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Everything posted by marelooke
Just came across Looking For Group: The Fork of Truth, looks like it could be good fun if executed right (and it's LFG, that's a good start!)
Well, even though Divinity 2 was kind of flawed and broken until the recent (?) update. I wasn't talking about their released games history, but more the financial troubles they've had at various stages. (eg. at one point Larian was basically bankrupt and Swen had to lay off all but 3 or so employees...stuff like that tends to teach one how to handle money more carefully I would imagine...) He also talks about this and their tendency to feature creep (and knowing is half the battle )
Hmm, I thought they specifically said they weren't going to delay D:OS to incorporate extras but rather add them later as patches. Not that I'd mind terribly if it got delayed anyway. On that note: in last update I think Larian said they're already *way* over the amount of quests they'd planned for the Kickstarter, so while I won't be shocked if they don't make the release date (I mean, if they just keep adding quests without paying attention to the rest... ) I have some faith they will be able to actually make it when they have 4 months to do the KS extras, tweaking mechanics and fixing bugs.
Agreed. Westwood is dead. So is C&C. Thank you EA. In other news, Divinity: Dragon Commander has been postponed until 6 august.
The expansion is pretty easy. Too easy probably. Still plodding along in Stalker: Clear Sky with Guns of Icarus Online and GRID2 on the side. I think I've given up entirely on SWtOR, got the expansion tried to get into it, but the only way I can call the SWtOR experience is "meh" tbh.
Started a Stalker: Clear Sky playthrough as I really have to finish that game. Was immediately reminded why it was the worst of the three as well (badly implemented ideas from CoP with a worse atmosphere than SoC) The Guns of Icarus guys sent out Skirmish Mode keys to Kickstarter backers today so I guess that is where my game time will mostly go this weekend.
Wasn't there some point where you could get D3 for free when preordering some WoW expansion or somesuch (or get a lot of game time when buying D3, much more than the game price) either way that surely would inflate those numbers "slightly" with a lot of "sales" that aren't (or not really anyway).
It seems Shadow of the Eternals is really suffering from the Denis Dyack debacle (and probably overambitious funding goals), which is a shame since it seemed like a really promising concept.
Finished up that Stalker: SoC playthrough. I need to find a mod that makes those guns you only commonly get near the end available earlier... I think I fired a total of four shots with the Gauss Rifle Also I still want to fire this baby (screenshot from CoP): Come on admit it, you know you want to!
Agreed. Overall, it's my favorite entry in the series. I'm torn between SoC and CoP and in all honesty when I feel like playing Stalker I usually reach for my SoC discs for some reason. I guess the superior storytelling trumps the superior game mechanics for me. Now SoC with CoP's mechanics...that would be super awesome. Yeah, the ending wasn't exactly strong but at least it was better than Clear Sky's; which I never finished as I got fed up when I reached the NPP... Main reason for that is they had the bright idea to dump a load of guns in your inventory when you arrived there, since I am always balancing on the weight limit this meant I got gunned down while I was trying to dump stuff from my inventory to be able to take cover. One of the single most stupid things I've run into in games to date tbh.
I have been thinking about this for the past several days and while I can understand the reasoning behind what Josh said, I think that I may partially disagree with him in terms of whether it was a bad thing or not. Firstly, I would have to agree with the sentiment that compared to Chapter 2, the rest of the game felt fairly linear and less complex and that this detracted from the game. The following chapters were less fun than being able to mess around in Athkatla. However, at the same time, this doesn't detract from the fact that the multitude of quests in Chapter 2 was sort of fun and kept the player engaged and in fact may show that Chapter 2 was probably doing something right and the rest of the game was unfairly juxtaposed to a well-developed chapter. You had the same freedom once you got out of the Underdark, unless you suffer a serious case of completionist's syndrome and really *have* to complete every single quest before heading off to the Asylum. I don't think I've ever completed all the quests in Athkatla before heading off and I doubt I even did the same quests on each playthrough (though Nalia's keep was a staple) I also didn't feel like I was flooded with quests, more that Sigil, Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter were some pretty dead cities, which might also be due to the fact that those entire cities are mapped while in Athkatla you only get to visit certain (parts) of districs, which imo worked a lot better and resulted in a city that felt much more alive. On that note I really dislike it when quests are stricly tied to a chapter (well, sometimes it makes sense of course, like Telos in KotOR...), this forces you to either complete everything before furthering the story or missing out on quests because they'll be gone if you do further the story... This is what I "read" when there's talk about "staggering" quests, I don't like it, it forces me to play a certain way and pits my "omg I wanna know what happens next" against my "noooo, must do all sidequests" and that sucks (DA2 was horrible in this respect)
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Attempted to finish a Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl palythrough I still had lying around. Managed to fight my way into the NPP twice without picking up the decoder... Apparently I pick the thing up, manage to get myself killed without saving, reload, fight my way through Pripyat and end up before that damn door without the damn item. So, after that I decided to start on Warhammer 40K: Chaos rising, I'd finished the main game but never started the expansion, fixing that now
Thanks for the info and good to hear. Not quite sure what the good part of DK2 were that weren't in DK1 but I'll sure be keeping a close eye on this game now.
They're obviously making sort of a Dungeon Keeper 3 (and as I've heard they have Molyneux' blessing), but the thing I've been wondering (and nobody's been able or been willing to tell me) is whether it takes more after DK or DK2... I didn't exactly like DK2, DK1 otoh <3
I don't really hate the game that much. Is it no-where near as good as KOTOR1 and 2? Yes. Is the gameplay annoying at times. Yes. But hey, if I can tell Bio/EA where the pain-points are, maybe it can be improved upon. Sadly, the worst con is the support. Which is absolutely attrocious. Issues and issues cluthering up, no attention to people, same automatic responses to everyone, harming good classes in PvE just to suit some PvP'ers wish. Nickle-and-diming. That's the major pain point. Welcome to mainstream MMOs. Any MMO that considers PvP anything but an afterthought is going to balance classes around PvP eventually. It's the worst when they are balanced around solo-PvP (eg. arenas...) because classes lose their identify fast that way (just look at WoW)
The numbers are since going F2P, that was after the majority of people that stopped playing dropped out of the game. Just felt like that needed clarification. On another note, bought the expansion but can't say I have much of an urge to play, dunno why, the story seems decent enough so far.
I'd go so far as to say - if they don't stuff up the end (and I think I'm about 2/3 or 3/4 through) - that its the best one since the original (mind you I stopped playing the games in the series about midway through 3). Its not perfect - - but it does most of the things it tries well and I really like Lara's character and development like you. I'm not sure how they'd sustain this game model in a second game not so greatly hinged on a pivotal point for her character, but I'd like to see them try. Don't hold your breath for the ending imho. It's a good game an-sich, but as a Tomb Raider game, I dunno. I'm rather ambivalent towards this one.
Obsidian loses out - again. And so do we.
I likely won't get it at release, unless they do something massively to change my mind, because of my aforementioned doubt. By the time I *might* get around to it Wasteland 2 and D:OS will be released. So I guess I'll get it in the bargain bin unless it gets raving reviews (that is, raving reviews from people that matter, the disqualifies most major gaming press right there )
What, they want to look sexy for the orcs they're murdering? Give me a break. That said, the idea of a character whose power in battle is directly proportionate to how sexy she (or he!) thinks she looks is kind of awesome. I'm pretty sure Dream was referring to why women wear high heals irl. For bystanders it provides added hilarity, we have a lot of cobblestones over here, I'll leave the rest to your imagination...
I am really on the fence on this one. The concept looks really nice, but...they jumped on the "bad pre-order bonuses" bandwagon AND it appears to be designed for consoles (or at least controllers)... Getting a crippled game puts me off of buying a regular copy after release (and reviews) and the second puts me off of pre-ordering. I might hold out until a GOTY edition or somesuch, assuming they put in the stuff they cut out as pre-order bonus.
Except for the iPhone part that actually does sound awesome...