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Everything posted by Fionavar

  1. I think that rather than try to steer this one back on course - thanks nonetheless Baley - we'll leave this one to the Annals of the Sandbox ... FLoSD.OBE
  2. Well I think we have wandered and it is time to clean up the sandbox.
  3. Haha (w00t) (w00t) what is that brail?! Looks like morse code ... but as to what it says your guess is as good as mine... btw Fionavar care to translate that binary string don't feel like going through all that with a ascii table It's something about Happy Birthday and not to feed the trolls too
  4. 01001000011000010111000001110000011110010100001001101001011100100111010001101000 11001000110000101111001010001100110010101100001011100100110011101110101011100110 10000101000100011011110110111000100111011101000110110101101001011011100110010001 10100011010000110010101110100011100100110111101101100011011000111001100101110001 11100010111001110111011001010110110001110101011101100111100101100001001110100100 100 010001100100110001101111010100110100010000101110010011110100001001000101
  5. I have reviewed the thread and though the person who chose to post in manner that was not only juvenile, it also seems to me to be misogynist, has had to face the consequences. I would like to add that those who seem to have 'taken the ball and run
  6. Well that was rather disappointing ... though I have arrived a little after the fact, let's say we'll try to ensure it does not happen again.
  7. Well I think that we have hit the wall with this thread. Let's take a moment away from the sandbox, hug our loved ones, watch some tv and start again tomorrow ...
  8. http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=33276 Thanks for the enthusiasm - please direct your input here
  9. Thanks again Baley ...
  10. Thanks Baley!
  11. Well it seems that SPAM has entered the sandbox ... so we'll thank everyone for their enthusiasm and sweep up the mess ... FLoSD.OBE
  12. http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?sh...view=getnewpost I would encourage all ideas/suggestions about a potential KoToR 3 be added here.
  13. http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=33066 Please feel free to add any ideas/suggestion to the existing thread. I know that there is a lot of interest in a potential KoToR 3 and rather than clog the board with a multitude of threads, I feel keeping it centralised so the devs/admin can access one ongoing discussion is more effectivew in this regard. Respectfully, Fionavar
  14. Feel free to add to the ongoing discussion: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=33066
  15. I have closed the older thread and added a link to it in the initial post for this thread.
  16. Well as we have migrated to a best of thread ... we'll close this one down and a link in the new one :D
  17. Well it seems we have crossed the line folks ... time to close down the sandbox.
  18. Thread Pruned: Due to the hostile nature that has found its way into this thread, it is now closed.
  19. In regard to the topic at hand, perhaps we could try to focus on the intent of the thread. Criticism is most welcome - as long as it is constructive of course - but perhaps another thread might be started if that is what people would like to discuss. Rather than prune this thread, I hope that members will return on their own to the topic at hand.
  20. Just a quick 'play nice' admonition from the Big Green ...
  21. Just a quick reminder: LEt's discuss the topic and not bait/flame/attack the members
  22. http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=30955 Rather than assume derailment is inevitable ... let's try to add constructive ideas here :D
  23. The Big Green smells SPAM ... FLoSD.OBE
  24. Thread Pruned and Closed. I would stronly urge all members to consider very catefully the manner in which they choose to post, as there are indeed consequences for poor choices. Fionavar
  25. http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?sh...view=getnewpost I hope that some of the ideas here might find there way into the ongoing Ideas & Suggestion thread.
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