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Everything posted by Sedrefilos

  1. Holy Avengers are for super high fantasy childish settings. Don't like 'em
  2. How does that negate the fact that making a profit is not bad? Never said that. Making money is necessary. But profit must be reasonable. And charging a game that is just a digital download the same ammount of money with a game that is a physical copy (dvd, box, manuals etc) makes no sense. It's overpriced. We're talking about the industry in general now, not for PoE in particular, since we cannot know it's price yet (although, judging from the 35$ backing tier to get one copy, I believe this will be the initial price).
  3. Yes, those pesky concerns like rent and food. Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't the devs gets payed during the creation of the game from the games budget and after release they take part in other games creation and get payed from that's game budget? And if they not working on other games their contract expires, I think one of the CEO's of Obsidian stated that on this forum. So their rent and food during the creation process is covered right now. And all that means that any cash from sales goes into company's income and will not necessary go for devs rent and food. Sharp. I refuse to believe that you don't know what I was getting at, which was you implying that making money is somehow inherently bad. Or rather, more than the mythical Just Enough. Thing is, since the game is just a digital download and they don't have to pay for manuals, boxes, shipment etc, the game should have a relativly low price, compared to shipped products. We usually (always?) see that: a game has the same high price either you download it or purchase it from a retail store. Makes no sense.
  4. Great. Just after my vacations! Not that I'll be playing it, but I'll watch the let's play videos I assume people will upload on youtube (since Obsidian won't show us their demo )
  5. I don't see why one game HAS to be better than the other. They are 2 different things. Apart from the isometric view, there is nothing alse in common between them. One may enjoy both games equally for what they are. I don't get the fanboysm "PoE will kick DOS's ass / PoE must try super hard to be as good as DOS" wtf? Who cares, we got 1 great (at my oppinion) or at least good rpg (that is DOS) and we are waiting for another one at the ned of the year that also looks it's gona be great (not to mention Wasteland 2 inbetween - a different beast). This is the freaking best year for pcrpgs since a loooong time. Let's play those games and enjoy (or not) them. No need to act like children and fanboys/fangirls or whatever.
  6. Great stuff. German articles are always much better; into the point and more detailed than the english ones. Now about time we see this demo ourselves, huh?
  7. I know the developers have stated that the game won't be fully voiced-over because of the budget, but it will have voice in some parts, mostly when a major character initiates dialogue or something similar, like the old IE games did. Of course this is reasonable and anyone can understand it. Now; I started playing Divinity: Original Sin, another game I've backed (I believe most of you know about this game), a game with much lower budget and I have to say I loved what they've done with the voice-over. There is no voice in any dialogue, but every other NPC talking is voiced, and voiced well. This way the game feels so much more alive. You hear the people talking to each other at the market or the harbour, or the enemies saying things before they attack you and nice stuff like that. I think it is a great idea Obsidian can borrow and add it on top of the partial dialogue voice.
  8. I hope they put some more companions in there and say nothing of it. I prepefer not to know who I'm gonna meet and take with me in my adventure beforehand. Surprise and stuff. 'Cause now I know when I meet Eder for example, that he's gonna be a companion. And I know that at some point in my adventure I'm gonna meet a rogue guy named Eder and he's gonna come with me. Surprise... unknown... stuff like these are cool
  9. Pros: - Interesting mechanics - Great aesthetics - Obsidian rpg without publisher pressure/overseering - Nice old-school style with modern feel/touch - It's huge Cons: - Haven't seen actual ingame footage so I don't know if any of the above might stand true! - Haven't played the game yet so I don't know if any of the above stand true - Haven't played the game yet - Haven't played the game yet - Haven't played the game yet
  10. Mannock: "Because there would be a vocal minroity crapping all over the video. Which would be a shame." I was asking BAdler, btw
  11. Why don't you just show us what you showed to them and then we'll make our own great articles and oppinions.
  12. I'd say... 150000 npcs at least per big city. It'll be more realistic this way.
  13. Aaahhh... how I envy those who can replay rpgs... Unfortynately, try as I may, I can never replay a good rpg. Like an rpg with good roleplay. Like New Vegas for exaple. The reason about this is because,during my second playthrough, I end up doing the same things I did the first time, so I just give up. If a game has so good roleplay that I can behave like I would in real life, I just can't make any other dicision. I can't play the "evil" guy for example. So, since I know how things gonna end up... I see no point in continue playing. Different loot won't change my mind. Because the primary purpose of the game is to have a good role play. These are the best gmes for me. In games like Diablo, on the other hand, where there is no, or very little role play and the game is 95% focused on playstyle and loot, I find it more easy to replay. Same thing goes for Bethesda games as well. They have role play, but it's very basic and you can't see NPCs as real people, more like things that are there to smash your weapons on, so replay happens more often there too.
  14. I don't care much about the trivia arguements the OP is referring to, but I DO care when kickstarted projects show stuff exclusively to the press and not to, or way before to the backers. And, sadly, Obsidian did this with PoE too.
  15. I guess it'll innovate in terms of role playing at least.
  16. What kind of question is this? We ALL hope so, I guess. Why would you want to be worst? But how could we know right now so to answer this?
  17. What I like most with Obsidian is that they are evolving the rpgs in the roleplay part. Not many teams do that. They showed it with FA:NV and now they're taking it even further. Super great stuff!
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