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Everything posted by MasterPrudent

  1. What was your background (slave, labourer, etcetera)? How did you resolve the blood legacy quest? What was your class? There's probably more than one trigger.
  2. I finished the quest without ever speaking to Wenan - I just stumbled on the location.
  3. Well there's no clarification in the game as to what exactly the gods are, although I do recall that someone refers to them as "pure ideals". If he is just a great big soul then he could theoretically be held in Breith Eaman for as long as the other gods desired.
  4. I think there might be a few things that trigger Skaen offering the deal to help Woedica. I was playing with the dialogue tags on and when he offered it to me it was displayed as dialogue that triggered because I had three ranks in the deceptive disposition. I was not a slave; I was a merchant, specifically a smuggler on the lamb. Oh and I got Wael's offer (and chose to take it because it was in keeping with my PC's smart arse attitude) and I completed the Wael quest by obeying his instructions and placing the scroll under the drake's head. There were no disposition tags when he spoke to me.
  5. Eothas is silent and has been since the death of St Waidwen. It's one of the key reasons that Eder is tortured over his role in the war. If I recall correctly there is actually a shrine that you can't interact with that sits near Eothas' place in the constellations. Remember that there are a number of Gods you can't pray to, including Magran and Wael. You can jump into the pit without receiving a God's blessing.
  6. Not worthless maybe, but overall have a low impact in most fights because you can use only 1. You can use six.
  7. Or cause burn damage to Flame Blights with a fireball lol. But, as stated, it was intentional. Immunities fall under the "rock-paper-scissors" game play design umbrella. And we were told by people who understand Fun better than we do, that those are the Devil -- because they "go counter to tactical gameplay", or some other logic-based paradox. Yes, there are no "hard" immunities but there are plenty of "rock-paper-scissors" options to go with. You don't have to use any particular attack against an enemy but you're going to make things really hard for yourself if you insist on trying to knock over Ogres or burn fire creatures.
  8. That suggests to me that you did the faction quests in such a way as to lock yourself in with the Doemel family. I'd go to them and see if you can progress their quest lines.
  9. Regardless of what happens with the factions you should be able to get an invitation to the Duc's palace from Lady Webb.
  10. While there are no out and out immunities creatures' defenses do vary enough that the abilities you use should change depending on the enemy. Good luck hitting an ogre with anything that attacks fortitude and good luck hitting a spectre with anything that doesn't target fortitude - trying to freeze them is a bad move too.
  11. I suspect the point of one character being able to lay just one trap is that mechanics would otherwise be a skill you would only ever give to just one character. This way the skill becomes something that's potentially useful for all your characters, just like the other skills.
  12. If you check the patch notes you'll see that it acknowledges that said items are still bugged but that if you unequip them and reload your save your cypher will be able to generate focus again. EDIT: And if I'd actually read your post carefully I would have seen it referred to the skill and not to any items. Sorry.
  13. Have you finished the quest involving the trading company? If not you need to do that before you can recruit her.
  14. Hatred, and maybe Gorgon too, I would take a good look at your characters' stats because your tank being invincible and your accuracy being through the roof in comparison to those you attack sounds suspiciously like you may have the bug that causes your characters' temporary buffs from abilities and buffs from items to become permanent and stack on save/load.
  15. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/72439-must-read-how-to-report-an-issue/
  16. I agree that the talent only working for melee weapons isn't an issue but I do think the tooltip could be clearer.
  17. I know someone's beaten it on normal and someone else is finding success on hard but I've yet to hear of anyone even attempting PotD solo.
  18. It's a known issue: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/72542-inventory-greyed-out/ The folks in that thread don't mention it but I believe it can also be fixed by returning to the shop and leaving it with the filters disabled.
  19. Wizards are meant to be played with a party. As a general rule you need to lock down the front line with melee units to ensure everyone is going to stay in the same place before casting your aoe spells. Also if you give your wizard a high intellect they'll get a higher "edge zone" (which the ui displays as a lighter grey colour around the edge of the friend and foe damaging area) that will damage enemies without hurting your own characters. You can in fact bind abilities to hot keys. Just mouse over the ability you want to hot key and hit the button you want to bind it to.
  20. Nope. Path of the Damned combines all the monsters from hard, normal and easy AND buffs their stats.
  21. Also it should be fixed in the next patch which is highly likely to be released tomorrow or the day after.
  22. My handle is MasterPrudent and I agree with this sentiment. (People seem to really like Faith and Conviction but I think that abilties like Unbroken put the Fighter ahead.)
  23. I've got to admit: given the general drift of the forums it's refreshing to see someone complaining that the game is too hard.
  24. I wouldn't be surprised if this bug was actually introduced in the day one patch. Sensuki played a reviewer copy and apparently never saw it (an he's exactly the sort of player who would notice it).
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