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Everything posted by Fionavar

  1. You are most welcome - I assume it is what I would want, so it's only fair to do so
  2. I have been informed that there was material in that thread that was not intended for public consumption. I do not know if this is in fact true, I have therefore removed the thread while admin reviews the matter. I hope to replace the thread after admin has informed of what I should do. I apologise for the inconvenience.
  3. Currently the rules stand with a commons sense approach to signatures. Likely if it is taken for granted and abused, there will be a review of the rule. I agree that it could be a problem, but at the moment at least it seems gecklings are behaving
  4. I cannot believe I am doing this ... but could we try to stay on topic ... heaven forbid should this one get closed for being derailed FLoSD.ObE L = League of
  5. Well that was fun .. not an image I really wanted Ronald Well it seems that this topic has run its course. I think it will be interesting if Obsidian decides to have an IRC channel, but for now we all await Project X Thanks for the great idea JohnPnP!
  6. Moved to Project X Forum.
  7. I would request that the discussion at hand not devolve into name calling and petty bickering. I believe that JJ86 is sincere in his attempt to invite discussion in this regard. Though perhaps somewhat grated by the challenges herein, I do not think he means to condescend. I would request that if you are interested in discussing the topic then please do so. If, however, you are not interested or do not wish to contribute anything constructive, then please do not do so, as I will have to get all evil like and that is no fun. So please play nice, don't bait, don't bicker ... it is in fact an interesting area and I thank JJ86 for taking the time to share the links he has. Addendum: At the request of the author of this thread and after attempting to alleviate this issue in a mature fashion, it seems that this thread has had to be pruned. I suggest contributing from this point forward ONLY if the intention is to be constructive.
  8. Fionavar

    Horror Films

  9. Fionavar

    Horror Films

    Rogers ... I have a gas station that rents DVDs ... though they did bring in Brotherhood of the Wolf ... which was a most pleasant surprise
  10. I would not be surprised if someone moves to do exactly that ... a SIM that trys to matchmake in an artificial (sci-fi/fantasy ...) genre. Man just read Otherland ... good article - thanks!
  11. Fionavar

    Horror Films

    Phosphor, At least you can try to rent it ... living in a rather rural area limits you to the mainstream :? Anyone use NetFlix to rent btw ... it is an option I am thinking of to get my hands on less "Hollywood" fair ...
  12. I believe this falls under the umbrella of Suggestions. As for the need for clarification, I think that admin will have to make that determination, if they feel this is a valid concern. FWIIW, all warnings are in fact reviewed by admin/Seraphim, in the hopes that there is a fail safe for the community. The system that is in place utilises an automatic forward to admin. Note: This has been moved with the intent that it will in fact get proper attention w/o the inherent derailing that can occur in WoT.
  13. By showing up. Perhaps we could take the ... issues to PM ... or I'll have to get out my evil and poor mod pad and start feeding the conspiracy theories ... Subtle - eh? FLoSD.ObE
  14. Not a bad idea Mark - I am sure admin will get to this, but for now at least there is a link in the news section, fwiiw
  15. Indeed Happy Birthday!
  16. Well that was unfortunate. I thank you for the intent of the post JohnPnP.
  17. I for one could not agree more - it would be great to have JU around again. But life moves in its own way, independent of our wishes and plans Ah well ... oh yeah the point has been made and the track of this thread has been derailed ... thanks Sargy for bringing this up!
  18. Fionavar

    Horror Films

    Oh yeah now I remember - not a bad film, but still more action oriented when compared to The Order fwiiw ...
  19. Fionavar

    Horror Films

    I think why the Order got slammed was that peeps expected scary and got heady instead. There is a lot of theological tendencies in the movie and references which are somewhat obscure. I think this makes it somewhat inaccessible - but then so is Ninth Gate, but peeps knew that since it was Depp I would say give it a try ... Stigmata I saw, but for the life of me cannot remember it well enough to compare ...
  20. Fionavar


    Let's meet and greet with some care for one another ... k?
  21. Fionavar

    Horror Films

    I just watched The Order (The Sin Eater over the Pond). I enjoyed this - though not really frightening. I would, however, liked to have seen the scenes that they used in the trailer - but did not even include in the deleted scenes of the DVD! I liked this one - it was similar to the Ninth Gate - which I also enjoyed
  22. You are most welcome.
  23. Well that is a valid question and in fact I would say that this thread itself is heading that way. But from past experience, Sargy does in fact have a track record with this kind of thread as actually contributing something worthwhile to WoT - the question is whether those responding will post anything of worth.
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