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Everything posted by Fionavar

  1. I am hoping a prune of this thread will allow for the current discussion to continue in the respectful manner that is has thus far. Please feel free to state your opinion, but baiting, trolling and/or intentional SPAM is really rather boring ... subtle, eh? FLoSD.ObE
  2. Well though I am always impressed by the interest of the community in various aspect of Obsidian games, I think that this particular thread is a public forum's inevitable problem child So with that said, I'll close this down and hopefully using PM or private forums elsewhere might allow this particular interest to be fully explored Respectfully, Fionavar
  3. I would like to request that the humour continue, but could the use of language (and the various alternative spellings) please be more palatable to a G-rated audience Respectfully, Fionavar
  4. I have received a few PMs in regard to this thread. I must admit that a majority of the posts in this discussions are great and well indicate - to me at least - a deep passion from the fans of this franchise - thank you! I am reluctant to close this as the recent additions have been a continuation of the articulate manner in which a majority of this discussion has evolved. With that in mind, I hope this insertion will remind people to post constructively. If, however, the thread continues to degrade, I will have to close this discussion. Thanks for you passion! respectfully, Fionavar
  5. I would like to thank everyone for a most interesting and often well-articulated discussion. It is evident that there is much to debate, but in general I have seen people willing to adjust their perspectives. As well, there is a certain amount of entrenching occurring in some of the arguments and I think that it is best to thank all for their contributions and close this thread down. I would like to add, finally, that in general the discussion of this topic has been handled in a rather productive manner. Thank you. Respectfully, Fionavar
  6. Well thanks to all who have contributed to this discussion, but I think it's time to put this one out to pasture ...
  7. Thread has been pruned. I would request that the derisive posting behaviour end now or the Big Green might have to get up and do some policing ... FLoSD.ObE
  8. As this thread seems to be a general discussion about Obsidian, rather than KoToR specific, I believe it is more appropriate in Obsidian Suggestions. Respectfully, Fionavar
  9. I am going to send everyone to their respective corners and close this thread down. Please be advised that should the flaming/baiting continue, I will have to issue warnings and perhaps place members into moderated status.
  10. Please feel free to report anything of concern directly to any of the mod team: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?ac...ts&CODE=leaders BTW Aryanne great avatar! That's one of my favourite images.
  11. Well and with that ever so productive post, we'll assign this thread to the history books of threads that got DERAILED FLoSD.ObE
  12. Well Dranoel. I will operate on the assumption that this is a sincere suggestion and is not interlaced with any sarasm. Rather then let the intent of these suggestions get side tracked with eventual SPAM, I will just close this thread to ensure it remains true to the sentiment of offering authentic insight FLoSD.ObE
  13. Undying and System Shock 2 are two of the best atmospheric games I have ever played! Deus Ex is probably second on the list.
  14. Though this topic could remain in Storyline, I think that it is better suited to Spoilers for the sake of not distracting those who may not have arrived at this point in the storyline. Respectfully, Fionavar
  15. Ok I am going to try this ONE more time. Please do not flame or respond to previous baiting. If that is to occur, I will issue an official warning and place the member on one week of moderated posting. The choice is yours. Respectfully, Fionavar
  16. Just a wee bit of a reminder, please feel free to add constructive criticism and feedback, but please refrain from the temptation of the DarkSide to flame one another ... policing for the Big Green can be rather taxing FLoSD.ObE
  17. Thread has been pruned. I am not certain of the longevity of this thread, but could we try to post with the knowledge that there are younger members in our community? Respectfully, Fionavar
  18. Ok Shadowstrider - I have unstuck the original thread - as I said in thread there, if something new develops, just let us know. Thanks again for your enthusiasm! Fionavar Original thread: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=271
  19. Unstuck as per Shadowstrider's suggestion. If the list gets updated, just let the mod squad know and we'll pin it again. Thanks to Shadowstrider for the great resource that I am certain has been of use to others for a while now. Fionavar Note: For the sake of ease, I am closing this thread. If someone decided they want to work on a new list and want the bbcode from the original post in the thread - and it is ok with Shadowstrider - just let any of the mods know
  20. Just a comment that the tension I am detecting would be of much use elsewhere, rather than in thread. Try PM if you have something less than constructive to post.
  21. I'd rather that you did not ... your post could be interpreted as intentionally trying to 'stir the pot' so to speak ... and I am sure that's not what you meant to do
  22. It is probably easier just to visit the announcement: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=28826. Respectfully, Fionavar
  23. What have sales of Bloodline been like? I hope this is not the case as talented houses like Troika only serve to increase the quality of games and challenge the envelope.
  24. NWN (All 3 - plus Premium Mods) Civ 3 (Conquest)
  25. Thread Pruned: Ok the Big Green is feeling a wee bit ornery ... let's please refrain from posting the initial thought that hits the keyboard. Take a walk around the room and then come back and try to articulate your thoughts ... if that proves difficult blog the it, don't post it here ... hopefully that is clear enough, if not I guess it's time to put on the authoritarian-mod hat FLoSD.ObE
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