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Everything posted by Fionavar

  1. Undying and System Shock 2 are two of the best atmospheric games I have ever played! Deus Ex is probably second on the list.
  2. Though this topic could remain in Storyline, I think that it is better suited to Spoilers for the sake of not distracting those who may not have arrived at this point in the storyline. Respectfully, Fionavar
  3. Ok I am going to try this ONE more time. Please do not flame or respond to previous baiting. If that is to occur, I will issue an official warning and place the member on one week of moderated posting. The choice is yours. Respectfully, Fionavar
  4. Just a wee bit of a reminder, please feel free to add constructive criticism and feedback, but please refrain from the temptation of the DarkSide to flame one another ... policing for the Big Green can be rather taxing FLoSD.ObE
  5. Thread has been pruned. I am not certain of the longevity of this thread, but could we try to post with the knowledge that there are younger members in our community? Respectfully, Fionavar
  6. Ok Shadowstrider - I have unstuck the original thread - as I said in thread there, if something new develops, just let us know. Thanks again for your enthusiasm! Fionavar Original thread: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=271
  7. Unstuck as per Shadowstrider's suggestion. If the list gets updated, just let the mod squad know and we'll pin it again. Thanks to Shadowstrider for the great resource that I am certain has been of use to others for a while now. Fionavar Note: For the sake of ease, I am closing this thread. If someone decided they want to work on a new list and want the bbcode from the original post in the thread - and it is ok with Shadowstrider - just let any of the mods know
  8. Just a comment that the tension I am detecting would be of much use elsewhere, rather than in thread. Try PM if you have something less than constructive to post.
  9. I'd rather that you did not ... your post could be interpreted as intentionally trying to 'stir the pot' so to speak ... and I am sure that's not what you meant to do
  10. It is probably easier just to visit the announcement: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=28826. Respectfully, Fionavar
  11. What have sales of Bloodline been like? I hope this is not the case as talented houses like Troika only serve to increase the quality of games and challenge the envelope.
  12. NWN (All 3 - plus Premium Mods) Civ 3 (Conquest)
  13. Thread Pruned: Ok the Big Green is feeling a wee bit ornery ... let's please refrain from posting the initial thought that hits the keyboard. Take a walk around the room and then come back and try to articulate your thoughts ... if that proves difficult blog the it, don't post it here ... hopefully that is clear enough, if not I guess it's time to put on the authoritarian-mod hat FLoSD.ObE
  14. I really have no information to add to the present discussion other than to address Memengwa's concern about whether or not your presence is valued. I have to say personally that I have not stuck with BIS-Obsidian this long as a volunteer mod other than that I do care. I won't sweeten the sentement - after all Obsidian is a company that is obviously 'for-profit', but it has always seemed to me that it is concerned with community building and respect of its customers (aka members) ... things aren't perfect, but it is a company that does value members Memengwa - if it didn't many of us would not be here fwiiw >_
  15. Could we try to discuss the topic at hand without reverting to the sandbox? The sandbox is so boring and eventually the teacher has to separate everyone ... FLoSD.ObE
  16. Though I cannot argue with the logic of this thread and its intent, I must add the proviso that I would request that ALL posts remain constructive. Please articulate all thoughts without reference or divergence into posting behaviour that would limit a productive discussion. In other words ... if you cannot say what you want without profanity and respect, don't post so I don't have to issue warnings and shut stuff down FLoSD.ObE
  17. I'm thinkning we're on the SPAM threshold here ... so we'll direct the productive part of the poll to one that is similar and constructive - http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=28616 - and we'll just quietly close down the bored SPAM part. FLoSD.ObE
  18. Thread Pruned. Please refrain from posting in an unconstructive manner.
  19. Thanks Revan368, I'll just close this opne down and hopefully people will add to your discussion in the ongoing thread. Fionavar
  20. I would you refer you to the current discussion in this regard: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=28176. Fionavar
  21. Thread Pruned: Please be advised that posting in a manner - even in what may be thought is only 'jest' - that is disrespectful and unconstructive is unappreciated and unnecessary. Since the poster's query has been addressed - this thread is now closed. Fionavar
  22. Thread Pruned - let's try to stick to the topic, rather than playing 'he aaid she said' flame-fest ... well you know what I mean!
  23. Thread Pruned. Please try to remain civil with one another. If this proves too difficult, I am certain I will have an alternative that no one will like ... subtle, eh? FLoSD.ObE
  24. The last few posts in this thread have been removed. I will only say this once - personal insults/flames/baiting will not be tolerated. If one cannot abide by these simple rules of decorum, warnigns will fly and members will have all of their posts moderated before posting.
  25. Thread Pruned. We'll try this one more time. Please try to play nicely in the sandbox, as it really is a bore to have to issue warnings and such. Master Jedi chose to share something, so try to be respectful.
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