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Everything posted by mcmanusaur

  1. Imma let you finish, but Minecraft had the best torch mechanics of all time! Of all time!
  2. Not sure how this could be implemented without giving things a decidedly oriental feel, which only works for certain classes unless the whole IG society is that way.
  3. Nope. Eventually you want a character way more fleshed out than simply being "something like the prodigal son archetype", and once those details are added it tends to restrict things further. So at the most I could maybe see two viable classes for certain companions, but then that's losing any kind of definition of character their build would confer. In short, devs start with such concepts but must add more detail than what you're suggesting for the characters to be interesting, and so characters are gradually fit into class roles, and for reasons better than restricting player freedom I might add. Multi-class opportunities for companions would be alright, but it should be like KOTOR where there is an elaborate quest tree one has to go through to have that development option, as opposed to just leveling them.
  4. ROFL. Please god(s), let the developers ignore the OP and his immature penchant for ego-stroking, and let them deliver a product that isn't designed to kiss our character's ass. Seriously, if you need your ego stroked, play on easy scrub difficulty or something, and let the devs configure the wider game philosophy decisions to big kids. L2makebettercharacters, srsly. I hope this was a troll thread.
  5. I honestly don't know why you'd want Psionics when Ciphers- which will be similar but superior in a number of ways by the sound of it- have already been confirmed.
  6. I think there should be some process of identifying items, but a catch-all "lore" skill does feel very artificial.
  7. I like what ^he said, but I don't see much room for firearms with the way they've divided the classes.
  8. Anthropomorphic races have already been done enough times. And provided the alternative races in a game were interesting enough, I'd be fine with them not including plain old humans.
  9. This poll is horribly biased toward the Northern hemisphere. But agreed that swamps/jungles are boring. Snowy also tends to be overdone. But I suppose there has to be some of both of those for variety's sake. Didn't vote in the poll because I didn't like how you divided things up.
  10. I think we should keep this game safe for my imaginary 12 year-old daughter, who happens to be quite averse to gore, and understandably so.
  11. Because the poll maker was only interested in responses that agree with his own ideas not in defining what people in general may think. Because the knicker-knotted commenter is only interested in polls that conform with his own ideas regarding what a poll should be, not in entertaining the notion that it may in fact be a petition.
  12. There's a potential tradeoff here between character freedom for the players and plot freedom for the developers. I'd not mind this kind of detail though if they thought they could manage it.
  13. Isn't the ultimate reward for exploration uncovering the map though, and this would prevent that from ever happening?
  14. I think the sense of achievement from exploration is gone if- as much as you do it- you're still just walking around not being able to see past 20 ft in front of you and waiting for random encounters.
  15. Honestly don't care too much about this one, personally. Check. Should be a no-brainer for this game. Yes, seasons PLEASE. Yep, that's much more intuitive.
  16. Hmmm... not sure if I like the idea of the forest closing in behind you, sounds like some kind of glorified side-scroller. And while I do like the distinction between staying on the road and venturing into the wilderness, even the roads shouldn't be perfectly safe in my opinion. So are you suggesting that the map be randomly generated in real-time, then?
  17. This is what all games should strive for. Finality and completeness are so mainstream! Rip out the final page of the script and sell it as DLC, that will be revolutionary and forever make Obsidian the Gods of Game Developers for all gamers. That's exactly what I mean! I'm glad someone understands.
  18. We should also be able to rename the main nemesis just like I could rename Gary something to do with potty humor.
  19. Pffffft. Magic users are consistently some of the highest DPS dealers, especially if you take Area of Effect and Effect over Time spells, and they generally have more pure offensive capability than warriors (which usually have to worry about defense as well as offense). Developers scared of making magic what it should be? What a joke...
  20. Ugh... mage players are the worst. "Let me lead the party, but don't make me tank to do so. After all, practical considerations shouldn't dictate party formations. Oh, but do let me be a viable tank if I want to be, with magical armor and weapons. Oh, and let there be utility mages too that can compete with rogues. And of course we still want our unrivaled AoE abilities."
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