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Everything posted by Fionavar

  1. Well before this warranted suggestions gets lost in the ensuing melee ... if there are duplicate threads and a mod/admin has not seen it, please PM one of us directly or 'report' it
  2. Thread pruned and relocated.
  3. Well I think that at this time this particular thread has run its course for the time being. I thank everyone for their interest and desire to share their impressions thus far. Respectfully, Fionavar
  4. Well that was an enjoyable foray into the sandbox. FLoSD.OBE
  5. Thanks you for that Saint, it is appreciated!
  6. I sense SPAM and perhaps some other things that warrant a closure Thanks for the lego ... fun! FLoSD.OBE
  7. Hey Thanks for the redirect
  8. Well I think that we have arrived at the end of a 'fun' thread and arrived at derailment. Good luck kumquat
  9. I suspect that admin will be hesitant to implement at this time such an addition. BIS used to have Ye Olde and that was quite the barrel of fish At the moment political debates and discussions are being permitted as a privilege and not a right per se on the boards. As long as they maintain a level of decorum and respect, I believe that such discussions will continue to be permitted. Regardless, it is my impression that they are ultimately seen as a 'privilege' and that their permissibility completely depends on the manner in which they are contributed to by those who take part in the discussions.
  10. Could we try not to bait one another? Discuss the topic - not the person ... heard? FLoSD.OBE
  11. Well though I can acknowledge the creative inspiration herien, I think we'll let the SPAM rest nonetheless
  12. Well it seems that this too must end ...
  13. Well let's compromise - I'll close this down and you send me and Phosphor your petition
  14. I am getting the impression this thread may have finally come to a constructive end ... is this the case?
  15. Well the question has been answered and the SPAM has begun ... so ... it's "closing time" ... FLoSD.OBE
  16. Actually both Fallout and Fallout II remain available within the retail chain (i.e. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detai...games&n=507846). Though I am unsure as to whom the proceeds go (perhaps Vivendi?), it remains available and thus a product that must be purchased, in order to be legally acquired.
  17. thank you for taking the time to share you frustration. The p[atch is currently being worked on and hopefully it will resolve some of the issues that you are currently experiencing. Respectfully, Fionavar
  18. Are you sure? I just tried a test post and it seems fine to me. I will try the thread you are speaking about in particular. Update: I have now tried it on two redirects and the thread is promoted. Could you try a test post of your own and confirm you can replicate the problem?
  19. Though I can appreciate that you might find it difficult to find a hard copy of a game, Obsidian does not in ANY WAY condone piracy. I truly hope that you can find a legitimate copy of this title, but know that what you are doing is not only illegal, in the end it hurts every player here. By choosing not to find a legitimate manner in which to acquire a title, distribution chains remain not only non-existent, the rationale to grab another title quickly goes from rationalisation to intentional theft. Finally, the cost is eventually incurred by players and companies alike. I apologise if this is coming across as judgemental and/or preachy, but the simple matter is that none of us would have the privelege or luxury to game if we simply found a download site to acquire that hard to get title. /Rant Respectfully, Fionavar Note: I was intending to close this thread, but it occured to me that there might in fact be a manner in which FoD might acquire a legal means of d/ling the title in question. Though GameSpy D2U does not have it available - I checked - perhaps some of the members here might actually be able to assist. My rant stands, but perhaps it should be in general, as reading FoD's original post, it is not certain that you meant to illicit assistance in illegally obtaining Fallout. My apologies for my 'assumption' ... Fionavar
  20. Um ... could we try to stay somewhat on topic in regard to the thread. We would not want to think SPAM was occuring after all FLoSD.ObE
  21. In general this thread has maintained a decorum of respect that has led to an enjoyable discussion. I have pruned two questionable posts and I will remind anyone who posts after this, that if they cannot refrain from responding in the negative through flaming/baiting I will issue an Official Warning and place that member into moderated posting status for a week. Respectfully, Fionavar
  22. You know I do not know whether to be afraid or slightly enamoured by the oddness of WoT ... to balance Phosphor, I'll throw in with kumquat ... I mean it's a no brainer at this point ... FLoSD.ObE
  23. Ok all, let's try to play nice and not avoid the Forum Guidelines by insulting one another. We definitely would not want such a deep and challenging discussion to be locked because of disparaging personal slights. FLoSD.ObE
  24. WOW! I'm not sure if derailed or alternate reality has occurred in this thread, but I think it is fair to say we have moved on! Rather than have the current discussion degenerate, I think I would request that questions of board moderation/style be taken to PM as per the guidelines. It is evident that everyone cares about the community here at Obsidian and I would not want anyone to take that concern and move beyond civility. Regardless of interpretation, the board is still here and I hope that ALL will take this as an opportunity with which to move forward and post in a respectful and constructive manner. Respectfully, Fionavar
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