite the title it can happen with any object that is supposed to improve focus gain.)
  5. Not at the same time, no. For single handed to apply you have to have an empty slot. (Of course if you have duel weapons in one set of weapon slots and a single handed weapon in the other then the respective talent will kick in when you switch weapon sets.)
  6. Monks' fists are treated as duel wielded weapons. Duel-wielding applies but single handed does not.
  7. If Catharsis is the only one, or maybe one of five or something, to finish it solo then it'd almost certainly be less than 0.01% of players and I imagine Steam would round down to 0%.
  8. Congratulations! I assume that the triple crown solo is next on your list?
  9. What do Eder's stats look like? In particular what's his deflection defense?
  10. Aenemic has it right. If you want to check what bonuses are being suppressed you can check them on character sheets.
  11. This is an unfortunate bug and you have my sympathies but you can not post this without a screenshot. (Also a save game and output log might be handy for the devs.)
  12. There's a quest related to them in Ondra's gift. Talk to the folks hanging around the harbour.
  13. In the beta being a cipher would give you the conversation option. It's possible that taking along the Grieving Mother would give you the option too but I'm not sure.
  14. Good point! It might actually be worth rerolling. I'd wait for the next patch (1.03) first. Or at least keep your save until it is released. It was announced for today, so I expect it to hit somewhere around this evening pacific time or night in central european time. Are you sure it was announced for today? All I've read is that it's coming this week and it'd be a crazy quick turn around to patch the game in less than a week.
  15. All that adventuring must be making you sleepy. Go have a rest and things may progress.
  16. The item is posted in the log; it's just posted in the combat side of things rather than the dialogue side. I agree that it's unintuitive.
  17. You might have the bug where temporary buffs result in permanent stat increases: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/73117-bug-508-fighters-deflection-raises-up-for-no-reason/?do=findComment&comment=1609183
  18. That's really sneaky and fits with my findings. I was standing outside the Black Hound inn when I ran my tests. Nice catch! Sadly I don't think that's it: I got the bug with Durance in one of the Defiance Bay maps.
  19. Other people with the bug here: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/72492-bug-cipher-focus-gain-permanently-disabled-by-drinking-horn-of-moderation/ It might be fixed already according to one of the guys in the thread. Hopefully it can be made retroactive...
  20. Related: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/73188-amulet-of-health-permanently-raising-endurance/ http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/73190-durance-gains-permenant-stat-increases-from-the-talisman-of-the-unconquerable/
  21. As far as I know it didn't start happening for me until I was about twenty or so hours in. If you want to load up my save game (it's linked in my report) you'd probably be able to reproduce it. It doesn't seem to happen consistently either: I have other stat boosting items equipped that aren't bugged in this way.
  22. Seems like the same issue that I just posted here: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/73190-durance-gains-permenant-stat-increases-from-the-talisman-of-the-unconquerable/ Good job on nailing down exactly what causes it.
  23. Issue: Durance appears to be steadily gaining permanent increases to his intellect from The Talisman of Unconquerable. Steps to reproduce: I didn't notice this at first so I'm not sure exactly what's going on. 1. Equip the Talisman of the Unconquerable on Durance 2. Travel, fight and rest with him for some time 3. Note that his endurance slowly inceases What I would expect to happen: A +2 boost in intellect when Durance's endurance is over 50% as described in the item's text that only occurs when he has the Talisman equipped. Screenshots: Notice that the stats record that the base value is 13 when the Talisman is equipped and that the Talisman is giving him a 0 point boost. (Yet somehow he has 23.) When it is not equipped it says he has a base value of 21. Attachments: I wasn't able to attach a savegame or the output log (former too big even as a .zip and the second failed for some reason) so they're here on google drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzoeQgLqMzH0MXg5VzV3Q0MtR3c/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzoeQgLqMzH0UGc2bDhhZ1FLRTA/view?usp=sharing (First is save game and second is output.) EDIT: Seems to be the same bug as this issue: forums.obsidian.net/topic/73188-amulet-of-health-permanently-raising-endurance/
  24. (You'd think that after playing a bunch of this game I'd be in the habit of reading carefully.)
  25. You can attack and kill your own characters. Use the attack command (it's the sword on the menu and it's bound to "a" by default).
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