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Everything posted by Fionavar

  1. http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=30955 Please feel free to add your contributions to the existing thread. I know that this may seem to limit creativity, but for the sake of keeping all if the input central so everyone can share with the interest, I's encourage this route for the time being.
  2. Well that quickly became an unconstructive discussion. I may regret this later, but let's try to post w/o circumventing the filter and try to remain civil.
  3. Well I am sure my PM will fill up after this censure of evil, but I'm pretty certain whether a member here or a person in r/l, Obsidian does not want to be aplace where people can be potentially vilified. So thanks for the interest, but we'll send this to the sandbox now FLoSD.OBE
  4. Well that was either frightening or unusually interesting ... but let's not deny the fact that we'll be sending this one to the bottom of the sandbox now ...
  5. Something witty ... well ... 'tis better to have SPAMMED than to not have SPAMMED at all? Doh! That's the troll in me ... 'it's closing time' FLoSD.OBE
  6. Please See: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=32173 I have decided to clean up the sticky area somewhat so please feel free to access the links there as well. I will keep this thread open for any feedback that might assist PersianImmortal develop the great resource he has shared! Respectfully, Fionavar
  7. Please See: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=32173
  8. Official Troubleshooting Guide Unofficial GameFaqs TweakGuides.com: KoToR II
  9. Thanks PersianImmortal - I am certain this will be a great asset! I am also going to stick this unless admin feels it should not be and/or you choose otherwise. Respectfully, Fionavar
  10. Well that was an unfortunate foray ... thanks for playing, but we'll let this sink now. FLoSD.OBE
  11. Well I suspect that this thread is likely headed toward the sandbox ...
  12. Well it seems that I might have been a little quick in responding to this thread, so I apologise to LasyCrimson and hopefully the thread will prove to be of interest.
  13. Well I would say that is just about enough fun in the sandbox for one day! Perhaps if some of us cannot post in a constructuve manner, we should take a timeout? Otherwise, I'm sure that something more directive form my quarter can be arranged?
  14. Well thank you to everyone with their input and interest. Hopefully the forthcoming patch will addres some of these concerns and those that are not I am sure will spawn many more threads
  15. Please see: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=32125
  16. Well it seems that translation now = closed FLoSD.OBE
  17. Well as usual passion seems to have moved the thread beyohnd the confines of the original intent of this thread. thank you for your contribution ... but it's time folks ... FLoSD.OBE
  18. Well rather than see this deteriorate, I'll thank Darth Abomination for taking the time to share his/her feelings. I do not know if the forthcoming patch will alleviate your evident frustration, but I hope you will afford yourself some calm by trying it, if for no other reason than to enjoy the game somewhat more fully. Respectfully, Fionavar
  19. Storyline seems an appropriate place as it is covers the franchise in general and this thread touches on the franchise ...
  20. Indeed - please feel free to discuss the topic at hand and avoid flaming/baiting/unconstructive posting ... makes more work for me - don't ya know FLoSD.OBE
  21. Due to the request of the membership, I have tried to prune this thread in order that people might continue to enjoy the sharing intent of this thread. Respectfully, Fionavar
  22. I really am appreciative of the interest in this topic. I feel that it has run its course for the time being, so I will request that some time be afforded that might allow for new material to be added to the fora without revitalising ones that have become a place in which less than constructive posting has begun. Respectfully, Fionavar PS If there are particula problems with this decision, I am more than happy to discuss the matter more thoroughly through the proper channel: PM
  23. Well rather than allowing this thread to digress into an argument, I think it is best for a timeout in regard to this thread.
  24. Well all threads must be derailed .. and it seems we have arrived at that destination.
  25. I am hoping that posing my big green head will keep the trolls at bay - if not ... well we'll wait and see ... FloSD.OBE
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