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Everything posted by Fionavar

  1. I'm assuming that we will in fact not have a flamewar ... Well I would not recommend one, fwiiw
  2. Well ... I guess all I can do is thank you all for you kind words. We are trying to find that balance between the necessity of moderating and the reality of ensuring that professional interests are met. I cannot speak for others, but I can say - personally - thank you!!
  3. I do not think that this is possible at the moment, but hopefully admin might see if this is something that might work, as I imagine it would be very helpful for people on a slower connexion. OBE = Obsidian Entertainment
  4. Seems to be a Mozilla issue ... hopefully admin can get under the hood for a peak ... Thanks Daan for raising this issue!
  5. You could also check the k-Lite Mega Codecs in the Utilities Section of the Tech Files over @ the Lair. The K-Lite set offers just about every codec and player you'll ever need.
  6. I am sorry that you feel this way. We have currently increased the moderating personell. As well, I would encourage you to let mods/admin know when there is something that you feel is in fact inappropriate. Your input is appreciated and hopefully with your involvement we may be able to address some of your concerns. respectfully, Fionavar
  7. I have moved this thread as I believe it is of more benefit here. Furthermore, I hope that in the spirit of Nissa_Red, all will continue to add constructive and productive posts - be they criticisms or affirmations - that will hopefully allow the Obsidian fora to excel in the community it aspires to foster. respectfully, Fionavar
  8. I will have to sleep on this interpretation as Nimoy and his wee pointed Vulcan like singers are haunting me respectfully, Fionavar FLoSD.ObE
  9. I am still trying to determine if this is SPAM, but for now know that you have permanently scarred my partner ;)
  10. Thanks for the idea, I am not sure what admin is considering in this regard, but I hope this will be noted. NOTE: Thread has been pruned. I would request that members post in a respectful manner as is well outlined in the Forum Guidelines. If this proves difficult, I am sure that there are alternatives to enjoying the freedom of posting without policing ... FLoSD.ObE
  11. Welcome Kahome! Enjoy the parlor and avoid the stools ... some of the denizens are a wee bit unstable
  12. I know this is going to be hard, but let's try this ... play nice, take the insults elsewhere or people will have their posting priveleges moderated. Simple math ... nothing nice or constructive to say, don't post ... FLoSD.ObE
  13. What browser are you using 'JN?
  14. The multiple threads begun by the poster have been merged into one. Thanks for the enthusiasm
  15. Harsh Realm ... this I thought was going to be a brilliant show ... turns out it never really had a shot :?
  16. WB to da cwazy hoWse Darius
  17. Could we please try to post w/o circumventing the language filter ... articulate w/o reverting to profanity ... please FLoSD.ObE
  18. From my understanding we have not even technically maxed out AGP 4x ... as taks has said I think this is more on account of overall access speed than limitations of the AGP architecture ... I know that AGP 8x still has nothing that is using its full potential and likely will not with the migration to PCIE ... The other thing about PCIE and the next gen cards is the PSU reqs ... imo cynical moments I think this is all more due to selling hardware and rationalising the need than an actual one ... but then hey I'm always weary when the suits say it's better for me
  19. The irony is that AGP 8x from what I have seen (xBit in particular) has demonstrated that PCIE has not outperformed with current gen cards :?
  20. It has been my experience that though ASUS makes great components, their support is less than stellar. They only respond to needed changes when enough pressure is brought to bear. Gigabyte and ABIT have seemed to have the overall needed balance imo fwiiw NewEgg for sure in the US no question ... an alternative to compare with could be ZipZoomFly (originally GoogleGear).
  21. Moved at the request of the thread's originator.
  22. Before removing this particular thread, perhaps a reminder to stay on topic, not SPAM and avoid posting in a personal manner might be in order? Time will tell ... FLoSD.ObE
  23. But I did ... SPAM Closure in progress FLoSD.ObE
  24. Definitiely check the voltage and definitely see if you can get a second gpu to test the AGP slot itself. If you cannot test with a second gpu - then see if a friend will let you test your video card on his/her rig. Go from there depending on the outcome.
  25. Salutations indeed!
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