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Everything posted by MasterPrudent

  1. The one additional point you get to lore by taking a wizard over a cipher is almost completely irrelevant. I wouldn't factor it in to your decision making process.
  2. If I understand this right it's a Spanish/Portugese speaking guy saying that his cat once attempted to pronounce water but mispronounced it in such a way that it sounded like the Pillars of Eternity race Aumaua and that, through psychic means, this may be the inspiration for the race name. ...I'm going to go and have a lie down.
  3. I'm looking forward to getting to define my main character by way of reputations and depositions across a long meaty campaign and seeing people react to those.
  4. If I recall correctly Josh Sawyer did write that they had a tool that let them keep track of how many responses used each attribute and skill and that they used it to keep them more or less equally useful in conversation. As Prime Junta says we'll know for sure soon enough! Personally I think that a barbarian with perception and resolve maxed isn't a great build. Basically you're making up for the class' weakness (low deflection) and I think you're better off emphasising its strengths. I'd say you'd get better results going for a tanky fighter or paladin.
  5. I've been running the beta on Windows 64 bit with just 4 GB RAM. It runs just fine. EDIT: And that's with a 2.60 Ghz i5-3230M and a GT 740M so I'm not exactly running it on a top of the line computer...
  6. Yeah, it seems strange. I had exactly one crash and that was with the very first build.
  7. I might have lead you all astray. There are a bunch of posts over on neogaf from reviewers suggesting they're going out today.
  8. Adventurers have to eat and keep their strength up. That's what my mum told me anyway.
  9. Speaking of the narrator do we know who they cast?
  10. Brandon Adler wrote something to the effect that review keys were sent out about 2 weeks prior to the release date.
  11. No. Your created PC does all the talking regardless of who walks up to the npc. Companions may interject in the full game but probably not to help pass attribute checks. If you actually have to do so much healing that your characters are losing all their health in one fight then you're either using a lot of low health/deflection characters in situations where they shouldn't be or you need to bump the difficulty down. Personally I like the tradeoff in the system. You have to think about whether it's really necessary to heal a character to win the fight or if you're better off saving her health for the next fight.
  12. Base is how long something lasts without taking into account how it's modified by attributes (like intelligence) or skills (like survival). EDIT:
  13. I suggest posting your system specs. That way if someone's tried running the backer beta on a similar PC they can let you know what your chances are.
  14. Huh, I never noticed this because for some reason whenever I've rolled up a ranger I've always picked a left facing portrait.
  15. That's not really true. Weapon specialisations are bundled so that they each include about four different weapons and while some weapon types may be underrepresented in the beta slice I suspect the full game will include a much broader selection - if only because one of Josh's gripes with the BG games is that some weapon specialisations were trap choices because some weapons were pretty rare.
  16. Obsidian does not own the rights to anything DnD related. They have been contracted by the rights holders to make games in the Forgotten Realms in the past but they were never given any ownership over the rights. If you backed the kickstarter thinking that the world would draw on DnD you didn't read the first few updates very carefully. It was clear from very early on that they were building their own world. On the positive side they have created some pretty comprehensive and dense lore. I'd recommend reading up on it on the wiki (http://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Pillars_of_Eternity_Wiki) before dismissing it. There are a couple of other games based on DnD lore in development at the moment. Beamdog are working on a Baldur's Gate "interquel" and N-Space are making a Forgotten Realms game called Sword Coast Legends.
  17. There is no multiplayer planned. In the event that they did decide the include multiplayer in an expansion or sequel it would almost certainly be co-op multiplayer in line with what many of the IE games had. Keep in mind that this is a single player RPG not an MMORPG. It's a long, story driven game intended first and foremost for single player enjoyment. I'd be hard pressed to name any such games, even recent ones, that included PvP.
  18. To clarify Falkon's post: Seeing as you're a gold backer you have access to it. What you need to do is head here: https://eternity.obsidian.net/login and login to your account. Once you're in click on the products tab. Under that tab you should see the backer beta and you'll be able to generate a steam key for it there.
  19. GreyFox you should actually try the game as designed first. Don't just assume you're going to feel the same way about it as Sensuki does - many people don't.
  20. Well to be honest I haven't seen it documented anywhere but I saw someone mention it elsewhere on the forums and it makes a lot of sense to me. After all it would otherwise be possible for a character to keep fighting for sometime after they are dead. Mind you, you're quite right that it looks odd to players who are used to seeing their endurance fully regen so, assuming it is indeed intended behaviour, it should be documented in the cyclopedia.
  21. I appreciate that this game is trading on nostalgia and that therefor changes like this can change the "feels" of the game in an upsetting way for IE superfans but the idea that it's "dumbing down" the game is absurd. I'm pretty sure that no one has demonstrated how smart they are by showing that, yes, they can click on loot containers.
  22. And how do you know PoE doesn't separate the bodies when no one outside the dev team has seen the interface???
  23. This looks like the system is working correctly. You cannot have endurance higher than your health. Note that in your screenshot your ranger only has 100/553 health left.
  24. You can choose to redeem a key on either steam or gog. If you're in the steam-only beta there's no need to worry; the beta is a completely different sku to the actual game. You'll be able to generate a new key for the game for either steam or gog.
  25. I have the same issue here I havn't seen any fix in the last update change log. Do you guys are aware of the problem and will you be able to fix it before release ? It may not have made the change log but it has definitely been fixed for me as of ver 480.
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